The Most Successful Vanguard Fund, Ranked

Choose the fund you think is the most successful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:24
Investors often face the challenge of selecting from a multitude of investment options, each claiming superior benefits and returns. A methodical ranking of Vanguard funds can simplify this decision-making process, presenting a clear comparison based on community feedback and performance metrics. This not only aids in informed decision making but also highlights trends and preferences within the investment community. By participating in voting, users contribute to a dynamic and community-driven ranking system that reflects real-world preferences and experiences. This transparency allows new investors to understand which funds have been recognized by their peers for their success and reliability. Furthermore, it encourages a community-centric approach to investing, where collective insights lead the way.

What Is the Most Successful Vanguard Fund?

  1. 1

    Vanguard Dividend Growth Fund

    Focuses on companies that have the potential to grow their dividends over time, indicating financial strength and stability.
    • Category: Dividend Growth
    • Inception Date: 1992
  2. 2

    Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund

    Targets global equity exposure by investing in both U.S. and international stocks, tracking the FTSE Global All Cap Index.
    • Category: World Large Stock
    • Inception Date: 2008
  3. 3

    Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund

    Offers exposure to non-U.S. equity markets, including both developed and emerging markets.
    • Category: Foreign Large Blend
    • Inception Date: 1996
  4. 4

    Vanguard High-Yield Corporate Fund

    Invests in a variety of high-risk, high-reward corporate bonds, aiming for higher income.
    • Category: High Yield Bond
    • Inception Date: 1978
  5. 5

    Vanguard 500 Index Fund

    A mutual fund that tracks the S&P 500 index, representing 500 of the largest U.S. companies.
    • Category: Large Cap Blend
    • Inception Date: 1976
  6. 6

    Vanguard Prime Money Market Fund

    Seeks to provide current income and preserve shareholders' principal investment by investing in high-quality, short-term money market securities.
    • Category: Money Market
    • Inception Date: 1975
  7. 7

    Vanguard Health Care Fund

    Invests in stocks of companies involved in the healthcare industry, including pharmaceuticals, medical technology, and services.
    • Category: Sector Equity
    • Inception Date: 1984
  8. 8

    Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund

    Aims to provide broad exposure to U.S. investment-grade bonds, tracking the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Float Adjusted Index.
    • Category: Intermediate-Term Bond
    • Inception Date: 1986
  9. 9

    Vanguard Wellington Fund

    One of the oldest and most successful balanced funds, combining stocks and bonds for a diversified portfolio.
    • Category: Balanced Fund
    • Inception Date: 1929
  10. 10

    Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund

    Seeks to track the performance of the CRSP US Total Market Index, representing nearly 100% of the U.S. equity market.
    • Category: Large Blend
    • Inception Date: 1992

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most successful Vanguard fund. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or funds is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


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  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each funds once every 24 hours. The rank of each funds is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Successful Vanguard Fund

Vanguard has a reputation for offering successful funds. It has grown into one of the largest investment companies. Its funds attract many investors due to their performance and low costs. One fund stands out as the most successful. While we won't name it, we can explore what makes it thrive.

This fund focuses on a diverse range of investments. It spreads its holdings across many sectors. This strategy reduces risk. By not putting all its eggs in one basket, the fund can weather market changes better. Diversification is key to its success.

The fund also benefits from a passive management style. It tracks a specific market index. This approach keeps costs low. Active management requires more resources, which can eat into returns. By sticking to a passive strategy, the fund saves money and passes those savings to investors.

Low fees are another factor in the fund's success. Vanguard is known for its low expense ratios. This fund is no exception. Lower fees mean more of the returns go to investors. Over time, this can make a big difference. Compounding works in favor of investors when costs are kept low.

The fund's performance attracts both individual and institutional investors. Its steady returns appeal to those seeking growth over the long term. Many investors use it as a core holding in their portfolios. Its reliability makes it a popular choice.

Vanguard's reputation also plays a role. The company has a long history of putting investors first. It operates on a unique ownership structure. The investors own the funds, and the funds own Vanguard. This setup aligns the company's interests with those of its investors. Trust in Vanguard boosts confidence in its funds.

The fund's large size also contributes to its success. With more assets under management, it can achieve economies of scale. This further reduces costs. A larger fund can also invest in a wider range of assets, enhancing diversification.

Market conditions have been favorable for this fund. The sectors it invests in have performed well. Economic growth, technological advancements, and consumer trends have all played a part. The fund has capitalized on these trends, delivering solid returns.

The fund's simplicity is another strength. It sticks to a clear strategy. Investors know what to expect. This transparency builds trust. Simple strategies are often the most effective. They are easier to understand and manage.

The fund also benefits from regular rebalancing. This process ensures it stays aligned with its target index. Rebalancing keeps the fund's risk profile in check. It also helps capture gains from well-performing sectors while limiting exposure to underperforming ones.

In summary, the fund's success stems from a mix of factors. Diversification, passive management, low fees, and a strong reputation all play a part. Its large size and favorable market conditions have also helped. The fund's simplicity and regular rebalancing add to its appeal. Together, these elements create a winning formula. Investors continue to flock to it, making it one of Vanguard's shining stars.

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