The Most Advanced Fighter Jet in Russia, Ranked

Choose the fighter jet you think is the most advanced!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 06:17
In the fast-paced world of military advancements, keeping track of top-tier technology is essential. For enthusiasts and analysts alike, understanding the capabilities and features of Russia's most advanced fighter jets provides insight into current aerospace trends and defense capabilities. This knowledge could prove vital for both strategic planning and educational purposes. Here on our site, you have the power to cast your vote and help determine which of these formidable jets stands out among the rest. Each vote contributes to a broader community perspective, highlighting preferences and opinions on what makes a fighter jet truly exceptional. Your participation not only sheds light on public opinion but also enriches the discussion surrounding advanced military technology.

What Is the Most Advanced Fighter Jet in Russia?

  1. 1
    Mikoyan MiG-35

    Mikoyan MiG-35

    The MiG-35 is a 4++ generation, multirole fighter that is an advanced derivative of the MiG-29M/M2 and MiG-29K/KUB fighters.
    • First Flight: 2007
    • Introduction: Not officially in service as of last updates
    • Status: In testing
  2. 2
    Sukhoi Su-57

    Sukhoi Su-57

    The Su-57 is Russia's most advanced stealth multirole air superiority fighter, designed for air superiority and attack operations.
    • First Flight: 29 January 2010
    • Introduction: 25 December 2020
    • Status: In service
  3. 3
    Sukhoi Su-34

    Sukhoi Su-34

    The Su-34 is a Russian twin-seat fighter-bomber. It is intended to deliver high-precision strikes under all weather conditions.
    • First Flight: 13 April 1990
    • Introduction: 2014
    • Status: In service
  4. 4
    Sukhoi Su-27

    Sukhoi Su-27

    The Su-27 is a twin-engine supermaneuverable fighter aircraft designed by Sukhoi. It was intended as a direct competitor for the large United States fourth-generation fighters.
    • First Flight: 20 May 1977
    • Introduction: 1985
    • Status: In service
  5. 5
    Yakovlev Yak-130

    Yakovlev Yak-130

    The Yak-130 is a subsonic two-seat advanced jet trainer and light attack aircraft or lead-in fighter trainer. It is designed to train pilots in flying fourth and fifth-generation fighters.
    • First Flight: 25 April 1996
    • Introduction: 2009
    • Status: In service
  6. 6
    Sukhoi Su-35

    Sukhoi Su-35

    The Su-35 is an advanced capability multirole air superiority fighter. It is an upgraded version of the Su-27.
    • First Flight: 19 February 2008
    • Introduction: 2014
    • Status: In service
  7. 7
    Mikoyan MiG-31

    Mikoyan MiG-31

    The MiG-31 is a supersonic interceptor aircraft. It was designed to intercept and destroy cruise missiles and their launch aircraft under all weather conditions.
    • First Flight: 16 September 1975
    • Introduction: 1982
    • Status: In service
  8. 8
    Sukhoi Su-24

    Sukhoi Su-24

    The Su-24 is a supersonic, all-weather attack aircraft/interdictor. It is capable of precision strikes and is equipped with a variable-sweep wing.
    • First Flight: 2 July 1967
    • Introduction: 1974
    • Status: In service
  9. 9
    Sukhoi Su-30SM

    Sukhoi Su-30SM

    A specialized version of the thrust-vectoring Su-30MKI for the Russian Aerospace Forces. It's a multirole fighter for all-weather, air-to-air and air-to-surface deep interdiction missions.
    • First Flight: 21 September 2012
    • Introduction: 2012
    • Status: In service
  10. 10
    Mikoyan MiG-29

    Mikoyan MiG-29

    The MiG-29 is a twin-engine jet fighter aircraft designed in the Soviet Union. Developed to counter new American fighters such as the F-15 Eagle, it is a 4th-generation fighter.
    • First Flight: 6 October 1977
    • Introduction: 1982
    • Status: In service

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most advanced fighter jet in Russia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or jet is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 156 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each jet once every 24 hours. The rank of each jet is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Advanced Fighter Jet in Russia

Mikoyan MiG-35
Rank #1 for the most advanced fighter jet in Russia: Mikoyan MiG-35 (Source)
Russia has a long history of developing advanced fighter jets. These jets showcase cutting-edge technology and immense firepower. Over the years, Russian engineers have pushed the boundaries of aerodynamics, stealth, and avionics.

In the early days, Russian jets were simple but effective. They focused on speed and maneuverability. Engineers worked hard to improve every design. Each new model brought better performance and more capabilities. This relentless pursuit of excellence led to some of the most respected aircraft in the world.

Stealth technology became a key focus. Engineers aimed to reduce the radar signature of their jets. They used special materials and unique shapes to achieve this. The goal was to make the jets harder to detect. This gave them a significant edge in combat situations. Stealth features also included heat reduction techniques. These techniques made it harder for heat-seeking missiles to lock onto the jets.

Advanced avionics play a crucial role in modern jets. These systems include radar, navigation, and communication tools. Russian engineers developed sophisticated radar systems. These systems can track multiple targets at once. They also provide detailed information to the pilot. Navigation tools ensure that the jet can operate in any weather condition. Communication systems keep the pilot linked to ground control and other aircraft.

Engine technology is another area of focus. Russian jets need powerful engines to achieve high speeds. These engines also need to be reliable and efficient. Engineers worked to create engines that meet these requirements. They used advanced materials and designs to enhance performance. The result is engines that can propel jets at incredible speeds and altitudes.

Weapons systems are a key part of any fighter jet. Russian jets carry a variety of weapons. These include missiles, bombs, and guns. Engineers designed these systems to be versatile and effective. They allow the jet to engage targets in the air, on the ground, and at sea. The weapons systems are integrated with the avionics for precise targeting.

Training is essential for pilots who fly these advanced jets. Russian pilots undergo rigorous training programs. They learn to handle the jet's complex systems. They also practice combat scenarios to hone their skills. This training ensures that they can operate the jet to its fullest potential.

Maintenance is another critical aspect. Advanced jets require regular upkeep. Engineers designed the jets to be as easy to maintain as possible. They used modular components that can be quickly replaced. This reduces downtime and keeps the jets ready for action.

Russia continues to invest in its fighter jet program. The goal is to stay ahead of potential adversaries. Engineers and scientists work tirelessly to develop new technologies. These innovations will shape the future of aerial combat. The commitment to excellence ensures that Russian jets remain among the best in the world.

In summary, Russia's fighter jets are a blend of advanced technology and engineering prowess. They feature stealth capabilities, powerful engines, and sophisticated avionics. These jets are a testament to Russia's dedication to maintaining a strong and capable air force.

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