Where should The Rise of Skywalker go?

by KingCookie859 ·
Top of Perfect
% (7 votes)
Bottom of Perfect
% (0 votes)
Top of peak
% (4 votes)
Bottom of peak
% (1 votes)
Top of amazing
% (3 votes)
Bottom of amazing
% (1 votes)
Top of good
% (6 votes)
Bottom of good
% (9 votes)
Top of ok
% (14 votes)
Bottom of ok
% (31 votes)
Top of Bad
% (19 votes)
Bottom of bad
% (43 votes)
Top of Actual Dogshit
% (35 votes)
Bottom of Actual Dogshit
% (143 votes)
Never watched, just wanna see results
% (5 votes)
Above resistance, below TLJ
% (9 votes)
A new tier below Actual Dogshit named "the rise of skywalker"
% (144 votes)
ROS goes in dogshit and TLJ moves up to bad
% (54 votes)
Fun to watch, but trash
% (6 votes)
Possibly the worst piece of blockbuster cinema ever made
% (25 votes)
It's own category below dogshit
% (42 votes)
Should make another category with both ROS & TLJ, both films spent way too long fucking with the lore and saying the other was wrong. The complete lack of direction with the sequel trilogy turned utter *** with a story that makes no sense
% (35 votes)
Move TLJ to the top of Amazing, ROS to Actual Dogshit
% (18 votes)


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