What omori character is the best (Vote and i will see who has the most)

by James ·
Rw Basil
% (1 votes)
Hs basil
% (0 votes)
Rw sunny
% (0 votes)
Hs sunny/omori
% (0 votes)
Rw arubery
% (0 votes)
Hs arubery
% (0 votes)
Rw Kel (The best in my opion)
% (3 votes)
Hs kel
% (0 votes)
Ws Mewo (theres no other mewos becuase mewo is only in Ws)
% (0 votes)
Rw hero
% (1 votes)
Hs hero
% (0 votes)
Ws sunny/omori (Isn't that one of the first ones? oh wait this is ws and not hs but they are the same)
% (0 votes)
Rw mari
% (2 votes)
Hs/Ws mari/something
% (2 votes)
Captain spaceboy
% (0 votes)
% (0 votes)

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