Which installments of 13 Nights of Loliween by Imouto Kitten would you like to see expanded into a multi-chapter work?

by a guest ·
Witch's Ritual
% (1 votes)
Seed of Frog, Womb of Witch
% (1 votes)
% (2 votes)
% (4 votes)
Werewolf's First Heat
% (3 votes)
Demon Summoning
% (1 votes)
A Vampire's Snack
% (1 votes)
Daughter of Frankenstein
% (2 votes)
From a Witch to a Bitch
% (2 votes)
In the Pumpkin Patch
% (3 votes)
Horny Gorgon
% (3 votes)
Black Widows
% (0 votes)
Cult Initiation
% (2 votes)


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