Which of these stone variant blocks do you most want to be added to Minecraft?

by a guest ·
Polished Stone
% (1 votes)
Stone Tiles
% (0 votes)
Smooth Deepslate
% (0 votes)
Mossy Cobbled Deepslate
% (0 votes)
Mossy Deepslate Bricks
% (1 votes)
Cobbled Blackstone
% (1 votes)
Smooth Blackstone
% (0 votes)
Mossy Cobbled Blackstone
% (0 votes)
Mossy Blackstone Bricks
% (0 votes)
Blackstone Tiles
% (2 votes)
Cobbled Tuff
% (1 votes)
Smooth Tuff
% (0 votes)
Mossy Cobbled Tuff
% (0 votes)
Mossy Tuff Bricks
% (0 votes)
Cracked Tuff Bricks
% (1 votes)
Tuff Tiles
% (0 votes)
Cobbled Andesite
% (3 votes)
Smooth Andesite
% (0 votes)
Andesite Bricks
% (2 votes)
Chiseled Andesite
% (1 votes)
Mossy Cobbled Andesite
% (0 votes)
Mossy Andesite Bricks
% (0 votes)
Cracked Andesite Bricks
% (0 votes)
Andesite Tiles
% (0 votes)
Cobbled Diorite
% (3 votes)
Smooth Diorite
% (0 votes)
Diorite Bricks
% (3 votes)
Chiseled Diorite
% (1 votes)
Mossy Cobbled Diorite
% (0 votes)
Mossy Diorite Bricks
% (0 votes)
Cracked Diorite Bricks
% (0 votes)
Diorite Tiles
% (0 votes)
Cobbled Granite
% (3 votes)
Smooth Granite
% (0 votes)
Granite Bricks
% (2 votes)
Chiseled Granite
% (2 votes)
Mossy Cobbled Granite
% (0 votes)
Mossy Granite Bricks
% (0 votes)
Cracked Granite Bricks
% (0 votes)
Granite Tiles
% (0 votes)
Sandstone Bricks
% (1 votes)
Mossy Cobbled Sandstone
% (0 votes)
Mossy Sandstone Bricks
% (0 votes)
Cracked Sandstone Bricks
% (1 votes)
Sandstone Tiles
% (2 votes)
Red Sandstone Bricks
% (0 votes)
Mossy Cobbled Red Sandstone
% (0 votes)
Mossy Red Sandstone Bricks
% (0 votes)
Cracked Red Sandstone Bricks
% (0 votes)
Red Sandstone Tiles
% (1 votes)
Cobbled Dripstone
% (1 votes)
Smooth Dripstone
% (0 votes)
Polished Dripstone
% (2 votes)
Dripstone Bricks
% (3 votes)
Chiseled Dripstone
% (0 votes)
Mossy Cobbled Dripstone
% (0 votes)
Mossy Dripstone Bricks
% (0 votes)
Cracked Dripstone Bricks
% (0 votes)
Dripstone Tiles
% (0 votes)
Cobbled Calcite
% (0 votes)
Smooth Calcite
% (0 votes)
Polished Calcite
% (4 votes)
Calcite Bricks
% (4 votes)
Chiseled Calcite
% (2 votes)
Mossy Cobbled Calcite
% (0 votes)
Mossy Calcite Bricks
% (0 votes)
Cracked Calcite Bricks
% (0 votes)
Calcite Tiles
% (1 votes)
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