The Most Advanced Jet in War Thunder, Ranked

Choose the jet you think is the most advanced!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 06:17
For enthusiasts of War Thunder, the pursuit of mastering the most advanced jets represents a thrilling challenge. Engaging with the community to rank these jets not only fuels a deeper understanding of each model's strengths and weaknesses but also enhances gameplay strategies. By comparing notes and strategies, players can better determine which jets match their style and preferences. This live ranking invites players to cast their votes and see how their opinions stack up against the community's consensus. Participation not only reflects the collective expertise but also guides newcomers in making informed choices about which jets to pilot. As votes accumulate, the dynamic list will provide up-to-date insights that adapt to new game developments and player discoveries.

What Is the Most Advanced Jet in War Thunder?

  1. 1


    A family of jet-powered attack aircraft capable of vertical/short takeoff and landing operations.
    • Country: UK/USA
    • Max Speed: 1,193 km/h
  2. 2
    F-4 Phantom II

    F-4 Phantom II

    A tandem two-seat, twin-engine, all-weather, long-range supersonic jet interceptor and fighter-bomber.
    • Country: USA
    • Max Speed: 2,370 km/h
  3. 3
    F-5E Tiger II

    F-5E Tiger II

    A light supersonic fighter aircraft, designed as a privately funded project by Northrop in the United States.
    • Country: USA
    • Max Speed: 1,700 km/h
  4. 4


    A variable-geometry fighter aircraft, designed by the Mikoyan-Gurevich design bureau in the Soviet Union.
    • Country: USSR
    • Max Speed: 2,500 km/h
  5. 5


    A supersonic jet fighter and interceptor aircraft, designed by the Mikoyan-Gurevich Design Bureau in the Soviet Union.
    • Country: USSR
    • Max Speed: 2,175 km/h
  6. 6
    Mirage III

    Mirage III

    A single-seat, single-engine, fighter aircraft that was capable of attaining supersonic speeds.
    • Country: France
    • Max Speed: 2,350 km/h
  7. 7


    A Soviet swept wing, supersonic fighter aircraft.
    • Country: USSR
    • Max Speed: 2,170 km/h
  8. 8


    A British-French jet attack aircraft, used in close air support and nuclear strike roles.
    • Country: UK/France
    • Max Speed: 1,699 km/h
  9. 9
    F-104 Starfighter

    F-104 Starfighter

    A single-engine, high-performance, supersonic interceptor aircraft originally developed for the United States Air Force (USAF).
    • Country: USA
    • Max Speed: 2,259 km/h
  10. 10


    A Japanese supersonic jet trainer aircraft, the first Japanese-designed aircraft to break the sound barrier.
    • Country: Japan
    • Max Speed: 1,700 km/h

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most advanced jet in War Thunder. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or jet is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 2 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each jet once every 24 hours. The rank of each jet is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Advanced Jet in War Thunder

Rank #1 for the most advanced jet in War Thunder: Harrier (Source)
War Thunder is a popular online game. It focuses on military vehicles, including jets. The game features many advanced jets. These jets have cutting-edge technology. They are fast, agile, and powerful. Players enjoy flying them in battles.

The jets in War Thunder are modeled after real-life aircraft. Developers spend time and effort to make them accurate. This includes their speed, weapons, and handling. Players get a realistic experience. They can feel like real pilots.

Jets in the game have advanced features. These include radar systems, guided missiles, and countermeasures. Radar helps players track enemies. Guided missiles are precise and deadly. Countermeasures protect the jet from enemy attacks. These features make the jets very effective in combat.

Speed is a key factor in jet performance. Advanced jets can reach high speeds. This allows them to outrun enemies and dodge attacks. Speed also helps in dogfights. Players can gain an advantage by outmaneuvering opponents.

Agility is another important aspect. Advanced jets can turn quickly and sharply. This helps them evade enemy fire. It also allows them to get into good attack positions. Agility is crucial in close combat situations.

Weapons are a major part of jet combat. Advanced jets carry a variety of weapons. These include machine guns, cannons, and missiles. Each weapon has its own use. Machine guns are good for close range. Cannons are powerful but have limited ammo. Missiles are effective at long range.

Advanced jets also have advanced targeting systems. These systems help players aim more accurately. They can lock onto targets and fire with precision. This increases the chances of hitting the enemy.

Survivability is another key factor. Advanced jets have strong armor and countermeasures. Armor protects the jet from damage. Countermeasures include flares and chaff. These confuse enemy missiles and reduce the chance of being hit.

Players need skill to fly advanced jets. They must learn to use the jet's features effectively. This includes managing speed, agility, and weapons. Practice and experience are important. Players can improve their skills over time.

Teamwork is also important in War Thunder. Players can work together to achieve objectives. This includes coordinating attacks and defending each other. Teamwork can make a big difference in battles.

Advanced jets are a popular choice in War Thunder. They offer a thrilling experience. Players can enjoy fast-paced, intense combat. The game's realistic mechanics add to the excitement. Flying an advanced jet in War Thunder is a unique and rewarding experience.

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