The Most Advanced Missile, Ranked

Choose the missile you think is the most advanced!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 06:17
Understanding the capabilities of advanced missile technology can significantly impact global defense strategies and diplomatic negotiations. By providing a clear and focused ranking of these technologies, individuals and organizations gain a better insight into the advancements and strategic significance of various missile systems. This information can aid in making informed decisions and facilitating discussions on defense and security. This site allows you to contribute to the listing of these advanced missiles, ensuring that the rankings reflect a broad spectrum of opinions and knowledge. By casting your vote, you help paint a clearer picture of how these technologies are viewed worldwide. The results are continuously updated to reflect new insights and voting trends, offering an accurate and current overview of global missile technology.

What Is the Most Advanced Missile?

  1. 1
    Zircon (3M22 Tsirkon)

    Zircon (3M22 Tsirkon)

    A Russian hypersonic cruise missile, capable of speeds of around Mach 8-9, designed to attack both sea and land targets.
    • Country: Russia
    • Speed: Mach 8-9
    • Type: Hypersonic cruise missile
  2. 2


    A hypersonic cruise missile currently under development by India and Russia, designed to be faster and more advanced than its predecessor, the BrahMos.
    • Country: India/Russia
    • Speed: Mach 7
    • Type: Hypersonic cruise missile
  3. 3


    A North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile, considered to be capable of reaching all parts of the United States mainland.
    • Country: North Korea
    • Range: 13,000 km
    • Payload: Nuclear capable
  4. 4
    AGM-183A ARRW

    AGM-183A ARRW

    An American hypersonic weapon, the Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon is designed for precision strike against high-value, time-sensitive targets.
    • Country: United States
    • Speed: Mach 20+
    • Type: Hypersonic missile
  5. 5
    Trident II D5

    Trident II D5

    An American submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), featuring high accuracy and large payload, making it a key part of the country's nuclear deterrent.
    • Country: United States
    • Range: 12,000 km
    • Payload: MIRV capable, up to 14 W88 (475 kt) warheads
  6. 6
    Storm Shadow / SCALP EG

    Storm Shadow / SCALP EG

    A long-range, air-launched cruise missile developed jointly by the UK and France for precision strike against high-value targets.
    • Country: UK/France
    • Range: 560 km
    • Type: Cruise missile
  7. 7

    RS-28 Sarmat (Satan II)

    A Russian liquid-fueled, MIRV-equipped, super-heavy intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), designed to replace the older R-36M missiles (Voevoda, or SS-18 'Satan').
    • Country: Russia
    • Range: 18,000 km
    • Payload: Up to 10 heavy or 15 light MIRV nuclear warheads
  8. 8
    Avangard Hypersonic Glide Vehicle

    Avangard Hypersonic Glide Vehicle

    A Russian hypersonic boost-glide vehicle capable of flying at hypersonic speed while maneuvering to penetrate missile defense systems.
    • Country: Russia
    • Speed: Mach 20+
    • Type: Hypersonic glide vehicle
  9. 9
    Kinjal (Dagger)

    Kinjal (Dagger)

    A Russian air-launched ballistic missile, part of the Kh-47M2 system, capable of defeating air and missile defense systems through its high speed and maneuverability.
    • Country: Russia
    • Speed: Mach 10
    • Type: Air-launched ballistic missile
  10. 10
    DF-41 (Dong Feng-41)

    DF-41 (Dong Feng-41)

    A Chinese solid-fueled road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile, considered one of the world's longest-range missiles, capable of striking anywhere on Earth.
    • Country: China
    • Range: 12,000-15,000 km
    • Payload: MIRV capable, up to 10 nuclear warheads

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most advanced missile. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or missile is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 2 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each missile once every 24 hours. The rank of each missile is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Advanced Missile

Zircon (3M22 Tsirkon)
Rank #1 for the most advanced missile: Zircon (3M22 Tsirkon) (Source)
Missiles have evolved over the years. Early designs were simple. They relied on basic propulsion and guidance systems. Today, missiles are more advanced. They use cutting-edge technology to achieve their goals.

Modern missiles have several key features. First, they use advanced propulsion systems. These systems allow them to travel faster and farther. Some can even reach hypersonic speeds. This makes them hard to detect and intercept.

Guidance systems have also improved. Early missiles used simple navigation. Modern ones use complex algorithms. They can adjust their path in real-time. This ensures they hit their target with high accuracy.

Stealth technology is another important feature. Advanced missiles are designed to avoid detection. They use special materials and shapes. This makes them less visible to radar. It allows them to approach targets undetected.

Payload capacity has increased as well. Modern missiles can carry various types of warheads. Some are designed for large-scale destruction. Others are more precise. They can target specific structures or vehicles. This versatility makes them useful in many situations.

Electronic warfare capabilities are also a key feature. Modern missiles can jam enemy communications. They can disrupt radar and other sensors. This gives them an edge in combat situations.

Integration with other systems is crucial. Advanced missiles can work with other military assets. They can receive data from satellites, drones, and ground units. This makes them more effective in coordinated attacks.

The development of these missiles involves many challenges. Engineers must balance speed, accuracy, and stealth. They must also consider the cost. Advanced missiles are expensive to produce. They require high-quality materials and precise manufacturing.

Despite these challenges, the benefits are clear. Advanced missiles provide a significant advantage. They can strike targets with high precision. They can avoid detection and countermeasures. This makes them a valuable asset in modern warfare.

Research and development continue to push the boundaries. Engineers are exploring new materials and propulsion methods. They are developing better guidance systems. The goal is to create even more advanced missiles.

In summary, modern missiles are a result of years of innovation. They combine advanced propulsion, guidance, and stealth technologies. They can carry various payloads and disrupt enemy systems. They are integrated with other military assets. These features make them a powerful tool in modern warfare. As technology advances, we can expect even more sophisticated designs in the future.

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