Patreon Ideas Poll

by a guest ·
Monthly Image Sets, patrons suggest and vote on characters. Specific monthly rewards based on patrons' tier level
% (12 votes)
Monthly Animation Loops, patrons suggest and vote on characters. Specific monthly rewards based on patrons' tier level
% (11 votes)
Monthly Ongoing Comics, patrons suggest and vote on themes, story, character designs, and more. Get WIP's at higher tier levels. Longer process, slightly less sexy, due to nature of narrative comics
% (10 votes)
Focus on Random Selected Patreon Requests, patrons put in requests that are added to an ever increasing pool. Patrons' requests stay in the pool as long as they are active supporters. Higher tiers get more requests, or higher quality if they get picked.
% (8 votes)
Do Whatever You Want BRUH, image sets, comics, requests, etc. Less focus on specific rewards and more general support for a larger variety of content. Higher tier levels get higher quality content (animations, comics, full color works, etc).
% (19 votes)


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