Vanilla Expanded - Anomalies vote

by Oskar Potocki ·
Entity #1 - Shamblers
% (2234 votes)
Entity #11 - Forgotten Chimeras
% (1262 votes)
Entity #12 - Fleshmass
% (1697 votes)
Entity #15 - Golden Cube
% (2233 votes)
Entity #16 - Lux Fatuus
% (986 votes)
Entity #17 - Hellgate
% (3495 votes)
Entity #18 - Comblies
% (1067 votes)
Entity #19 - Whisperer
% (1644 votes)
Entity #20 - The Mime
% (2077 votes)
Entity #21 - Observer
% (1904 votes)
Entity #22 - Traveller
% (2000 votes)
Entity #23 - Saturn
% (1864 votes)
Entity #24 - Darkstorm
% (1854 votes)
Entity #25 - Bearofleet
% (740 votes)
Entity #26 - Faceless
% (2447 votes)
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