Who was the The Gardner News 'Top Athlete of the Week' for May 8-12?

by John Ballou ·
Brooke Austin, Quabbin Regional
% (0 votes)
Kylie Casey, Quabbin Regional
% (25 votes)
Savannah Caskins, Monty Tech
% (4 votes)
Rylee Dionne, Oakmont Regional
% (8 votes)
Ashlyn Duplessis, Narragansett Regional
% (80 votes)
Meghan Heffernan, Oakmont Regional
% (350 votes)
Will Hood, Quabbin Regional
% (6 votes)
Jake Leazott, Quabbin Regional
% (0 votes)
Annabelle Magill, Quabbin Regional
% (0 votes)
Abby Marks, Monty Tech
% (38 votes)
Avery Murphy, Murdock High
% (0 votes)
Travis Rusak, Oakmont Regional
% (0 votes)
Annika Sallila, Oakmont Regional
% (907 votes)
Nahuel Suarez, Oakmont Regional
% (238 votes)
Cate Telicki, Oakmont Regional
% (3 votes)
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