Cu cine votați în turul 1 al alegerilor prezidențiale?

by 99xp ·
Elena-Valerica Lasconi (USR)
% (2575 votes)
George-Nicolae Simion (AUR)
% (540 votes)
Ion-Marcel Ciolacu (PSD)
% (27 votes)
Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă (PNL)
% (29 votes)
Hunor Kelemen (UDMR/RMDSZ)
% (52 votes)
Mircea-Dan Geoană (Independent)
% (211 votes)
Ana Birchall (Independent)
% (31 votes)
Alexandra-Beatrice Bertalan-Păcuraru (ADN)
% (7 votes)
Sebastian-Constantin Popescu (PNR)
% (0 votes)
Ludovic Orban (FD)* - retras
% (28 votes)
Călin Georgescu - (Independent)
% (75 votes)
Cristian Diaconescu (Independent)
% (69 votes)
Cristian-Vasile Terheș (PNCR)
% (11 votes)
Silviu Predoiu (PLAN)
% (5 votes)
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