ErgoHack VI: CypherPunk Finance Community Vote

by See Dubya ·
Analog Ergo - Use the cryptographic primitives available in atomic swaps as a basis for creating a cross-chain peer to peer marketplace
% (42 votes)
ChainCash - Elastic P2P money creation via trust & blockchain assets
% (78 votes)
Ergo Stats - The goal of this project is to support DeFi on Ergo with providing useful information such as blockchain statistics
% (46 votes)
Ergo Tizen - Creating a new Ergo node mostly compatible with web technology in order to build light node applications that are highly portable and run on smart devices/wearables/mobile phones/etc
% (83 votes)
Explorer UI - Improving the ergo explorer experience
% (57 votes)
Lilium - Lilium is a decentralized NFT sale platform for Ergo blockchain. We aim to be an infrastructure service for any business seeking an easy way to mint and distribute tokens, integrating seamlessly within their products and applications
% (51 votes)
Lithos - create the contracts necessary to allow for collateralized mining pools which interface with the rest of the Lithos protocol
% (72 votes)
Net Notes - An Ergo node in the web brower
% (19 votes)
Perma Ergo - Perma-Ergo is a realfi project that seeks to employ Ergo blockchain technology in holistic natural systems known as: Permaculture or Agroecology
% (15 votes)
Privacy Guide - create an online module that teaches users about the importance of privacy and how to maintain a safe, private online experience.
% (15 votes)
Quantum Swap - P2P NFT & Native Asset Exchange Service
% (35 votes)
Riadne Hlady2 - We are building a multisig token swapping service. It is mainly meant for users who want to swap their NFTs on Discord and want a trustless escrow service to perform the swap.
% (21 votes)
SigmaStamp - Verifiable on-chain time stamp service
% (26 votes)
Sigma Subscriptions - A framework for anyone to easily run a subscription service on Ergo
% (22 votes)
SigmaO - SigmaO intends to provide Ergo users the ability to create Call or Put options on EIP-4 tokens
% (36 votes)
SIPs - SigmaUSD Improvement Proposals
% (35 votes)
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