Writing Prompt Wednesday #396 (PICK ONE)

by shandy ·
Keep asking your character 'But why?'
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Make up a text conversation from a character's scroll!
% (1 votes)
Pick a fiction book off of your shelf, go to the 8th page, use the 8th sentence to kick off your story.
% (3 votes)
Your Room: What does the character of your choice have to say about it?
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Your character just made it into the news spotlight - how do they react to it?
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Can we have our poll back, please? This was fun but we like our regular insanity!
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The AUxerpt - take a piece of your fanfiction and write a different outcome.
% (1 votes)
The Outsider - Take a scene and try to make sense of it from the perspective of someone not involved
% (1 votes)


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