What is your favourite Pursuit theme?

by a guest ·
Cornered (AA1)
% (40 votes)
Questioned (JFA)
% (13 votes)
Caught (T&T)
% (16 votes)
Cornered (T&T remix)
% (10 votes)
Overtaken (AJ)
% (52 votes)
Lying Coldly (AAI)
% (41 votes)
Wanting To Find The Truth (AAI2)
% (51 votes)
Cornered (VS remix)
% (1 votes)
Casting Magic / Spellbreaker (VS)
% (12 votes)
Keep Pressing On (DD)
% (16 votes)
The Great Turnabout (TGAA1)
% (68 votes)
Cornering Together (SoJ)
% (6 votes)
Overture to Pursuit (TGAA2)
% (15 votes)
The Resolve of Ryunosuke Naruhodo (TGAA2)
% (28 votes)


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