Spyro & Hero's Tail - The Best Tunes

by Danny ·
The Main Theme
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Dragon Village
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Moneybags Shop
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Crocoville Swamp
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Dragonfly Falls
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The Ball Gadget Theme/Magma Falls
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Boss Battle Theme (Gnasty, Red, Mecha Red)
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Coastal Remains
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Sunken Ruins
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Blink The Mole Theme
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Sparx Levels Theme
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Sgt. Byrd Theme
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Cloudy Domain
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Ineptune's Lair Intro
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Ineptune Battle Theme
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Frostbite Village
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Ice Citadel
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Hunter (Dragonfly Falls, Gloomy Glacier)
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Entering Red's Chamber/Gnasty's Lair/Mecha Red's Lair
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Stormy Beach
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Cannon Minigame Theme
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Molten Mount
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Dark Mine
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Red's Laboratory
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