The Most Advanced Destroyer, Ranked

Choose the destroyer you think is the most advanced!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 06:17
Determining which destroyer tops the list as the most advanced requires a blend of expert analysis and public opinion. Different metrics such as firepower, technology integration, and maneuverability play crucial roles in these assessments. By ranking these powerful naval ships, enthusiasts and experts alike contribute to a broader understanding of military craftsmanship. Every vote cast on this site helps tailor a live, dynamic ranking that reflects current opinions and insights. This interactive process not only engages the community but also enriches the discourse around naval defense capabilities. Your participation ensures that the ranking remains reflective of the latest technological advancements and strategic valor.

What Is the Most Advanced Destroyer?

  1. 1
    Type 055 (Renhai-class)

    Type 055 (Renhai-class)

    A class of guided missile destroyers (DDG) of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy, they are the largest surface combatants currently in operation.
    • Country: China
    • Displacement: 13,000 tons
    • Length: 590 ft
  2. 2
    Arleigh Burke-class

    Arleigh Burke-class

    A class of guided missile destroyers (DDGs) of the United States Navy, they are among the largest and most powerful destroyers built in the United States.
    • Country: USA
    • Displacement: 9,600 tons
    • Length: 509 ft
  3. 3


    British air-defence destroyers, known as the Type 45 destroyers, equipped with the PAAMS (Sea Viper) air-defence system.
    • Country: United Kingdom
    • Displacement: 8,500 tons
    • Length: 500 ft
  4. 4


    A class of United States Navy guided missile destroyers designed as multi-mission stealth ships with a focus on land attack.
    • Country: USA
    • Displacement: 15,995 tons
    • Length: 610 ft
  5. 5
    Sejong the Great-class

    Sejong the Great-class

    A South Korean class of three guided missile destroyers, which have the Aegis combat system.
    • Country: South Korea
    • Displacement: 11,000 tons
    • Length: 560 ft
  6. 6


    German air defence frigates that are part of the Bundeswehr's Luftverteidigungsgruppe (Air Defence Group).
    • Country: Germany
    • Displacement: 5,800 tons
    • Length: 469 ft
  7. 7


    Air warfare destroyers of the Royal Australian Navy, based on the Spanish Álvaro de Bazán-class design.
    • Country: Australia
    • Displacement: 7,000 tons
    • Length: 483 ft
  8. 8


    A class of frigates of the French Navy, based on the Italian-French FREMM multipurpose frigate program.
    • Country: France
    • Displacement: 6,000 tons
    • Length: 466 ft
  9. 9


    An enhanced version of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) Kongo-class Aegis destroyers.
    • Country: Japan
    • Displacement: 10,000 tons
    • Length: 541 ft
  10. 10


    A class of guided missile destroyers of the Russian Navy, designed to engage enemy ships, aircraft, and submarines.
    • Country: Russia
    • Displacement: 8,480 tons
    • Length: 512 ft

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most advanced destroyer. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Destroyer is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 7 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Destroyer once every 24 hours. The rank of each Destroyer is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Advanced Destroyer

Type 055 (Renhai-class)
Rank #1 for the most advanced destroyer: Type 055 (Renhai-class) (Source)
Modern destroyers represent the pinnacle of naval engineering. These ships combine speed, agility, and firepower. They operate in various roles, from anti-submarine warfare to missile defense. Engineers design them to meet the ever-evolving challenges of maritime security.

The hull of a destroyer is sleek and streamlined. This design helps them cut through water with minimal resistance. They can reach high speeds, allowing them to respond quickly to threats. Advanced propulsion systems power these vessels. These systems often use gas turbines, which provide a high power-to-weight ratio.

Destroyers carry a range of weapons. They have guns for close-range combat and missiles for long-range strikes. These weapons can target ships, aircraft, and even land-based threats. Anti-submarine warfare capabilities include torpedoes and sonar systems. The sonar helps detect submarines, while torpedoes can neutralize them.

Stealth technology plays a key role in modern destroyers. Designers use radar-absorbent materials to reduce the ship's radar signature. This makes it harder for enemies to detect them. The shape of the hull and superstructure also helps minimize radar reflections.

Advanced sensors and communication systems are crucial. These systems allow destroyers to gather and share information. Radar and sonar systems provide real-time data on the environment. Communication systems link the ship with other naval units and command centers. This networked approach enhances situational awareness and coordination.

Destroyers often serve as escorts for larger vessels, like aircraft carriers. They protect these valuable assets from various threats. Their versatility makes them suitable for independent operations as well. They can patrol vast ocean areas, enforce maritime laws, and provide humanitarian aid.

Crew members on a destroyer undergo rigorous training. They need to operate complex systems and respond to emergencies. The living quarters are compact but functional. Modern destroyers offer better amenities than their predecessors, improving crew morale.

The development of destroyers involves significant investment. Governments allocate substantial budgets for research and development. This investment ensures that naval forces remain capable and ready for future challenges. Collaboration with allied nations often occurs, sharing technology and expertise.

In summary, modern destroyers are a testament to advanced naval engineering. They combine speed, firepower, and stealth. Their versatility allows them to perform various roles, from combat to humanitarian missions. These ships are a crucial component of naval strategy, ensuring security on the high seas.

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