Writing Prompt Wednesday #411

by shandy ·
Salem is actually a corrupted demon of Tzeentch.
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Sun Wukong gets replaced... by Sun Wukong.
% (4 votes)
Near the beginning of V7, having realized Ironwood was not in the best place, Qrow sends for help. Later on: Glynda arrives.
% (1 votes)
The one time Jaune "borrowed" Bumblebee.
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Business as usual in the Council of Cinders.
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Jaune discovers that his semblance is aura manipulation, not just amplification. He absorbs the energy of Penny's laser while she is hacked.
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The Atlesian Army accidentally invade their own kingdom.
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How Sun met up with the rest of his Team before they were reunited with Team CFVY in Vacuo. (After the Fall of Beacon)
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Salem finds out her youngest followers, Merc and Emerald, are dating. Here's her reaction.
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By day Jaune Arc is a simple huntsman in training and boyfriend to Ruby rose,By night he becomes the Huntsman,Fighter of crime and Rival to the fellow hero the Rose Reaper.
% (1 votes)
Glynda Goodwitch was the victim of Isekai-itits. Tell us her first day.
% (4 votes)
Oscar forces Ozpin to let Jaune air his grievances about the former headmaster.
% (0 votes)


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