Are you a dysphoric or non-dysphoric restorer, and did you engage in "pushing" as a child?

by a guest ·
I am a dysphoric restorer and I pushed frequently.
% (26 votes)
I am a dysphoric restorer and I pushed occasionally.
% (17 votes)
I am a dysphoric restorer and I never pushed, or did so only once or twice.
% (2 votes)
I am a dysphoric restorer and I do not remember whether I pushed.
% (3 votes)
I am a non-dysphoric restorer and I pushed frequently.
% (2 votes)
I am a non-dysphoric restorer and I pushed occasionally.
% (8 votes)
I am a non-dysphoric restorer and I never pushed, or did so only once or twice.
% (3 votes)
I am a non-dysphoric restorer and I do not remember whether I pushed.
% (0 votes)
Not applicable/"I want to see the results"
% (1 votes)
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