The Most Advanced Plane in War Thunder, Ranked

Choose the plane you think is the most advanced!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 06:18
For avid players looking to enhance their gameplay, knowing which planes stand out in War Thunder can be a game-changer. By ranking these high-performance aircraft, users gain insights into which models could give them a tactical edge during combat. This list has been curated thanks to the input of a vast community of gamers who, through their experiences, have gauged the effectiveness of each plane. This dynamic list evolves as more votes are cast, reflecting real-time shifts in player opinions and experiences. Each vote helps new and veteran players alike to make informed decisions about which aircraft to focus on next. The ranking also serves as a discussion starter, sparking debates and discussions over the merits and capabilities of the top contenders.

What Is the Most Advanced Plane in War Thunder?

  1. 1
    F-86F Sabre

    F-86F Sabre

    An iconic American jet fighter from the Korean War era, valued for its dogfighting capabilities.
    • Country: USA
    • Type: Jet Fighter
  2. 2
    F-4C Phantom II

    F-4C Phantom II

    An earlier variant of the Phantom II, still highly effective in air-to-air and air-to-ground roles.
    • Country: USA
    • Type: Jet Fighter
  3. 3


    A Soviet jet fighter-bomber, appreciated for its ground attack capabilities.
    • Country: USSR
    • Type: Jet Fighter-Bomber
  4. 4
    Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23M

    Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23M

    A third-generation Soviet jet fighter, known for its variable-sweep wing.
    • Country: USSR
    • Type: Jet Fighter
  5. 5
    Tornado F.3

    Tornado F.3

    A British multirole combat aircraft, known for its variable-sweep wings and long-range capabilities.
    • Country: UK
    • Type: Combat Aircraft
  6. 6
    F-4E Phantom II

    F-4E Phantom II

    A top-tier American jet fighter known for its versatility and powerful armament.
    • Country: USA
    • Type: Jet Fighter
  7. 7
    Mirage III

    Mirage III

    A French multirole fighter, famous for its delta wing design and versatility.
    • Country: France
    • Type: Jet Fighter
  8. 8


    A highly capable Soviet jet fighter, renowned for its speed and agility.
    • Country: USSR
    • Type: Jet Fighter
  9. 9
    F-104 Starfighter

    F-104 Starfighter

    A fast and high-flying jet fighter, known for its distinctive design and speed.
    • Country: Various
    • Type: Jet Fighter
  10. 10
    Jaguar A

    Jaguar A

    A Franco-British jet attack aircraft, designed for ground attack missions.
    • Country: France/UK
    • Type: Jet Attack Aircraft

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most advanced plane in War Thunder. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or plane is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 1 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each plane once every 24 hours. The rank of each plane is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Advanced Plane in War Thunder

F-86F Sabre
Rank #1 for the most advanced plane in War Thunder: F-86F Sabre (Source)
War Thunder is a popular online combat game. It features air, land, and sea vehicles from various eras. Players can engage in battles using realistic models of planes, tanks, and ships. The game covers vehicles from World War II to the Cold War. Among these, the planes are a highlight for many players.

The most advanced planes in War Thunder come from the jet age. These planes have cutting-edge technology and superior performance. They can reach high speeds and altitudes, making them formidable in combat. The development of these planes marked a significant leap in aviation history.

Jet engines power these advanced planes. Unlike propeller-driven planes, jets can achieve much higher speeds. This allows them to outmaneuver older aircraft. The introduction of jets changed air combat dramatically. Pilots had to adapt to new tactics and strategies.

Advanced planes in War Thunder also feature modern avionics. These include radar systems, which help pilots locate enemies. Some planes have guided missiles, which can track and destroy targets with precision. These features make the planes more effective in combat.

The design of these planes reflects their advanced capabilities. They have sleek, aerodynamic shapes to reduce drag. This helps them achieve higher speeds and better fuel efficiency. Many advanced planes also have swept wings, which improve performance at high speeds.

In War Thunder, players can experience the thrill of flying these advanced planes. The game offers realistic flight models, so players can feel the difference between various aircraft. The advanced planes require skill to master, but they offer great rewards. Players who learn to use them effectively can dominate the skies.

These planes also have advanced weaponry. They carry a mix of guns, rockets, and missiles. This allows them to engage different types of targets. The guns are effective at close range, while the missiles can hit distant enemies. The rockets are useful against ground targets, adding versatility to the planes.

The introduction of these advanced planes in War Thunder has added depth to the game. Players can choose from a wide range of aircraft, each with unique strengths and weaknesses. The advanced planes offer a challenge for experienced players, while newcomers can work their way up to them.

The game's developers continue to add new planes and features. This keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting. Players can look forward to discovering even more advanced aircraft in future updates. The ongoing development ensures that War Thunder remains a dynamic and engaging game.

In summary, the most advanced planes in War Thunder represent the pinnacle of aviation technology. They offer a unique and thrilling experience for players. With their high speeds, advanced avionics, and powerful weapons, these planes are a testament to the evolution of air combat. War Thunder provides a platform to explore and master these incredible machines.

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