What type of content do you want to see in the game?

by a guest ·
Time travel for incest and genetic system for offsprings.
% (62 votes)
Slaves interacting with each other and the possibility of group sex.
% (37 votes)
More races for slavery including enslavement of some enemies and more detailed interactions of different races.
% (47 votes)
Player character customization options such as non-combat traits, personalities and body types. These could effect events or scenes.
% (77 votes)
Interactive sex that lasts while the characters have energy and lust.
% (31 votes)
Ability to free slaves or turn them into bound servants or companions. Enslavement of companions. Opinion system for companions.
% (47 votes)
Unique companions and slaves with their own events, sex scenes that depends on their opinion of you.
% (45 votes)
More content for sex and related stats.
% (53 votes)
More content for slaves, slavery and management.
% (50 votes)
More content for combat, lore, items and adventuring.
% (29 votes)


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