What would you like us to do with Bookworm release schedule after this chapter?

by Ronald Brain · 2 years ago
Slow down our release to every other month for a while, in order to give the raws time to build up enough chapters for a volume release.
% (159 votes)
Finish volume 8 at our normal pace, then wait until volume 9 releases before we continue (this may take a while, up to a whooping 6 months if we’re unlucky enough).
% (247 votes)
Compromise on image quality and possibly miss some content that we'll have to catch up on later by using the lower quality magazine raws for chps. 42 onwards.
% (344 votes)
As long as this isn't dropped, I'm fine with any of the option above
% (162 votes)
Compromise on image quality and possibly miss some content that we'll have to catch up on later by using the lower quality magazine raws for chps. 42 onwards.
37.72% (344 votes)
Finish volume 8 at our normal pace, then wait until volume 9 releases before we continue (this may take a while, up to a whooping 6 months if we’re unlucky enough).
27.08% (247 votes)
As long as this isn't dropped, I'm fine with any of the option above
17.76% (162 votes)
Slow down our release to every other month for a while, in order to give the raws time to build up enough chapters for a volume release.
17.43% (159 votes)
Total votes: 912 (from 912 participants)


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