Share your questions below for TNT Dom in our May LIVE!

by Neopets ·
when are we going to get tacos as a reward for trudy?
% (21 votes)
% (6 votes)
Please, we want the plot!!!!!
% (87 votes)
Can Ruffle please be added to classic neohomes?
% (129 votes)
Can you please give us an option to report scam auctions. The number of times I have seen a Seasonal Attack Pea PLUSHIE sell for 100m+ is honestly disgusting. Allowing users to openly scam other people through the auction house is disheartening.
% (168 votes)
will uc/nostalgic/etc. Halloween Lupe be released before halloween or will we have to wait for halloween for it to come out at the styling studio?
% (44 votes)
The FEC was already in the Creative Contest pool and then it was added to the Weekly Prizes. Can you keep the pools separate to make winning one of the contests still something special?
% (40 votes)
What do you do if *blank* fierce Peophins *blank* has eaten too much *blank* tin of olives?
% (90 votes)
Are there any updates on Neopass for those who aren't able to verify ourselves? Can't purchase NC items, send NC items, update my profile, change my password, etc..
% (85 votes)
Will there be more recolour options for NC items and for Painted pets like for what was done with Baby pets? I would really love a Pink or Red Mutant Xweetok and Red Philosophers Wig!
% (106 votes)
% (6 votes)
lord kass body pillow when?
% (73 votes)
Let’s bring back Bilge Dice and other avatar games that have been broken for 10+ years. If you can bring Sid back, you can switch Bilge Dice back on!
% (228 votes)
When are we getting new Paint Brushes?
% (116 votes)
Will you impose buy limits on player owned shops to keep rich players from artificially hoarding and inflating the prices of items?
% (107 votes)
will you ever make avatars that have pixel art borders around static images such as Let It Snow or SlugaWOO! again or are we doomed to getting nothing but the rounded square mini movies forever? :(
% (64 votes)
Will there be a pet name/username purge in the near future?
% (160 votes)
Since bot activity makes the site look more active for investors, do you actually plan on stopping them or is it not worth losing 25% of "active players"
% (245 votes)
Could you do something with the NeoDeck, such as releasing gold/holographic cards or providing incentives for filling it out?
% (66 votes)
Would you please consider limiting how many pets can be pounded in a 24-hour period? This could help prevent the "hogging" or "gupping" issues with users maliciously grabbing painted pets and morphing them with a cheap potion. Not allowing other users to adopt these pets in good faith unbalances the game!
% (194 votes)
Will you consider reviving the plushie cabinet project?
% (73 votes)
Is Neopets too broken for a server that can handle the current amount of simultaneous access?
% (71 votes)
Will you consider publish new NeoDeck Card? Many new characters were included in Neopets' world since 2006, but they cannot found in NeoDeck Card.
% (21 votes)
Is there anything that can be done about the pound griefing/mass moehog morphing? Perhaps a cooldown period before you can re-abandon a pet or use a morphing potion on them?
% (140 votes)
Can we have some cooler Anglepuss avatars please! Ya girl loves a good cat.
% (15 votes)
Fight me in L54 Dom!
% (13 votes)
Will the new Nostalgic Neopets be zoomed in more so they don’t look so far back or at least can an option be given for anyone who wants their pets closer or further away to fit their background better (ex. Nostalgic Royal Girl Aisha)?
% (109 votes)
Please put Snowager Pendant and Mayors Top Hat in the Quest Log. They were 1-Player weapons that have defensive capabilities. For Pet Days please make species weapons again. And for the prize in the Altador Cup Prize Shop make a goalie glove weapon that %reflects Physical.
% (47 votes)
Can you add a "wearable" sorting category to the SDB? It is SO hard to find stuff that doesn't fit in the VERY outdated categories created before the wearable/customizable pets were there...
% (121 votes)
Can gallery organization be updated to a drag and drop system instead of just the numbers? Unless you do every number at once it breaks and for users with galleries of 1000+ that becomes a herculean task.
% (95 votes)
Before customization I was saving up for a royal pb for my wocky. However it seems that there was never a UC royal wocky. Am I experiencing the mandela effect or have I found a glitch in the matrix? And if neither, please can you create a nostalgic royal wocky for their pet day in December?
% (27 votes)
Can we not forget about r100s. They don’t restock and the wheel gives them out once every blue moon
% (92 votes)
Can you please drop the rates of non-tradeable floor tiles and wall paint in the Igloo Garage Sale? They take over a huge amount of the shop and essentially block the ability for it to stock more valuable items.
% (91 votes)
Will basic pet colors (red, blue, etc.) be made available as Nostalgic?
% (120 votes)
We have money, give us the Pet Slots
% (128 votes)
Can you add more varied tasks to the daily quests? There are so many opportunities for interaction throughout Neopia, yet we only do the same 5 or 6 actions every day.
% (140 votes)
when can we expect news on "World of neopets"?
% (67 votes)
Please consider re-releasing the One-Use Robotification Zappermajig!
% (126 votes)
Can you add an option to display Xweetoks with their left paw down when not holding anything?
% (75 votes)
Have you considered adding more features like kitchen quests or missions like jhudora/illusion to give lower rarity restockable items a purpose other than being 1np and fillers? You could even have a new mission that allows users to directly add one stamp to their album or a gourmet to their collection as a reward for the challenge instead of only rereleasing old items
% (70 votes)
Please, invest in neopets and bring back KeyQuest! Make a ground up version 2.0, incorporate NC, maybe even do a mobile app. This would help revenue and people would pay for it! KEY QUEST! KEY QUEST! KEY QUEST!
% (119 votes)
Is it possible to Increase the size of our closet? Limited to 650 items
% (43 votes)
Can adding a LOT more pet slots please be made a priority?
% (68 votes)
Can we expect the plot to begin right after the Altador Cup?
% (111 votes)
What is Mr. Dom's favorite Neopets species and color combination? (Or perhaps top three!)
% (63 votes)
Are there going to be NC Styles that aren't UC pets? Like 25th Anniversary styles, for example? Those new poses on the homepage are too cute!
% (118 votes)
The April Fools 2024 contract with Chadley was glitched for some users keeping them from proceeding past getting the mask. Can please finally fix this! Or make the Smile avatar available for everyone!
% (67 votes)
Battledome Fix Discussion - (Limit 1-player enemies to the 750 defence/strength hard caps that players are limited to, making player's defence work again and making it a turn based, strategy game instead of the Snowager just one-shotting you for 10,000 damage. Very simple solution short term.)
% (46 votes)
Since the forced conversion of all UCs there has been an increase in compromising accounts and malicious reversals to get names. Customer service is often slow to address victims, if they are addressed at all, and there’s been an increase in mistakes. A pet gifted to me by an IRL friend was reversed after her account was compromised and nothing is being done ti help either of us. I’ve heard many stories like this. You said converting pets would stop this kind of thing but it seems to have onl...
% (82 votes)
please fix the battledome!!
% (59 votes)
Please change the premium battledome prizes. We have thousands of gorunda the wise!
% (112 votes)
Is rotating the prize pools on various dailies (e.g. lunar puzzle, apple bobbing, the 15-a-day battledome prizes etc) ever going to happen? So many of the dailies have prizes right now worth <100np. It would make gameplay that a fair amount of players just outright skip fun and interesting again.
% (179 votes)
Please increase the amount of nps given when playing games so they are actually worth playing.
% (107 votes)
When can we expect to be able to stay logged in on our phones and computers at the same time?
% (81 votes)
Can you bring back the coincidence event that gave you an avatar you didn't currently have (including retired ones)? So many avatars are unobtainable, especially to new players. Even if it was a rare event, it would encourage more people to use the coincidence which is a great item sink.
% (132 votes)
Why was Tales of Darcadia delayed to June 5th outside of Canada?
% (12 votes)
Hi! I would like to know if the TCG Battledome product will be available through any platform such as Amazon at a later date. This is because there are a lot of users in Mexico and Latin America that would like to have access to this product.
% (74 votes)
Do you have any plans in mind to integrate Latin and Mexican players into your ambassador program? It is about time that you recognize this great group of users that have been forgotten for a long time.
% (76 votes)
With this being a Royal Themed AMA, will Royal Chias become available soon? They're the only species without Royal.
% (32 votes)
Include Basic Morphing Potions to any price pool. I don’t wanna pay millions for a basic color but wanna change the species of my pet! They have absolutely NO right to be that expensive!!
% (103 votes)
More permanent dyeworks when? There is currently no permanent background or maraquan. When will you add more?
% (54 votes)
Can you give a chance for user account silence permanently
% (6 votes)
Neopass needs a link within our account. I thought that was the whole idea of linking sides, to make everything available under one account.
% (33 votes)
Will Xweetoks ever get the love they deserve?????
% (44 votes)
Will you also add other r90-98 stamps into daily and weekly prizes? With r99 stamps being given out, inflators have started to target the lower rarity stamps.
% (179 votes)
At least once a day I’m randomly logged out of my account. When I try to log back in it won’t take my password and when I hit the password reset button it just logs me back in without having to use 2fa. This has been going on for weeks now, is there any plan to fix it?
% (14 votes)
When will there be a discount on Premium??
% (15 votes)
When will you be able to release Tales of Dacardia in the Netherlands, Europe? Please?
% (44 votes)
Do you plan to add new Altalaphus colors? Have you added new Altalaphus colors? Will you add new Altalaphus colors? When will you add new Altalaphus colors?
% (33 votes)
Will PPL trophies ever be retroactively awarded to pets that were skipped by the script?
% (48 votes)
Why does Lord Kass only wear pants while he's sleeping?
% (50 votes)
Please make it so that petpetpets no longer disappear forever when removing a petpet.
% (124 votes)
When will all clothing items be fixed ? Still many can't be 'worn', are not showing up when worn
% (144 votes)
With so many users recovering old accounts people are having to make choices between which they want as their main. Is there a plan to merge achievements now that we have neopass like in other games to prevent people from making impossible choices?
% (99 votes)
Are there any plans to rerelease retired r180 stamps like the Golden Mr Irgo Stamp?
% (147 votes)
Will neopass implement and easier way to move items (both NC&np) between accounts?
% (106 votes)
Will TNT ever cross the neopoint/neocash currencies?
% (19 votes)
Will you please use Ruffle to make the restaurants, Lunar Temple, and Kiko Pop work again or convert them to HTML5?
% (69 votes)
They could add morphing potion from pets such as Lupe, Zafara, Lutari, Chomby, Kacheek, and others, in the daily quests log missions (or in other daily quests with more frequent appearances). At least the morphing potions of basic colors such as red, yellow, green and blue, since these are increasing in value and it seems to me that the basic colors should not be worth as much as they are today.
% (113 votes)
Can you please add a minimum of 100 pet slots soon please?! People will by nc items to customize the pets in those slots. Keep the 10 paid and make them tradable. Maybe add 10 more of those but add 100 additional to each account soon please!
% (29 votes)
Please please please address the cheaters and botters in a non wishy-washy way. A ton of good will towards current management is just gone now in the community.
% (86 votes)
will you ever make avatars that have pixel art borders around static images such as Let It Snow or SlugaWOO! again or are we doomed to getting nothing but the rounded square mini movies forever? :( - THIS!!
% (35 votes)
When will we be able to talk about sites or anything outside of Neopets on the site?
% (169 votes)
Will the glitch causing pets that had saved outfits in the old closet to have every saved item show up on them and permanently stuck in the closet be fixed?
% (39 votes)
Will you fix the glitch that doesn't award the petpet protection league to petpets if the name appears more than once on the list? My pet never got the ppl trophy it should've
% (24 votes)
Something should be done about the Scunthorpe Problem that plagues the site's profanity filter. Innocent words have been getting blocked because they contain words that are blocked.
% (121 votes)
Are there any plans to deal with off site cash sales of expensive items? This is cheating.
% (90 votes)
Is it no longer safe to use accounts where you don't have access to the original email? In many cases, Support will not honor players' current email addresses (e.g. the current password reset issue).
% (62 votes)
Could we please get the blurry NC UC images addressed? It's really jarring on user lookups and boards
% (93 votes)
Please introduce a way to change username and pet names, I love my pets and my account but 10 year old me was not very creative. I think it would be fair to make it a NC item!
% (148 votes)
It’s been years since a new land has been introduced to the site. Can Neopia get a new Wild West-themed land.
% (39 votes)
When will be able to use paintbrushes to get the new tyrannian petpets?
% (33 votes)
Do you have plans to let users make their own custom skins for their pets?
% (32 votes)
KEYQUEST PLEASE!!!! It was my favorite game. I have money and been premoum user for YEARS
% (43 votes)
Will Ruffle be implemented for the Altador Cup games this year? Last year, the HTML versions had some serious glitches, like the timer not going down after a goal in Yooyuball, everyone being way too fast, Slushie Slinger not changing colors with your team, and Make Some Noise not counting keys correctly. In general, the Ruffle games seem to work a lot better than their manually converted counterparts and it'd be nice to go back to the AC gameplay everyone's used to.
% (101 votes)
Will you consider making the new TCG avatars to not increase avatar count? 🖼 Its sad how this game is progressively becoming pay to win on every aspect over the years.
% (92 votes)
Let us redeem Virtual Code Prize from the Pocket Neopet games and such again (DO NOT RERELEASE PRIZES FROM THEM)
% (9 votes)
Can you make pet slots tradeable? Like needing to activate them before they are applied to your account, and thus tradeable, pleeeease (also pls give us more pet lots, my new ucs need to be on my main account)
% (102 votes)
Can wearable items get their own category in our SDBs? It can be a real time sink trying to find all our np wearables if we have large SDBs.
% (81 votes)
Can we have a way to remove petpetpets without removing petpets? Some of us use them for customization but also don’t want to hurt our PPL trophy chances.
% (64 votes)
When will you be able to release Tales of Dacardia in USA?
% (68 votes)
Can you fix the Turmaculus? I tried to get the Turmaculus Opponent in the Battledome for years now!
% (28 votes)
The conversion from the old site to the new site seems to have stopped and now we are in this user unfriendly void where we all struggle to find links. Will you pay more attention to user experience and accessiblity in the future?
% (55 votes)
Why are the rules on Neopets not being enforced to all players; players are getting frozen for spamming, while others blatantly spam in groups and nothing happens to them?
% (57 votes)
More slots, please!
% (100 votes)
Would you be able to provide more information about Neopets' presence at GenCon? Will TNT have a booth? Will there be any non-TCG events such as a Neopian party?
% (14 votes)
I would like the nostalgia token uc RG/RB to be able to adopt poses in the battledome, for example: how much does it attack, defend, take damage like the old uc had integrated? Thanks in advance.
% (42 votes)
Please add the premium toolbar to the new layout. It’s why I pay for premium and I miss it.
% (93 votes)
Neopets has stated they are open to the community rebuilding lost assets(petpet park,habitarium,keyquest)is neopets going to open file access to these groups so we don't need hackers like neo_truths to accomplish thsi task. it looks bad for the community.
% (140 votes)
Could the Avatar Collector requirements ever be updated? Currently it is impossible for newer accounts to meet the cutoff due to unavailable/exclusive avatars. If users who already have the avatar could be excluded from the Top 50 count that would also make a huge difference.
% (147 votes)
Can we please have the ability to change the capitalization of our pet names if we can't ever outright change them?
% (90 votes)
Can you please deflate other stamps for the snow valley avatar (maybe via quest log)? the inflation has gone insanely high.
% (41 votes)
Any plans for updating Tales of Dacardia?
% (31 votes)
Is Team Dacardia still coming to the Altador Cup? Will another team have to sit out so they can participate?
% (56 votes)
Will we ever see Sid again in the BD?
% (127 votes)
Will there be NCUCs for the fruit chias?
% (32 votes)
your filter is so broken. we can't type official words of neopets items but i have seen offensive words (r word) on the neoboards allowed without any filtering.
% (64 votes)
a buying limit to certain object so hoarders cant buy them all and imflate priciesridiculously
% (52 votes)
Is there any point to staying premium when premium items are being released in the mall
% (68 votes)
Could a new category for Customization Spotlight be added that is just for NC styles? It would be nice to separate them out from the other NC submissions
% (38 votes)
Can you look into removing permanent silence from accounts? Long time frozen accounts were given back, so why not unsilence?
% (25 votes)
Why are the new TCG codes one per box? The old ones were one per pack and had much better rewards. This is the perfect way to bring those items back and deflate a bunch of other items.
% (33 votes)
Are you going to fix the issue with the TCG codes on the neopets booster boxes?
% (41 votes)
If I break the rules do I also get to design an avatar?
% (29 votes)
The filters seriously need to be changed! The vast number of members are adults! If you can share what's going on with facebook why can't we also share our accounts?!n
% (56 votes)
Why are pets with just a background winning customization spotlight?
% (77 votes)
Would support actually investigate a ticket before freezing users? Its been so many frozen people who traded for a pet and had no idea of the pets origin.
% (47 votes)
Will there be a pet slot sale coming up soon? Or the chance for pet slots to be tradable? It would really help users who are unable to buy NC due to currency exchange rates and we would love the chance to have more pets on our accounts too.
% (64 votes)
Can a Maraquan Uni token be added in the someday? The happy pose was more than enough reason to include it.
% (12 votes)
Please let us change our account names - some of us have been here for over 20 years and our old names no longer suit us!!!
% (103 votes)
please make brand new bori nostalgic styles!!!! like how the grey draik was new- i'd love to see bori's (and other pets!) get new uc styles!
% (27 votes)
Why were collectible NC items rerereleased into the mall? They were promised to never be sold again. What makes them collector items and cost more money if they can be rereleased like any other item?
% (22 votes)
Can some items that are labeled "clothes" and do nothing but sit in the SDB become wearables? There's several that would be cool to use for customization. Thanks!
% (81 votes)
Thanks for bringing back Punchbag Sid! Please fix Defenders of Neopia! You could turn some of the challengers grey, if you like, but please restore the game!
% (123 votes)
Is Queen Amira aroace? given that not only she rejects Jazan, but also she rejects everyone else's hand in marriage for that matter
% (19 votes)
I need for my zapped pet who's changed gender be able to either actually be able to battle him or be given another option because I can't get the lab guy to show up & battle. I really need this to be resolved!
% (3 votes)
any updates on Faerie of Hope Moblie Game
% (42 votes)
PLEASE FIX CUSTOMIZATION SPOTLIGHT! This is such a missed opportunity. HOW does it work *exactly*, does my vote carry any weight in the decision? Why are pets with 1 or 2 items winning?!? Thats not creative.
% (43 votes)
Yay for Sid appearing in the Battledome! When can we expect to see him again?
% (94 votes)
Any plans to use Lutari Island in the short term as part of the current plot? or just for the near future?
% (124 votes)
Alice needs competent senior coworkers to help her through the backlog of tickets. The current staff, and I'm not sure if they're even human at this point, isn't capable of handling basic inquiries and most tickets end up to Alice.
% (36 votes)
The NCUC pets are all blurry, is there a plan to fix this?
% (85 votes)
Will we get more krawk petpet colors?
% (26 votes)
Is there any plan to make all the old flash games playable again? An app for neopets perhaps so we don't have to use our mobile browser (for those of us too poor to own a computer lol)
% (67 votes)
What's your favorite royal-themed movie?
% (5 votes)
I spent so much time and np on my Neohome v2, and I miss it so bad since flash died, and I never got to finish all my customazation. Will we ever get the chance to use the V2 neohomes again? Coming from a long time veteran and Neopets lover.
% (56 votes)
MORE PET SLOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
% (66 votes)
Are there any plans to rerelease the SDCC Shoyru avatar? Potentially through this year's comic con or the new upper deck packs? It's one of the best avatars in recent years, so there's still high demand but very low accessibility
% (110 votes)
Can you turn off Neopass until the bugs that block people out of their accounts are fixed, so that less people are affected by that?
% (39 votes)
Will you consider expanding the number of pets who get trophies for gourmet food, books etc? It seems like it's no longer proportional to the number of pets on the site! Maybe top 200 get a trophies instead of top 15?
% (55 votes)
Why does your shitty management style cause all of your good employees to leave?
% (44 votes)
Can you add the possibility of obtaining NC in Trudy? Can it be 50NC, 100NC or 150NC, randomly like the Basic Gift Box? There is also a possibility that users who do not buy NC can buy items in the NC Mall.
% (120 votes)
Can there be a direct line of communications between neo_truths and tnt main dev? It seems that bot activity that was flagged by him was not addressed in a timely manner
% (62 votes)
Please release items in the Smuggler's Cove again. At least 2 times per year. The l337 restockers have hashtag life goals to strive for.
% (69 votes)
Will some of the sizing on the new nostalgic tokens be fixed? Royal Girl Aisha and Sponge Aisha for example are really small/off-centered.
% (31 votes)
The lack of a ghostkerchief-themed avatar MUST be addressed!
% (47 votes)
this list is ridiculously long and full of duplicates / related issues. Editing is a thing.
% (22 votes)
The success of NC Styles seems to have created a run on morphing potions where even basic MPs for non-limited species like Lupes and Zafaras are being sold for tens of millions. While restocking is part of the game, it's well known that bot accounts are a large portion of activity on the site and are keeping real people from getting a fair shot at these MPs (and other rare items). Could TNT possibly decrease the rarity of basic color MPs for non-limited species, add them on a rotating basis t...
% (43 votes)
Is there another way to help Kikocat with the AG and BC entries? Between running those and also tickets as Alice, she could really use some more eyes to help with not only rule-breaking pics like AI, but also ones that previously won either gold in the BC or the AG before. Even with reports, some of them still stay in and place, and it's clear she needs more eyes to help - if not an updated system to locate said entries and reject them. The Art Chat has literally volunteered to help, even if ...
% (61 votes)
Several merch partners have been disappointing with their rollouts for example Geekify and the Usukicon stuff and Upperdeck and the mess with the code cards and starter deck issues. Is there any kind of accountability for this from TNT side of things? People want to buy merch and partners like WYP have done an excellenet job but other partners are making it difficult to want to support merch ventures otherwise.
% (33 votes)
Y'all aren't going to answer any of these questions, so I will simply say that the way you run your company sucks and as a user, I've never more rooted for a company to get sued harder than TNT, frankly. You're blatant criminals.
% (19 votes)
My friend had a pet wrongly-baduser'd and although support agreed to return the pet, they have been struggling for WEEKS to successfully return the pet to any of her accounts. They cannot move the pet, their browsers crash upon viewing the pet, and the development team has not yet fixed it or figured out why to her knowledge. They also have not removed the strike against her account. You need to look deeper into this or at least address why such a glaring issue may be happening where a pet ca...
% (20 votes)
Are there plans to update other prize pools an update as well?
% (31 votes)
Is it possible to add a feature to join more than 1 guild?
% (12 votes)
Do you like laffy taffy?
% (13 votes)
Bring back Jelly World!!!! I loved that world but since I've been back, it's not there
% (16 votes)
What do King Coltzam's undies smell like?
% (8 votes)
Will you do anything to address the fact that your "white hat" hacker has given out IP Address information to people who ask. I'll own up to selling some on-site purchased NC items in the past when desperate to a (real life) person in my past who turned out to be bad. I've moved states, changed jobs, and deleted most social media. I never thought I'd have to lock down Neopets, but the fact this person could use this against me to get my general location disgusts me. I know I did something wro...
% (16 votes)
Can neopets open the wayback machine to the general public? The neopet and petpet pages would not of been archived since 2009 or so their is little security risk to user accounts doing this at this time.
% (54 votes)
How did the design of Coltzan's Shrine in Neopia become intertwined with the iconic Desert Rock Petpet? What came first, the shrine or the petpet? Was the shrine inspired by the petpet's appearance, or did the petpet evolve to resemble the shrine?
% (2 votes)
% (1 votes)
Will you address that certain person who made $$$ for designs when it was illegal and made ads on his petpage is now an Ambassador and designed the last avatar? you wont! 😜 Lesson learned: if you want to work for neopets, just break the rules!
% (38 votes)
Are there any plans to improve or revise the current Creative Contest system? There is near-constant discourse on the Art & Writing boards due to the selection processes of these contests. Some users have months worth of rejections without a single acceptance while other users have seemingly figured out a way to get accepted with high frequency. This shows the random selection process is not working as intended.
% (81 votes)
Are you aware that there are users easily being let into inactive accounts with the purpose of trading compromised pets, then sending in tickets to get them reversed? They have tons of accounts and never make any legitimate trades. They shuffle their pets around, self-freeze, make trades, and then submit tickets to have those same trades reversed, likely using a VPN.. It is so frustrating to trade when 90% of the pets I'd like are tied to this user!
% (49 votes)
Can we get a sneak peek of some of the upcoming battledome challengers?
% (6 votes)
plz more cool np wearables i have no money
% (19 votes)
Please add ruffle to the NC Games that no longer work
% (33 votes)
PLEASE could you restore Kiko POP's wheel, it is the only wheel that is missing and it was incredible.
% (84 votes)
SuAP was only ever 50m after the duping scandal otherwise it was always above 1b neopoints, please do your due diligence before pandering to these kids
% (11 votes)
Can we take a moment to laugh at all of the resellers who bought Cool Neggs to only watch the price plummet.....then go on the Neoboards to complain about scammers
% (9 votes)
Can you please hire one well-paid software engineer to fix the entire website? Please. Just one committed person would do so much for us.
% (39 votes)
can you make SneakyKnight canon pls 😳😳💖
% (4 votes)
Will you be coming to any UK/London comic cons at all? MCM is in a few days and it’s on again in October and I’d really love some more neopets presence in the UK!
% (8 votes)
Add grey collectable cards as prize of Quest log. Is not possible pay 1 B Orig the great card
% (6 votes)
% (8 votes)
I understand you need shareholders/investors to keep afloat, but letting bots ruin your site is NOT WORKING. FIND A WAY TO FIX THIS!
% (35 votes)
Please can you fix the Grumpy Old King, he still doesn't reward the Skarl Collectable Charm, or the King Skarls Snowbunny. We heave been told this has been fixed many times, but it has not!!
% (55 votes)
If we see some pets’ owner didn’t login for long, can we report them to TNT to delete their account so that the pet’s name is released for use again?
% (7 votes)
Will you do something about the rules concerning mentioning Neopets and staff off-site/on social media? During the latest puzzle hunt for the new avatar, a lot of us were working together to solve the clues on Discord. However, even though TNT staff appear on Discord officially as staff members, we risk being frozen for mentioning the Neopets Discord. In the same vein, one of the clues lead us to a youtube video, but we risk being frozen for mentioning Youtube on the site. It's unfair to user...
% (56 votes)
Why do so many neopets players have severe mental health issues?
% (11 votes)
Will Neopets ever be playable like PetPet Park, where you could watch your Neopet walking around the different lands of Neopia?
% (11 votes)
My items (worth 50m + and more) dissapeared from TP and its been 10+ days and no one has responded to my ticket 136123. How can someone play the game when exp items dissapear and theirs no communication from support or TNT
% (19 votes)
Why are you freezing people for "buying Neopoints offsite" when they did not do so?
% (10 votes)
There are a lot of rare and old wearables like Cavalier gloves,theatrical cape & Silver Rose Sceptre from style showdown no longer around. Could you maybe re release them. Its been 14+ years since release.
% (20 votes)
It's already been established in the past that Faeries are a female only species, but that was the past. Can Faeries transition and become men? Could we see a male Faerie in the future?
% (28 votes)
What ever happened to the neopets fan art program?
% (14 votes)
Hi. SUAP + wodf and other weaposn are super inflated. Wodf and suap used to be near 50m or less a while back. Now cheaters + botters have bought them up. Same for SAP. Any chance you can rr suaps and also release r99 for wodf quests. Thanks
% (25 votes)
Last August, all Neoquest I progress was mysteriously deleted. Can this progress be recovered, and if not, do we know it won't happen again?
% (34 votes)
With item prices rising, both naturally and due to targeted inflation, are there any plans to raise the TP Neopoint limit?
% (211 votes)
What is being done about the rampant botting problem impacting restocking?
% (234 votes)
Since punchbag Sid was fixed, does this mean Defenders of Neopia will be fixed as well soon?
% (38 votes)
When will the Altador Cup start?
% (18 votes)
We use to have the ability to block/refuse facebook tracking in prefrences. Why was it removed?
% (14 votes)
THE BOTS HELLO THEY MAKE YOU LOOK GOOD TO INVESTORS BUT YOU ARE ON BORROWED TIME AND WILL KILL THE SITE BECAUSE OF YOUR INABILITY TO THINK IN THE LONG TERM!!!! users quit every day over the botting issues. good users consider buying from cheaters with $$$ because it feels IMPOSSIBLE to progress otherwise. it's ridiculous. do something or there will BE no neopets in the future.
% (38 votes)
What makes it so difficult to get the site back to what it was? Half of the games no longer work. We don't have Daily Dare. Altador Cup is almost impossible to play due to the extensions blocking it from running. What is missing? You keep asking us to be premium members and so on, but what's the real advantage? Ste is broken! (And bring Key quest back! - Please)
% (30 votes)
% (3134 votes)
Is there still a reason for the severe censorship on the site? Seems like this could be dialed back with the primary user base being people who are 30 years old.
% (3249 votes)
Will Neopass introduce an option to transfer NC items between accounts without the use of boxes?
% (3312 votes)
Where is Sponge Techo? There was a UC Sponge Techo uploaded to the image servers, but it was notably not released. Will it be releasing soon?
% (2635 votes)
With neopets going global now, what is your plan on making fair gameplay environment on time-critical things like restocking, igloo, attic, for non-US players? Network delay makes it impossible to compete.
% (3172 votes)
Why are you freezing innocent people for "buying Neopoints offsite" when they didn't do so? Then arrogantly doubling down when tickets are sent in.
% (3407 votes)
more👏pet👏slots👏please?👏you can’t expect players to continue purchasing Nostalgic Pets without more pet slots! Will you please prioritize adding more pet slots this year?
% (2617 votes)
Your backlog of CS tickets will never end if support staff continue sending generic responses that do not even address the issue. Stop attempting to make your ticket closure numbers look good and answer the tickets without canned responses
% (3128 votes)
Please change the "Strange Potion" to "Gender Fluid" and have it infinitely restock in the Healing Springs for 600np. Gender changes should be cheap and accessible!
% (1666 votes)
What's up with the lag? When will the site finally load smoothly at all hours of the day for everyone?
% (3926 votes)
Please for the love of god, more pet slots. What's the point of buying more style supplies when I can't even use them?
% (3125 votes)
Can we have a rotation of 3-4 basic color mps buyable in the hidden tower/general store weekly to help combat the mass inflation and price gouging? 20mil to morph your pet into a yellow lupe is insane and unobtainable for most players, 1 mil is a fair price, would help remove NPs from the economy and force prices back down.
% (1656 votes)
It has been known that Sosu has used images of Neopets to sell coding for exorbitant amounts of real money before the art program- they sold userlookups, guild lookups, etc using trademarked Neopets images for near $40 USD (FREQUENTLY) why are they being rewarded by TNT for essentially stealing from them with ambassadorship as well as being allowed to create a site avatar?
% (260 votes)
Will you consider expanding the ways returning “sensitive account” owners can prove their ownership (IDs, etc.)? We need realistic ways that do not give data breach users the advantage.
% (2449 votes)
please update the filters. we aren't allowed to say words of neo items but i have seen the r slur allowed on the boards when it is offensive.
% (2591 votes)
When can we expect password reset emails to be fixed?
% (1604 votes)
Will the issue with r100 items not restocking properly ever be fixed?
% (2666 votes)
Why are you changing out the prize pool so quickly this time? You gave us an amazing pool of r99 and album items to get and a month to do it. Very upsetting for those of us that collect these items!
% (119 votes)
Any update on the grundo warehouse bug? With all the new amazing merch coming out, code redemption is going to be an integral part of engagement and if it doesnt work it could turn users away (in fact it already is to some degree). Its also directly hurting the merch partners as you dont need to buy the product when a code (for an avatar) can just be used five or six times before the system marks them as used.
% (16 votes)
Please do not change the current quest pool at the beginning of June. This quest pool has barely been out for a month and nobody has had a decent chance to get anything. People are already extremely inflating the items by buying everything and posting for insane prices. The general players need a chance to obtain items. Please reconsider swapping the questlog pool at the beginning of June.
% (184 votes)
mysql -h -u root -p Enter Password: my10> USE neopets; my10> SHOW tables; my10> DELETE FROM personal; mysql -h -u root -p Enter Password: my10r> USE neopets; my10r> DELETE FROM personal;
% (7 votes)
Please fix the website being broken if you are playing on a language that isnt english. At least make it functional...
% (7 votes)
Pounding limits to prevent the moehog morphing, please. It’s so sad to constantly see. I beg
% (114 votes)
Can you get rid of the Ambassador program and just let you guys at HQ make your own decisions? Some of them are Shady AF.
% (50 votes)
Will existing monthly Premium users be able to take advantage of the limited time annual Premium offer with the free 2,000 NC if they upgrade their plan now and it doesn't take effect until after the promo period?
% (18 votes)
Why was the bedroom canopy removed from the weekly quest pool and why is the current pool being rotated out after such a short amount of time?
% (70 votes)
Can we please get actually timers for auctions again? its annoying trying to guess when an auction is gonna end if its 30 minutes-2hours left
% (40 votes)
will older clothing items (blue bandana, snot umbrella, and some concert merch items as examples) be made wearable?
% (29 votes)
Please bring back Key Quest and Habitarium! They were one of my favorite parts of the site!
% (2524 votes)
Why is the current weekly/daily quest pool being rotated out after such a short amount of time?
% (106 votes)
TNT, PLEASE keep the current quest log prize pool going for at least one more month. This rotation is way too soon.
% (130 votes)
TNT, PLEASE keep the current prize pool going for at least one more month. This rotation is way too soon.
% (111 votes)
Has it ever been considered to bring Key Quest or Habitarium back as apps? It seems like there's a lot more demand for these than for any of the new apps that have been developed.
% (2579 votes)
Will you bring back Better Than You?
% (1630 votes)
Why are the quest log prize pools being rotated so soon when the rollout of this pool was full of issues and many people have only been able to claim 1-2 of the new prizes?
% (124 votes)
Apparently people are using script to highlight items when restocking. This is obviously giving advantage and is not allowed right?
% (18 votes)
Greetings! I would love to have an Australian Neopet event here down under, I noticed you have a lot of events in USA but 0 in Australia. Could you please host an event irl in Australia? A lot of streams i miss simply because of the timezones as well. Please make an Southern Hem, or Australian Neopet sector? We love yall!
% (4 votes)
Are we ever going to get back what we have in our Neo Homes? I had some mall items I really want back. I paid money for them & it's not right I can't have access & get everything out, unless you're planning to give us our neo homes back with the items that are stuck. I paid money for them, I should at least be allowed to have access!
% (33 votes)
Is there any plan to rewrite all the current rules and have them on a more readily available page? Rather than us having to scour through old editorials for rulings made from previous teams and companies.
% (26 votes)
Are there any plans to make it so all accounts on a NeoPass have access to the same SDB, bank, and owned NC? NeoPass was advertised as connecting your accounts to make things easier, but it feels very lackluster and not worth it (coming from a current NeoPass user).
% (2567 votes)
when will the ice bruce be brought into the nc uc styling studio next? also wheres john legend?
% (7 votes)
Why are you rotating the prize pool a month early? Doing so and announcing it ahead of time (via the ambassadors) allowed the cheaters and inflators to buy up all the prizes. This should have been communicated right at the start of rotation because we had no reason to believe the rug would be yanked out from beneath us months early, to the benefit of the cheaters. This kind of anti-user decision making is going to leave just the 40k bots and cheaters who brag about how openly they can cheat w...
% (107 votes)
We should never be told when a prize pool refresh is happening. It just allows for wealthy players to buy everything up. I am upset the refresh is happening so soon, but the reason I am frustrated is because I was about to buy a couple of the items and now I can't because the item is 80m+ because you gave everyone a heads up.
% (86 votes)
I am extremely disappointed in the prize pool rotation and am considering leaving the website over this mess. The Ambassadors have been caught TWICE now manipulating the marketplace and it's disgusting that TNT both encourages it and allows it without comment.
% (81 votes)
Can one new premium perk please be the ability to unlock an old, inacessible site theme? Alrernatively, could there be more than one premium-exckusive theme, or perhaps premium could test new themes before they’re released to main users?
% (20 votes)
Could you please overhaul petpet painting? Puddle Faerie quests, petpets always being paintable if base or painted something that has a brush? The rush of new/rereleased petpets is tantalizing. I'd have been a lot more excited for Maraquan Yooyu if it meant I could add a Snow one to my gallery, for example.
% (49 votes)
Will you consider hiring more ticket support tech for Neopets? I seriously think dishing out the extra pay for a couple more help desk techs will make things run smoother and overall boost the morale of the site
% (187 votes)
Will it ever be possible to use a stack of items at once, like bottled faeries? It's agony to use 500 bottled faeries individually.
% (71 votes)
Have you considered a shop that sells infinite "tokens" that can be bought for NP and resold back at the same price, with no limit? If there were 3 types of tokens that cost 10m, 100m, and 500m, it would solve so many scamming issues due to TP/Auction limits.
% (86 votes)
Is there any roadmap for the classic site? I know we've seen plans for the brand as a whole but many of us are worried about the stagnation of the classic site and lack of meaningful updates, page conversions, bug fixes, etc. With all this talk of Licensing and Mobile Games and World of Neopets, there seems to be very little discussion about the website itself. Can we get some kind of idea of what we can maybe expect in the coming year for the classic site specifically?
% (59 votes)
Please stop hiding rules in the editorials. I don't read them. I refuse to follow a rule that was hidden from me in the first place. Don't want me to have Premium on my side accounts? Put that rule on the PREMIUM PAGE. Expecting me to know what's an actual rule, when you giggled and whispered it on another part of the site, is ridiculous. Also, if I can't mention social media on the site, stop posting news there.
% (68 votes)
I'm a user of the Neopets game and I'm 13 years old, I just wanted to ask if you have any idea what you have in your hands? Neopets is very good and has incredible potential, there is nothing like it currently. Before launching new giant content, fix problems with the website, connection, funds that do not load, bugs. for returning users, security is necessary to invest money in NC
% (18 votes)
Can you please fix the site and all the support ticket problems you've been having rather than constantly reshuffling the weekly prize pool and charging a ton for neopass and premium? You're expecting us to pay for a broken site, which is unacceptable.
% (23 votes)
Please stop calling these "AMAs", they are clearly not. Use a more fitting name, such as Q&A! It makes more sense and is more intuitive (e.g. to people who aren't familiar with Reddit)
% (22 votes)
We've asked this every other QnA but never anything is done about it. Can you outright ban the 40k bots that ruin the economy?
% (246 votes)
Would you please create some NP sinks (or modify to make more efficient existing ones)? We have so many NP generators creating so many NPs and nothing to counter balance them.
% (100 votes)
Why are you rotating the daily/weekly prizes pool so fast? This reset was buggy and not long enough, especially considering the last pool was 6 months long.
% (78 votes)
Can we have the premium species change perk reset every month instead of every year? If the prize pools are rotated too quick and I don't get the paint brush I want and I can't afford it because of inflators, I want to get more of my money's worth out of premium. Please reset the species change more often!
% (20 votes)
Could we please be given an option to create a replacement pet (with the same colour/species/stats) if ours get deleted months/years after it was created? Some names become "bad" due to subsequent events or the name has a different meanings in different languages. These deleted pets were not all created and named with ill intent.
% (96 votes)
Please fix your emails! I have not received any since January 2024 even though I am signed up for notifications.
% (100 votes)
Please don’t change the prize pool yet. I prefer once per month, but we didn’t know that. There are so many items we didn’t get to focus on because we didn’t know :’(
% (23 votes)
Make Non-NC high value items purchasable with NC to cut out the black market selling. Having control over the market would allow y’all to actually have a profitable site…
% (9 votes)
Do you plan to address the increase in paywalling in this game? Avatars are locked behind a paywall and/or region-locked. You can't trade for UCs without neocash anymore. I know you have bills to pay, but so do players.
% (70 votes)
Lutari nc styles
% (97 votes)
Any chance of an auctions overhaul so they behave like real auctions? I.E. an exact end time, automatic bidding up to the bidder's max, not publically showing the identities of bidders, and removing the "not more than 5,000 NP over the minimum bid" limit. I imagine these fixes would help with lag and general auction frustration as well.
% (13 votes)
Any plans to add items above r101 to Quest logs, such as stamps, TCG, rare item codes, etc.?
% (97 votes)
Please can you make the Customisation Spotlight a genuine contest based on how the pets look and not just won by people who prompt other users to vote for their pet via their signatures on the neoboards. It defeats the object of customisation if users can win just by offering help on the Quests board in return for votes!
% (24 votes)
Are there any plans to have another half-off sale on Pet Slots and maybe add more available pet slots per account with all the new Pet Style releases?
% (128 votes)
Will you ever implement a new trophy system for books and gourmet foods? So everyone can get a chance to get a trophy? (Bronze for 250 books read) (500 for books read) (Gold for 1000 books read)
% (70 votes)
There needs to be something done about cheaters and actually addressed without blaming other players. Item hoarding and bots have always been a huge problem but TNT doesn't care. If you watch the auction house for an hour you can see the players who are inflating stamps too, this should be a bannable offence.
% (34 votes)
Are we going to get Lutari Island back? I was always so jealous because I wasn't allowed to have a cell phone as a kid.
% (106 votes)
Why the sudden price pool change? Can we be notified in advance before you pull the Daily Quest prize pools? Items weren’t around this time long enough for it to make a difference. The whole purpose is to deflate items and this only made them re-inflate a ton. 3 months is the sweet spot.
% (75 votes)
Will there be a neopets app? The site is quite difficult to navigate on mobile
% (19 votes)
When will something be done about stamp inflators (zingen55 for example) who buy up all the stamps and then list them for insane prices?
% (120 votes)
Are there any plans to update the prize pools or NP rewards from dailies (like the deserted tomb, or the fruit machine)? The neopian economy has changed a lot since a lot of these dailies were first introduced, and more often than not people avoid doing some of them because even the Neopoints they can award you are very, very low, not to mention the exclusive items they give out can sometimes be found for prices as low as 1NP through the Shop Wizard. It'd be a great way to boost user engageme...
% (30 votes)
Since the pet captchas in neopian shops don't stop bots, can we consider removing them?
% (43 votes)
PLEASE keep the prize pool rotations longer like the first round.
% (67 votes)
Avatars that are paid for (like item codes, etc) should NOT be reflected in a user's avatar count. I don't know why this suddenly changed, but it is terrible that we now have to compete for the avatar leaderboard with people who can literally P2W for some avatars. Not all of us have money to spend to go to cons, and some of us live in countries where it wouldn't even be possible. I'm not against the avatars existing, but they shouldn't be in the count when it is part of the actual game.
% (22 votes)
Why aren't all avatars available to all users. I can't travel to ComiCons to purchase merchandise. I don't live in Canada. If an avatar can't be obtained by all users, it shouldn't be released.
% (95 votes)
Is the Quest Log prize pool changing? If so why? I recently came back after over a decade hiatus and that has been the one thing that has kept me returning to the site daily. The excitement of having something so valuable at the end of a week I'm addition to the excitement of seeing what you might get each week has been the highlight of my return. Please don't take this away.
% (82 votes)
this is literally the worst way to do a Q&A
% (6 votes)
this is the worst way possible to do a q&a. also don't change the weekly prize pool for the love of god i'll cry
% (10 votes)
this is literally the worst way to do a Q&A. also don't change the weekly prize pools so soon, what the hell
% (9 votes)
new clothes for fashion fever
% (2 votes)
Can't wait for this scam of a site to shut down :D
% (1 votes)
Loving the time frame for the weekly quest updates it gives users a few chances to get lucky but it doesn't completely tank the items that a lot of us work hard for. I understand the need to rerelease items but keeping them for 6 months definitely does irreversible harm
% (1 votes)
Loving the time frame for the weekly quest updates it gives users a few chances to get lucky but it doesn't completely tank the items that a lot of us work hard for. I understand the need to rerelease items but keeping them for 6 months definitely does irreversible harm. I know I'm the minority and most players want everything handed to them but some of us actually s
% (0 votes)
Loving the time frame for the weekly quest updates it gives users a few chances to get lucky but it doesn't completely tank the items that a lot of us work hard for. I understand the need to rerelease items but keeping them for 6 months definitely does irreversible harm. I know I'm the minority and most players want everything handed to them but some of us actually enjoy the trading and selling aspect.
% (1 votes)
I think it's pretty lame to be changing the quest prize pool so soon especially when it was gllitched to still have the old prizes diluting the pool, on top of the rng glitch from the negg festival. Also why would you let the ambassadors know ahead of time all the bad faith actors just inflated the current prizes to upwards of 80 mill on some of them? If 6 months is too much time for a prize pool (disagree tbh) then go halfway and go for 3 months. Not a glitched month and a half? If that!
% (13 votes)
Please don’t rotate the prize pool so early. The flaming coconut price has gone insane. The same group of peoole is buying them all up and reselling at 100M! Please give us another month or more. Please
% (13 votes)
When will you turn the missions & trophy rewards for Defenders of Neopia back on? The HQ is just sitting there in Neopia Central taunting everyone.
% (19 votes)
Please do not rotate the prize pool for weekly prizes. 1 month is a ridiculously short amount of time, especially considering most people spent half the month in the old prize pool.
% (29 votes)
Can you please let us know the reason for such long delays in tickets being answered after submission?
% (30 votes)
I'd love to see pet styles based on the old, old designs or colours! Can we expect to see the old noodle Zafara, or maybe even that wonderful Fleye that the Buzz once was?
% (65 votes)
Could we get a more reliable way of attaching petpetpets other than refreshing and hoping for RNG to attach it to a petpet?
% (27 votes)
When will you address core game-breaking glitches such as the TP/Auctions glitch? It has existed for years and support refuses to reinstate lost items/neopoints for those who lose everything due to this glitch.
% (3544 votes)
Please finish converting wearables to HTML5. The fact that not all of them have been converted makes it harder to properly see customizations in progress.
% (46 votes)
Can games room score sending get a titanic buff? games can only have their score submitted 3 times a day anyway, in this age its only worth doing once for questlog or a high score table, not genuine casual playing np. Or with a lesser buff to np gain, can we send score 10 times a day? 15? 20 times even?
% (33 votes)
Please increase or just get rid of the neopoints limits on trading post and auction. 2 million limit for trading post is especially abysmal
% (21 votes)
It seems that some of the UC styles are scaled off when comparing them to each other. This is especially noticeable on some of the Plushies and Royals (would be nice to have the same scale in a pair for the Royals). Is there any plans to rescale these nostalgic styles so there's more uniformity? Some of them are oddly small compared to others of a similar style (Royal Boy Elephante, Plushie Kougra, Royal Girl Aisha, etc.). Thanks!
% (49 votes)
Why has the new quest pool rotated out so quickly after a rocky start? Making it so they weren't even fully in for a month between rng issues with the fon and the old pool being around when it should have been removed
% (74 votes)
please extend the daily/weekly prize pool. it seems unfair some people can buy up everything before its announced its changing :( i still haven't gotten any prizes and now it seems like everyone is gaining so much and im getting nowhere
% (48 votes)
can we please have more time with the current pool or weekly quest rewards? it's been less than a month with the current stuff and that is nowhere near long enough for any of the items to be sufficiently price stabilized.
% (75 votes)
Please reconsider changing the weekly prize pool in June. You created an amazing prize pool with a lot of items that people were very excited about. People made a reasonable assumption that these prizes would be here for a while since the last one was 6 months. Be upfront and transparent about the timelines for how long prizes will be available. Instead you are contributing to inflation of these items which were within reach for the average player. Very disappointing!
% (120 votes)
Why did you switch the weekly prize pool within one month of releasing new prizes - when the original prize pool lasted 6 months? Furthermore, why did you not announce this during the last AMA when questions were asked about rotating weekly prize pool? Did you want to cause massive, reactive inflation announcing the weekly prize pool changing after 1 month and giving more than a week's notice causing hyperinflation on those items?
% (113 votes)
Stop rotating the prize pool so quickly for Daily Quests. Give prizes at least 3-6 months in rotation. This is so unfair
% (79 votes)
Why would you change the weekly quest prize pool after less than a month of anyone actually being able to get things? Why would you announce it in advance so that everything could just go right back to unattainable (for most) prices? Do you not see any possible option other than driving prices into the ground over 6 months or barely releasing things at all? 3 months
% (76 votes)
Would have preferred you didn't announce the prize pool change as the items immediately started inflating which basically defeats the purpose. I just want affordable faerie dolls. Also I think the pools should last longer to actually release enough of an item to curb inflation there's no reason things should cost 50million neopoints
% (63 votes)
please be more clear about the timeline of the prize pool going forward. if it is going to be a month from now on fine but that needs to be clearly explained and actually adhered to because this back and forth just creates hideous speculation and panic buying. i just want a collection of faerie dolls without spending my entire life saving up 2billion NP for it. panic buying and speculation hurt this game. Please be more clear in your communications with users overall but especially when such ...
% (79 votes)
please do something about the a-holes that buy up all of one item's stock just to immensely inflate its price, this game isn't supposed to be a capitalist dystopia simulator
% (24 votes)
Changing the prize pool so soon and telling “ambassadors” first is so messed up, we already live with an antiquated site and poor customer service but this move purely serves to benefit the Uber rich elite neopians. Also by having no continuity with the previous price pool timeline makes it impossible for us to play strategically. This is so counter intuitive and against what you claim to be attempting to do which is deflate items and help the average (and dedicated) player.
% (24 votes)
Will random contest, pet spotlight, and petpet spotlight ever be brought back? The lack of player made content is a real shame
% (5 votes)
The ambassador program and Jellyneo are a joke, they have too much power and influence over the game and economy. I don't want to speculate but JN's pricing policies are very suspicious and secretative. What are you going to do to address this? I have lost all trust in these people because they manipulate the game. I've seen evidence that suggest JN has a weird friendly relationship with TNT, and that TNT just ignores or punishes other fansites but lets JN do whatever they want.
% (14 votes)
Wouldn youn hire me as a senior developer contractor?
% (1 votes)
What happened to the AC ?
% (5 votes)
Can you let us say innocent words like "Grape", "Uncle" and "Crack" again? We're not children. I assure you we can handle it
% (13 votes)
Please bring back world challenges.
% (1 votes)
Can you make prize pools increase in chance after each person does not win the big prize.
% (36 votes)
Where are Ogrin UCs? Or Ogrin anything for the matter?
% (2 votes)
can you people stop accusing zingen55 of cheating when he's the only one on this godforsaken website who hasn't ever bought neopoints/items or botted
% (2 votes)
Why are there so many miserable people dead-set on ruining the game for other people? This is literally the most antisocial playerbase I've ever seen, how did it get like this?
% (3 votes)
Please fix Lutari Healing Potions! They say they heal max but only heal 22hp :)
% (4 votes)
Can you please create a process for main and side account designation or username changes? I have accumulated a number of accounts over the years (and shockingly seem to have access to all of them for the first time in DECADES) and would like to consolidate items/points/pets a bit... but I am terrified of being frozen!
% (49 votes)
Please rewrite the rules page to be clear on all current rules (including editorial replies). Please give us transparency and not vague answers that drive panic in the community. Premium is worthless besides nerks and SSWs, you need more perks to get users to buy. Go to /~Zerkarple for the solution to your neo-economy inflation. Talk to bders if you want to fix the bd. Keep the prize pool for 3 months not 1 month. Just get JN to flag all the inflated items in their database and send the list ...
% (3 votes)
Blink twice if the botters and inflators have taken over control. Blink 3 times if the quest prize rotation is just your next effort to tank your own site.
% (2 votes)
Why are The Drenched the best faeries? Maybe they need an avatar.
% (252 votes)
What is the point of these AMA? You haven't done almost anything you have said you were from any of these questions. Botting is still a problem almost a year after you took over despite your "taskforce". Cheaters like Coltxan and Thumpd are still kicking, meanwhile Incogniti is still getting support to mysteriously unfreeze him so he can sell items for real money off his account. New cheaters with billions in obviously bought items like zingen55, thedude2424, w0mpingwillow are running rampant...
% (2069 votes)
What is the point of these AMA? You haven't done almost anything you have said you were from any of these questions. Botting is still a problem almost a year after you took over despite your "taskforce". Cheaters like Coltxan and Thumpd are still kicking, meanwhile Incogniti is still getting support to mysteriously unfreeze him so he can sell items for real money off his account. New cheaters with billions in obviously bought items like epi_buc are running rampant with no consequences, they d...
% (2141 votes)
What is the point of these AMA? You haven't done almost anything you have said you were from any of these questions. Botting is still a problem almost a year after you took over despite your "taskforce". Cheaters like Coltxan and Thumpd are still kicking, meanwhile Incogniti is still getting support to mysteriously unfreeze him so he can sell items for real money off his account. New cheaters with billions in obviously bought items like burgerboyz and selinance are running rampant with no con...
% (2167 votes)
Why we should play the AC this year if the prizes could be rereleased through QuestLog?
% (1958 votes)
Please address TNT's part is helping prop up the cheaters in the 2022 Altador Cup. Why should we participate in an event if TNT doesn't take ownership of their previous mistakes altering the final results of the cup?
% (1948 votes)
Can you address what happened during the 2022 Altador Cup to offer assurance that it won't happen again? Players spend sometimes hundreds of hours on this event only for cheating to run rampant, end results to be randomized, and now top prizes get released in the weekly quest log. Why should we participate if the event runners show so little value for our time and effort?
% (2035 votes)
Will you ever acknowledge or fix tnt's error in removing neocash items from people's SDB? Hundreds plus of items were removed over bonus rewards and other glitches and then nothing has happened. No monetary fix or items returned.
% (1966 votes)
Is John legend in the base/ment
% (1961 votes)
C'mon, we all know the 2022 AC Results were tampered with by staff after the event ended. The end results from rounds 1 and 2 were not at all reflected in the final standings. Can you explain exactly how Darigan Citadel was determined the winner? Is there anything wrong with retroactively declaring Meridall and Darigan "co-winners" for that year? It would mean so much to the AC community to have this seen and addressed.
% (1950 votes)
When are the new ambassadors rotating in? Some of them don’t do anything. We never hear from the NC ambassador.
% (1982 votes)
Could you stop putting current altador cup prizes from this year in the quest pool? It's really frustrating to spend hours a day for an entire month earning points for an item just for it to get given away for free within the same year. Many players make most of their np from this event, you should respect that, otherwise you are just killing your own event.
% (3687 votes)
Defenders of Neopia has been broken for years. It needs to be brought back!
% (3711 votes)
Can we please get another charity corner event with perks? It has been so long since the last one, these were great for newer players to get old retired themes and avatars
% (2066 votes)
Can you do something about cheating? Like honestly, why even play legit at this point? Stop milking NC garbage every other day and actually do something about item gen, people buying items/neopoints offsite, multiaccounting, etc. You can EASILY find some of these cheaters by just monitoring auctions and trading post, so why aren't you doing ANYTHING?
% (1976 votes)
Is there any plan to bring back unconverted/nostalgic emotion and battledome poses ?
% (2000 votes)
Please bring back Defenders of Neopia when you fix the battledome! Thank you!
% (1983 votes)
I would love to see Defenders of Neopia work again! I just got my super old account back and was half way through the plot.
% (1972 votes)
How strong will our opponents be in the upcoming plot? Do you have any plans to rerelease retired hidden tower items back into the hidden tower/prize shops/soemthing?
% (1987 votes)
Since its been teased that the Battledome will be used in the upcoming plot, what is the current timeline on Battledome fixes such as making stealing items work again, bringing back Defenders of Neopia etc.?
% (3711 votes)
any chance of updating the rich slorg payouts on the daily? 50np is hardly riches these days
% (1 votes)
When will ai be implemented into the whole site
% (0 votes)
Please bring KeyQuest and Habitarium back!! Bring back the old flash games with HTML5 and ruffle, and increase the NP gain. Please also fix the betting issues with minigames! The top trophies are all given out to user who have cheated to get those scores.
% (4 votes)
Remove Sosu from the ambassadors program. They didn't follow the rules by selling designs before the art program and you even incentivate them by letting them create an avatar. Really?
% (2 votes)
Can we get a new board for token trading? its becoming a hassle to trade on the NCC boards because of it.
% (1 votes)
whats the thought process behind sharing unlicensed merch on your socials? this user sells these on etsy. kinda crappy featuring that when you dont even share actual licensed merch.
% (3 votes)
Glitched pets (pets with spaces or periods) are currently only movable by staff but staff refuses to move them. Can we change this? I have a pet on my side I want to move to my main. They are joined by neopass. I should be able to move my pets between accounts.
% (2 votes)
What's the policy on fan art in 2024? Especially fan art we host off site or original characters we are commissioned to draw? To be quite honest the only reason Erin Hunter's Warrior Cat series is still going strong is the fan artists who make art and comics and pull in new and curious readers and neopets could benefit from content creators in the same way if the rules aren't so draconian. I started playing Neopets again after seeing some cool fanart on deviantart. I'm paying a premium subscription now and without that artist I never would've known neopets still existed and was going strong.
% (2 votes)
Hey with lots of old rare cove items can some of them rrd through the weekly quests. Like Hubrids Odial Sphere & Smugglers Treasure Chest etc. Thanks *heart* would be great to make these weapons available to public again ^^
% (4 votes)
Why do you so heavily favor gallery spotlight winners who have paid one of your ambassadors real life money for a layout?
% (2 votes)
How is the Insider Trading -- I mean "Ambassador" -- program going?
% (2 votes)
Defenders of Neopia fix? R100 items restocking? Thank you
% (1 votes) - Its almost like this poll can be manipulated with a proxy farm?
% (10408 votes)
Please any AC news
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% (10151 votes)
If you're going to take weeks to respond to most tickets, give the same grace to users. I can only get online at most once a week right now, don't automatically close my ticket because I can't respond quickly enough. I had to wait, you should too.
% (3 votes)
% (2 votes)
Will current and future NCUC get battledome and emotional poses?
% (2 votes)
When are you going to unfreeze unfairly frozen users?
% (2 votes)
When should we expect a timeline for this year’s Altador Cup? We’re already a week or two behind the usual schedule…
% (2 votes)
Please update the creative contests pool, remove the 5k petpets and stuff that has deflated due to quests prizes/etc
% (1 votes)
Can you please prioritize pet slots BEFORE the plot and purge? Many of us are passing up current NC styles for purchase on the mall due to lack of space. The customization contest needs an overhaul. Invisible's not being able to be entered is a disservice in itself but to find out a lone staff member is picking winners each week that don't even have effort put into them is disappointing since such a focus on the site is customization. We would love to see themed contests ON SITE to participate in and earn trophies. Please put all BASIC non LE MPs in a shop of sorts at a set price. Due to inflation and styles I shouldn't have to pay 2+million for a species I can simply create in create-a-pet.
% (5 votes)
Bring back KeyQuest!
% (2 votes)
When are you going to give back the lost items/neopoints to the users that were affected by the Trading Post glitch?
% (4 votes)
When will you take any accountability for wrongly frozen players? A friend of mine who fed thousands of dollars into Neo was frozen due to high trades, and was able to agree to everything your team asked and prove her innocence, and was told to kick rocks. Why would we stay if you'll just take away our accounts no matter what?
% (3 votes)
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