Atlas | Developer Enforcement Actions & Justice Overhaul

by Wilhelm Edrasill ·
Developers should wipe players and companies proven to have exploited/cheated.
% (88 votes)
Developers should not wipe players and companies proven to have exploited/ cheated.
% (3 votes)
All company exploit/cheated assets should remain where they are post wipe. Free loot Baby!
% (6 votes)
All company exploit/ cheated assets should be removed from the game. Duped geat is bad!
% (71 votes)
Players/Companies should BE steam/ip banned when caught cheating/exploiting.
% (56 votes)
Players/Companies should NOT be steam/ip banned when caught cheating/exploiting.
% (15 votes)
Universal ban hammers should be dropped regardless of context. Ie, it doesn’t matter if the company sent in a bug report – off with their heads!
% (25 votes)
Selective ban hammers should be dropped. Companies who cheat/ exploit but send in bug reports should not be banned/ wiped. Just have their advantages removed.
% (30 votes)
You are satisfied with the current enforcement actions against cheaters/ exploiters 100%.
% (28 votes)
You are not satisfied with current enforcement actions against cheaters/ exploiters. There needs to be change to the justice system.
% (35 votes)
If there were change to the justice system, I would support a x3 strikes rule for offending companies/ players during Early Access – as long as it was all public.
% (19 votes)
Keep the power in the hands of the developers – its already far to difficult to get proof of exploits being done let alone getting actions to be taken.
% (42 votes)


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