(In)famous maps Week 4 Map Voting

by a guest ·
Thracia776 Chapter 4 - The Dungeon
% (6 votes)
Thracia776 Chapter 14 - Open Fire
% (1 votes)
Thracia776 Chapter 24x - The Lopt Altar
% (6 votes)
Binding Blade Chapter 8 - The Reunion
% (2 votes)
Binding Blade Chapter 15 - Arcadia
% (5 votes)
Blazing Blade Chapter 27E/29H - Cog of Destiny
% (3 votes)
Sacred Stones Chapter 9B - Fort Rigwald
% (3 votes)
Sacred Stones Chapter 11B - Phantom Ship
% (3 votes)
Sacred Stones Chapter 18 - Two Faces of Evil
% (5 votes)
Path of Radiance Chapter 26 - Clash!
% (3 votes)
Radiant Dawn Chapter 2-E - Elincia's Gambit
% (5 votes)
Radiant Dawn Chapter 3-6 - A Reason to Fight
% (3 votes)
Conquest Chapter 17 - Den of Betrayal
% (3 votes)
Conquest Chapter 20 - Winds of Change
% (3 votes)
Conquest Chapter 26 - Treason
% (8 votes)
Three Houses (non-CF) Chapter 13 - Reunion at Dawn
% (7 votes)


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