Complete Map DIscussion: Week 3

by Mark ·
FE5 Chapter 10 - Noel Canyon
% (1 votes)
FE5 Chapter 14 - Open Fire
% (0 votes)
FE6 Chapter 8 - The Reunion
% (4 votes)
FE7 Chapter 29H - Cog of Destiny
% (7 votes)
FE8 Chapter 9 (Eph) - Fort Rigwald
% (4 votes)
FE8 Chapter 11 (Eph) - Phantom Ship
% (7 votes)
FE8 Chapter 18 - Two Faces of Evil
% (3 votes)
FE9 Chapter 26 - Clash!
% (5 votes)
FE10 Chapter 2-1 - Winds of Rebellion
% (4 votes)
FE10 Chapter 2-3 - Geoffrey's Charge
% (4 votes)
FE11 Chapter 1 - Marth Embarks
% (5 votes)
FE12 Chapter 13x - Within the White Darkness
% (1 votes)
FE12 Chapter 20x - Dephts of the Abyss
% (3 votes)
FE16 (non-CF) Chapter 13 - Reunion at Dawn (invalid, added by accident)
% (1 votes)


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