The Most Advanced Russian Tank, Ranked

Choose the tank you think is the most advanced!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:18
In the dynamic world of military technology, the advancements in tank design and capabilities play a pivotal role in shaping defense strategies. Assessing the most advanced tanks, specifically Russian models, provides both enthusiasts and experts a concrete basis for analysis and discussion. This comparison is not only about power or defense but understanding the technological evolution and strategic value each model brings. By participating in voting for the most advanced Russian tank, users contribute to a community-driven ranking that reflects collective knowledge and preferences. This interactive selection process allows individuals to engage with the technical details, share opinions, and see how their views compare with others. Such involvement adds a layer of personal investment to the discourse, enriching the overall appreciation of military technology.

What Is the Most Advanced Russian Tank?

  1. 1
    T-14 Armata

    T-14 Armata

    The T-14 Armata is a next-generation Russian main battle tank based on the Armata Universal Combat Platform. It is the first series-produced next-generation tank. The most notable features include an unmanned turret, with the crew of three seated in an armored capsule in the front of the hull, advanced composite armor, a new 125mm smoothbore cannon, and fully digitized systems.
    • Introduced: 2015
    • Main Armament: 125mm 2A82-1M smoothbore gun
    • Engine Power: 1,500 hp
  2. 2


    The T-90M, also known as Proryv-3, is a modernized version of the T-90 main battle tank. It features enhanced armor, an upgraded engine, and a new gun system. The T-90M is equipped with a modern fire control system, improved survivability, and increased mobility.
    • Introduced: 2016
    • Main Armament: 125mm smoothbore gun
    • Engine Power: 1,130 hp
  3. 3


    The T-80BV represents an upgrade to the T-80B, featuring enhanced armor protection with Kontakt-5 explosive reactive armor and improvements to its fire control system.
    • Introduced: 1985
    • Main Armament: 125mm smoothbore gun
    • Engine Power: 1,100 hp
  4. 4


    The T-80BVM is an upgraded version of the T-80BV, featuring improved armor, a more powerful engine, and an advanced fire control system. This version enhances the T-80's capabilities to modern standards, including better protection against anti-tank weapons.
    • Introduced: 2017
    • Main Armament: 125mm smoothbore gun
    • Engine Power: 1,250 hp
  5. 5


    The T-72B3 is a modernized version of the T-72B tank, featuring upgraded armor, a new engine, and enhanced fire control systems. It represents a cost-effective modernization to extend the service life of the T-72 platform.
    • Introduced: 2013
    • Main Armament: 125mm smoothbore gun
    • Engine Power: 1,130 hp
  6. 6


    The T-90A is an advanced version of the T-90 tank, featuring improved armor and a more powerful engine. It also includes a sophisticated fire control system and explosive reactive armor.
    • Introduced: 2004
    • Main Armament: 125mm smoothbore gun
    • Engine Power: 1,000 hp
  7. 7


    The T-72B was an important upgrade to the T-72 line, featuring improved armor, including Kontakt-5 explosive reactive armor, and a more powerful gun. It maintained the T-72's reputation for toughness and reliability.
    • Introduced: 1985
    • Main Armament: 125mm smoothbore gun
    • Engine Power: 840 hp
  8. 8


    The T-72A was an early upgrade of the T-72 main battle tank, featuring improved armor and a more powerful gun. It was widely exported and saw extensive service around the world.
    • Introduced: 1979
    • Main Armament: 125mm smoothbore gun
    • Engine Power: 780 hp
  9. 9


    The T-80B was an improvement over the original T-80 design, featuring a more powerful engine, enhanced armor, and an upgraded gun. It was a key element of the Soviet Union's armored forces during the late Cold War era.
    • Introduced: 1978
    • Main Armament: 125mm smoothbore gun
    • Engine Power: 1,100 hp
  10. 10


    The T-80U was a significant upgrade over previous T-80 models, incorporating advanced armor, a more powerful turbine engine, and improved fire control systems. It was one of the most capable tanks of its time.
    • Introduced: 1985
    • Main Armament: 125mm smoothbore gun
    • Engine Power: 1,100 hp

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most advanced Russian tank. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or tank is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 77 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each tank once every 24 hours. The rank of each tank is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Advanced Russian Tank

T-14 Armata
Rank #1 for the most advanced Russian tank: T-14 Armata (Source)
Russia has a long history of tank development. Over the years, it has produced many advanced models. The most recent Russian tank shows significant improvements in many areas. Engineers focused on enhancing firepower, armor, and mobility.

The tank's main gun is a powerful weapon. It can fire a variety of ammunition types. This versatility makes it effective against different targets. The gun's range and accuracy have also improved. This allows the tank to engage enemies from a greater distance.

Armor is another key feature. The tank uses a combination of materials to protect against different threats. Traditional steel is supplemented with composite materials. These materials help reduce the weight while maintaining strength. The tank also has reactive armor. This type of armor can counteract incoming projectiles. It is especially effective against anti-tank missiles.

Mobility is crucial for any modern tank. The latest Russian tank has a powerful engine. This engine provides a high power-to-weight ratio. As a result, the tank can move quickly across various terrains. It can also climb steep inclines and cross water obstacles. The suspension system has been upgraded. This ensures a smoother ride and better handling.

The tank also features advanced electronics. These systems improve both offensive and defensive capabilities. The fire control system is highly automated. It helps the crew aim and fire the main gun with precision. The tank has night vision and thermal imaging. These features allow it to operate effectively in low-light conditions.

Communication systems are also advanced. The tank can share information with other units. This improves coordination on the battlefield. The crew can receive real-time updates. This helps them make better decisions during combat.

The tank's design also considers crew safety. The interior is spacious and ergonomically designed. This reduces fatigue during long missions. The crew is well-protected by the tank's armor. There are also systems in place to manage damage. For example, automatic fire suppression systems can quickly extinguish fires.

The latest Russian tank represents a significant step forward. It combines firepower, protection, and mobility in a balanced package. The use of advanced materials and electronics sets it apart from older models. This tank is a testament to Russia's ongoing commitment to military innovation.

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