The Most Successful Design for an Egg Drop Challenge, Ranked

Choose the design you think is the most successful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 26, 2024 06:57
When students and enthusiasts take on the egg drop challenge, they innovate numerous unique solutions aimed at protecting a fragile egg from a high fall. These designs vary widely, from simple cushioning with straws and tape to complex apparatus involving parachutes and suspension systems. However, without a clear way to compare these creative endeavors, it's hard to know which designs perform the best under real-world conditions. This live ranking collates user votes to identify and celebrate the most effective egg drop designs. By casting a vote, users contribute to a broader understanding of what works best, promoting a spirit of learning and competition. The rankings update in real time, reflecting new insights and preferences as more people participate and share their experiences.

What Is the Most Successful Design for an Egg Drop Challenge?

  1. 1
    A parachute design is the most successful design for an egg drop challenge as it slows down the rate of descent and reduces the impact of the egg. The parachute design involves attaching a small parachute to the egg container.
    The parachute design for an egg drop challenge involves attaching a parachute to the egg container, which helps to slow down the fall and reduce the impact on the egg upon landing. The parachute is typically made of light, yet sturdy material like nylon or polyester, and it creates air resistance that slows down the descent of the egg. This design is inspired by real parachutes used in skydiving and other aerial activities.
    • Parachute Material: Nylon or polyester
    • Size: Appropriate size to effectively slow the descent
    • Attachment: Securely attached to the egg container
    • Shape: Typically dome-shaped to maximize air resistance
    • Deployment Mechanism: Simple mechanism to easily deploy the parachute
  2. 2
    A balloon design is another successful design for an egg drop challenge as it uses air resistance to slow down the fall. The balloon design involves attaching a balloon to the egg container.
    The balloon design for an egg drop challenge involves using a balloon as a cushion to protect the egg from impact. The egg is placed inside a small container, which is then attached to a helium-filled balloon. The balloon provides a soft landing by slowing down the descent and absorbing the force of the impact.
    • Material: Latex balloon
    • Size: Average balloon size
    • Container: Small and sturdy container
    • Attachment: Securely attached to the balloon
    • Balloon filling: Helium gas
  3. 3
    A bubble wrap design is effective as it absorbs the shock of the impact. The bubble wrap design involves wrapping the egg container in bubble wrap.
    The Bubble wrap design for an egg drop challenge involves creating a protective enclosure using multiple layers of bubble wrap to cushion the impact and absorb any shocks or vibrations. The bubble wrap acts as a shock absorber and prevents the egg from breaking upon impact. This design is highly effective in ensuring the safety of the egg during the drop.
    • Material: Bubble wrap
    • Layers: Multiple layers of bubble wrap
    • Cushioning: Provides excellent cushioning and shock absorption
    • Weight: Lightweight design
    • Flexibility: Flexible and adaptable to different shapes and sizes of eggs
  4. 4
    A Styrofoam design is effective as it provides a cushioning effect. The Styrofoam design involves using Styrofoam to make the egg container.
    The Styrofoam design for an egg drop challenge involves constructing a protective casing for an egg using Styrofoam materials. The casing is designed to absorb the impact and distribute the force evenly, ensuring that the egg remains unharmed when dropped from a height. The Styrofoam design is known for its lightweight, shock-absorbent properties, making it a popular choice for this challenge.
    • Material: Styrofoam
    • Weight: Lightweight
    • Shock absorption: High
    • Egg protection: Effective
    • Durability: Moderate
  5. 5
    A straw design is effective as it absorbs the shock of the impact. The straw design involves using straws to create a cage around the egg container.
    The Straw design for an egg drop challenge is a protective structure made primarily from drinking straws. It is designed to cushion and absorb the impact when the egg is dropped from a certain height.
    • Overall construction: Made mainly from drinking straws, tape, and some padding material.
    • Exterior: Smooth surface with no sharp edges.
    • Padding material: Soft materials like cotton balls or foam are used to provide additional cushioning.
    • Egg enclosure: The egg is typically enclosed within a small container, like a plastic cup, to prevent it from rolling or moving within the structure.
    • Straw alignment: The straws are carefully aligned and arranged to form a stable and strong structure.
  6. 6
    A cotton ball design is effective as it provides a cushioning effect. The cotton ball design involves filling the egg container with cotton balls.
    The Cotton ball design is a popular and successful approach for the egg drop challenge. It involves surrounding the egg with a layer of soft cotton balls to cushion its impact upon landing.
    • Materials: Cotton balls
    • Cushioning: Soft cotton balls
    • Protection: Prevents direct impact on the egg
    • Absorption: Absorbs shock and provides padding
    • Weight: Lightweight
  7. 7
    A balsa wood design is effective as it is lightweight and provides a cushioning effect. The balsa wood design involves using balsa wood to make the egg container.
    The Balsa wood design is a popular and successful design for an egg drop challenge. It involves creating a protective structure using balsa wood, which is lightweight and has excellent shock-absorbing properties. The idea is to build a structure that can safely cradle an egg when dropped from a height without breaking it.
    • Material: Balsa Wood
    • Weight: Lightweight
    • Shock absorption: Excellent
    • Structure: Protective
    • Durability: Moderate
  8. 8
    A paper towel design is effective as it provides a cushioning effect. The paper towel design involves wrapping the egg container in paper towels.
    The Paper towel design is a highly successful approach for the egg drop challenge. It involves using paper towels to create a protective cushion around the egg. The design aims to absorb shock and distribute the impact across the entire cushioning material, minimizing the force experienced by the egg.
    • Cushioning Material: Paper towels
    • Absorption Capability: High
    • Weight: Lightweight
    • Impact Distribution: Even
    • Ease of Assembly: High
  9. 9
    A plastic bottle design is effective as it is sturdy and provides a cushioning effect. The plastic bottle design involves using a plastic bottle to make the egg container.
    The Plastic bottle design for an egg drop challenge involves utilizing a plastic bottle to protect the egg from impact. The basic idea is to place the egg inside the bottle and add padding material, such as foam or tissue, around it to absorb the shock. The bottle is then sealed, ensuring that the egg remains secure during the drop.
    • Material: Plastic bottle
    • Padding: Foam or tissue
    • Sealing Method: Secure lid or tape
    • Weight: Lightweight
    • Durability: Resistant to cracking
  10. 10
    Cardboard design
    Evan-Amos · Public domain
    A cardboard design is effective as it is sturdy and provides a cushioning effect. The cardboard design involves using cardboard to make the egg container.
    The 'Cardboard design' is a widely acknowledged and successful approach for the egg drop challenge. It involves creating a protective housing for the egg out of cardboard.
    • Material: Cardboard
    • Structure: Enclosed box
    • Cushioning: Additional cardboard layers or padding materials
    • Shock absorption: Ensuring the egg is suspended within the structure
    • Weight: As light as possible, without compromising strength

Missing your favorite design?


Ranking factors for successful design

  1. Durability
    The design should be able to withstand the impact of hitting the ground without breaking the egg.
  2. Shock Absorption
    The design should be able to absorb shock to reduce the force of impact on the egg.
  3. Weight
    The design should be lightweight to keep the overall weight of the package as low as possible.
  4. Stability
    The design should be stable and balanced to prevent it from tumbling in the air or hitting the ground at an awkward angle.
  5. Compactness
    The design should be compact and streamlined to reduce air resistance during the fall.
  6. Material
    The design should use materials that are strong but flexible enough to absorb shock.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most successful design for an egg drop challenge. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or design is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 198 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each design once every 24 hours. The rank of each design is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


More information on most successful design for an egg drop challenge

The egg drop challenge is a popular experiment in which a raw egg is dropped from a height and the objective is to design a container that will protect the egg from breaking upon impact. This challenge is often used in school science fairs and team-building exercises. The challenge requires participants to think creatively and use their problem-solving skills to come up with an effective design. There are various designs that have been tried and tested over the years, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will explore the most successful designs for the egg drop challenge and examine what makes them effective.

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