The Most Advanced German Tank, Ranked

Choose the tank you think is the most advanced!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 21, 2024 06:17
Throughout history, the progression of military technology has often been displayed through the evolution of tanks, offering crucial insights into both engineering advancements and strategic capabilities. In the context of German engineering, evaluating the advancement of tanks provides a clear picture of technological progress and tactical thought that has shaped conflicts and defense strategies. This evaluation aids enthusiasts and historians alike in understanding the pivotal roles these machines have played through time. By casting your vote on which models stand out as the pinnacle of innovation and functionality, you contribute to a broader consensus on historical and technological excellence. Such a collective effort not only enriches the community’s knowledge but also highlights the features that make each tank a noteworthy piece of military history. Your participation helps in creating a dynamic and informed ranking reflective of diverse opinions and insights.

What Is the Most Advanced German Tank?

  1. 1
    Leopard 2A7+

    Leopard 2A7+

    A highly advanced version of the Leopard 2, designed for both urban and conventional warfare.
    • Introduced: 2010
    • Main Armament: 120 mm smoothbore gun
  2. 2
    Leopard 2A6

    Leopard 2A6

    An improvement over previous Leopard 2 versions with a longer gun barrel for increased accuracy and range.
    • Introduced: 2001
    • Main Armament: 120 mm L55 smoothbore gun
  3. 3
    Leopard 2A5

    Leopard 2A5

    A version of the Leopard 2 with improved armor and an upgraded fire control system.
    • Introduced: 1995
    • Main Armament: 120 mm smoothbore gun
  4. 4
    Leopard 2A4

    Leopard 2A4

    A core version of the Leopard 2 tank with significant improvements over its predecessors in terms of protection and firepower.
    • Introduced: 1985
    • Main Armament: 120 mm smoothbore gun
  5. 5
    Leopard 1

    Leopard 1

    Germany's first main battle tank post-World War II, marking the re-establishment of its armored forces.
    • Introduced: 1965
    • Main Armament: 105 mm rifled gun
  6. 6


    A multirole armoured fighting vehicle designed to transport troops, equipment, and supplies on the battlefield with protection.
    • Introduced: 2001
    • Main Armament: Depends on configuration
  7. 7


    A small, air-transportable, lightly armored vehicle, used for reconnaissance and fire support.
    • Introduced: 1990
    • Main Armament: Varies, including TOW missile launcher or 20 mm autocannon
  8. 8


    A light armored reconnaissance vehicle, known for its stealth and mobility.
    • Introduced: 2003
    • Main Armament: Various, including 40 mm grenade launcher or 12.7 mm machine gun
  9. 9


    A modern infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) that represents a significant leap in the capabilities of mechanized infantry.
    • Introduced: 2010
    • Main Armament: 30 mm MK30-2/ABM autocannon
  10. 10


    An infantry fighting vehicle that has served the German Army since the 1970s, providing reliable service and adaptability.
    • Introduced: 1971
    • Main Armament: 20 mm MK 20 Rh202 autocannon

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most advanced German tank. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or tank is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 156 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each tank once every 24 hours. The rank of each tank is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


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More about the Most Advanced German Tank

Leopard 2A7+
Rank #1 for the most advanced German tank: Leopard 2A7+ (Source)
Germany has a long history of tank development. Engineers and designers have always pushed the boundaries of technology. They focus on creating powerful and efficient machines. German tanks are known for their engineering excellence and robustness.

The design process starts with understanding the needs of the battlefield. Engineers consider speed, armor, firepower, and mobility. They aim to balance these factors to create a tank that can perform well in various conditions. The goal is to produce a machine that can outmatch opponents and protect its crew.

German tanks often feature advanced armor. This armor is designed to withstand hits from enemy fire. Engineers use composite materials to enhance protection. These materials can absorb and deflect the energy of incoming rounds. The design also includes sloped armor, which increases the chance of deflecting shots.

Firepower is another critical aspect. German tanks typically have powerful main guns. These guns can penetrate thick armor at long ranges. Engineers also equip tanks with advanced targeting systems. These systems help crews aim accurately, even while moving. Secondary weapons, like machine guns, provide additional defense against infantry and light vehicles.

Mobility is essential for modern tanks. German tanks are built with powerful engines. These engines provide the necessary power to move quickly across various terrains. Engineers focus on creating efficient transmission systems. This ensures that the tank can maintain high speeds and maneuver effectively. Suspension systems are also crucial. They help the tank handle rough ground and maintain stability.

Communication systems are another key feature. Modern German tanks come equipped with advanced radios. These radios allow crews to communicate with other units. Effective communication is vital for coordinating movements and sharing information. It enhances the overall effectiveness of the tank on the battlefield.

German engineers also prioritize crew safety and comfort. The interior of the tank is designed to be as ergonomic as possible. This helps reduce fatigue and improve performance. Modern tanks include climate control systems. These systems keep the crew comfortable in various weather conditions.

Technological advancements play a significant role in tank development. Engineers constantly seek ways to integrate new technologies. This includes advancements in materials, electronics, and weaponry. The aim is to keep German tanks at the forefront of military technology.

Training is also a crucial component. German tank crews undergo extensive training. They learn how to operate the tank and use its systems effectively. This training ensures that they can perform well under pressure.

The development of German tanks is a continuous process. Engineers and designers always look for improvements. They study past conflicts and current threats. This helps them understand what changes are needed. The result is a series of tanks that are highly advanced and capable.

In summary, German tanks are the result of careful planning and advanced engineering. They balance armor, firepower, mobility, and technology. The focus on crew safety and training ensures that these tanks perform well on the battlefield. German engineers continue to push the limits, creating some of the most advanced tanks in the world.

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