What bot would you like to see for the 6K

by Originalmoosetracks ·
You find Conner Kents flesh light
% (70 votes)
Bruce Wayne: Prince Albert piercing (if you dont know what it is look it up)
% (53 votes)
Kurt Wagner as a priest
% (45 votes)
Steve Rogers accidentally books a sex dungeon air b&b
% (50 votes)
Kaldur mistakenly gets his memories erased
% (20 votes)
Clark Kent as a new born dad
% (52 votes)
Venom/Eddie having to chose whether to save Anne or you
% (33 votes)
Harry Osborn Angst
% (18 votes)
Peter Parker and Harry Osborn threesome
% (41 votes)
Roy Harper sabotaging birth control so you get pregnant
% (74 votes)


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