Which character from the trilogy has your least favourite breakdown?

by a guest ·
Frank Sahwit
% (2 votes)
April May
% (11 votes)
Redd White
% (27 votes)
Cody Hackins
% (10 votes)
Dee Vasquez
% (9 votes)
Yanni Yogi
% (4 votes)
Manfred von Karma
% (1 votes)
Angel Starr
% (6 votes)
Jake Marshall
% (0 votes)
Damon Gant
% (1 votes)
Richard Wellington
% (3 votes)
Mimi Miney
% (4 votes)
% (7 votes)
Phoenix Wright
% (1 votes)
Shelly de Killer
% (0 votes)
Matt Engarde
% (1 votes)
Phoenix Wright (Feenie)
% (5 votes)
Dahlia Hawthorne
% (0 votes)
Winston Payne
% (0 votes)
Luke Atmey
% (0 votes)
Furio Tigre
% (1 votes)
Terry Fawles
% (1 votes)
Dahlia Hawthorne (spirit)
% (2 votes)
% (1 votes)


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