2024 Halloween Draw-a-thon Poll #2

by turk128 ·
Victoria Cakes (pornstar) as babysitter and Chucky, Chucky poster.
% (32 votes)
Black Canary (DC comics) futa, lollypop horror cover.
% (48 votes)
Tsathoggua (House On The Outlands) futa, House (1985 horror) poster.
% (34 votes)
Zuzu (3dgspot) as candy witch with candy golems, horror/Halloween cover.
% (34 votes)
Meow Skulls (Fortnite) as nun, horror/Halloween cover.
% (54 votes)
Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone), Goosbumps cover.
% (45 votes)
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