The Most Advanced Cruise Missile, Ranked

Choose the cruise missile you think is the most advanced!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 06:17
In the sophisticated arena of military technology, determining the capabilities of advanced cruise missiles plays a critical role. Analysts and defense strategists constantly assess these powerful tools to ensure national security and global peace. By understanding their technology, range, and effectiveness, better defensive and offensive strategies can be planned. This site provides an opportunity for enthusiasts and experts alike to contribute their knowledge and opinions through voting on what they consider the most capable and advanced cruise missiles. Each vote helps to shape a clearer picture of current technological advancements and global military preparedness. Your participation is valuable in creating a more informed and transparent discussion about these crucial defense tools.

What Is the Most Advanced Cruise Missile?

  1. 1


    A supersonic cruise missile developed by India and Russia, capable of being launched from submarines, ships, aircraft, or land platforms.
    • Speed: Mach 2.8-3
    • Range: 290 km
  2. 2
    Storm Shadow / SCALP EG

    Storm Shadow / SCALP EG

    A long-range, air-launched cruise missile developed by the UK and France.
    • Speed: Mach 0.8
    • Range: 560 km
  3. 3
    3M22 Zircon

    3M22 Zircon

    A hypersonic cruise missile developed by Russia, capable of speeds of around Mach 8.
    • Speed: Mach 8
    • Range: 1000 km
  4. 4


    A beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile developed by a European consortium for the Eurofighter Typhoon.
    • Speed: Mach 4
    • Range: 100+ km
  5. 5


    A long-range, all-weather, subsonic cruise missile introduced by the United States.
    • Speed: Mach 0.74
    • Range: 2500 km
  6. 6


    A stealthy anti-ship cruise missile developed by the United States for the Navy and Air Force.
    • Speed: High subsonic
    • Range: 370 km
  7. 7


    A family of Russian cruise missiles capable of striking surface and ground targets.
    • Speed: Mach 3
    • Range: 2500 km
  8. 8
    AGM-158 JASSM

    AGM-158 JASSM

    A long-range, air-to-surface missile developed by the United States.
    • Speed: Subsonic
    • Range: 370 km
  9. 9
    P-800 Oniks

    P-800 Oniks

    A supersonic anti-ship cruise missile developed by Russia.
    • Speed: Mach 2.5
    • Range: 600 km
  10. 10


    A long-range cruise missile developed by China.
    • Speed: Subsonic
    • Range: 1500 km

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most advanced cruise missile. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or missile is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 87 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each missile once every 24 hours. The rank of each missile is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Advanced Cruise Missile

Rank #1 for the most advanced cruise missile: BrahMos (Source)
Cruise missiles represent a key component in modern military arsenals. These weapons can travel long distances with high precision. They are designed to deliver a significant payload to a specific target while minimizing collateral damage.

The development of cruise missiles began during World War II. Engineers sought a way to strike distant targets without risking pilot lives. Early models were rudimentary, but they laid the groundwork for future advancements.

Modern cruise missiles are a marvel of engineering. They use advanced guidance systems to navigate. These systems include inertial navigation, terrain contour matching, and satellite guidance. This combination ensures accuracy, even over vast distances.

One standout feature of these missiles is their ability to fly at low altitudes. This helps them avoid radar detection. They can hug the terrain, making them hard to spot and intercept. This capability is crucial for penetrating advanced defense systems.

Cruise missiles also boast impressive speeds. Some models can travel at subsonic speeds, while others reach supersonic velocities. The speed at which they travel depends on their design and intended use. Faster missiles reduce the time available for enemy defenses to react.

The propulsion system is another critical component. Modern cruise missiles use turbojet or turbofan engines. These engines provide the necessary thrust for long-range travel. They are efficient and reliable, ensuring the missile reaches its target.

Payload capacity is another important aspect. Cruise missiles can carry various types of warheads. These include conventional explosives, submunitions, and even nuclear warheads. The choice of payload depends on the mission's objectives and the desired impact.

The versatility of cruise missiles makes them suitable for many missions. They can target enemy infrastructure, military installations, and strategic assets. Their precision reduces the risk of unintended damage, making them a preferred choice in modern warfare.

Stealth technology enhances the effectiveness of cruise missiles. Some models incorporate radar-absorbing materials and designs. This reduces their radar signature, making them even harder to detect. Stealth features increase the chances of a successful strike.

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in guidance systems is a recent advancement. AI allows for adaptive targeting and decision-making. This technology can adjust the missile's path in real-time, increasing its accuracy and effectiveness.

Cruise missiles also benefit from network-centric warfare concepts. They can receive updates and new targeting information during flight. This capability ensures they can adapt to changing battlefield conditions. It enhances their flexibility and responsiveness.

The strategic value of cruise missiles is undeniable. They provide a means to project power without deploying troops. Their precision and reliability make them a cornerstone of modern military strategy.

In conclusion, the evolution of cruise missiles reflects advancements in technology and strategy. They combine precision, speed, and stealth to deliver powerful strikes. As technology continues to advance, these weapons will likely become even more sophisticated. Their role in modern warfare will remain significant, shaping the future of conflict and defense.

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