Who is your favourite defendant from the sequels?

by a guest ·
Phoenix Wright
% (21 votes)
Wocky Kitaki
% (7 votes)
Machi Tobaye
% (1 votes)
Vera Misham
% (20 votes)
Juniper Woods
% (9 votes)
Damian Tenma
% (5 votes)
Solomon Starbuck
% (3 votes)
Athena Cykes
% (28 votes)
% (8 votes)
Sasha Buckler
% (2 votes)
Ahlbi Ur'gaid
% (0 votes)
Trucy Wright
% (20 votes)
Maya Fey
% (8 votes)
Bucky Whet
% (1 votes)
Dhurke Sahdmadhi
% (55 votes)
Ellen Wyatt
% (2 votes)


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