The Most Difficult Sin to Overcome, Ranked

Choose the sin you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:32
Understanding the challenges involved in overcoming certain sins can provide valuable insights into human behavior and personal development. Not all transgressions weigh equally on the conscience or present the same level of difficulty in terms of resolution and redemption. This insight can be instrumental in offering support and guidance to those seeking to better themselves. By voting on which sins are the toughest to conquer, individuals contribute to a collective understanding that could assist others in recognizing and addressing their own struggles. The resulting list is not only a reflection of collective human experience but also a resource for those who might find themselves battling these same issues.

What Is the Most Difficult Sin to Overcome?

  1. 1


    Pride is considered the most difficult sin to overcome due to its deep-seated nature in human psychology, often manifesting as an excessive belief in one's abilities or accomplishments.
    • Also known as: Hubris
    • Opposite virtue: Humility
  2. 2


    Lust is a powerful and overwhelming desire or craving, particularly for sexual pleasures, making it a difficult sin for many to overcome due to biological and psychological factors.
    • Associated with: The Seven Deadly Sins
    • Opposite virtue: Chastity
  3. 3


    Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation. It is difficult to overcome because it often stems from deep-seated feelings of inadequacy or inferiority.
    • Also known as: Jealousy
    • Opposite virtue: Kindness
  4. 4


    Greed is an excessive pursuit of material possessions. Often tied to the fear of scarcity or the desire for power, it is difficult to overcome due to societal values placed on wealth and success.
    • Also known as: Avarice
    • Opposite virtue: Generosity
  5. 5


    Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. It is difficult to overcome because it often involves deeply ingrained habits of laziness or a lack of motivation.
    • Also known as: Laziness
    • Opposite virtue: Diligence
  6. 6


    Gluttony is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste. It is difficult to overcome due to the abundance of food in many cultures and the psychological comfort it provides.
    • Also known as: Greed for food
    • Opposite virtue: Temperance
  7. 7


    Wrath is intense anger and hate towards another person or group. It can be difficult to overcome due to personal injustices experienced or perceived, leading to feelings of revenge.
    • Also known as: Anger
    • Opposite virtue: Patience
  8. 8


    Apathy is a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. It is difficult to overcome because it requires finding motivation and passion, which can be challenging when feeling disconnected.
    • Also known as: Indifference
    • Opposite virtue: Zeal
  9. 9


    Vanity is excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements. It is difficult to overcome due to societal pressures and the human desire for approval and admiration.
    • Also known as: Narcissism
    • Opposite virtue: Modesty
  10. 10


    Despair is the loss of hope and surrender to one's perceived fate. It can be difficult to overcome because it involves deep emotional pain and a sense of powerlessness.
    • Associated with: Lack of faith
    • Opposite virtue: Hope

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult sin to overcome. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or sin is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 212 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each sin once every 24 hours. The rank of each sin is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Difficult Sin to Overcome

Rank #1 for the most difficult sin to overcome: Pride (Source)
Many people struggle with overcoming certain personal flaws. Some flaws are harder to overcome than others. The most difficult one often involves deep-rooted patterns and emotions. These patterns may have formed over years, making them hard to break. Emotions tied to these flaws can be strong, adding another layer of difficulty.

People often fail to recognize the flaw in themselves. This lack of awareness makes change hard. They may see the flaw in others but not in their own actions. This blind spot prevents them from taking the first step toward improvement. Acknowledging the flaw is crucial for any progress.

Another challenge is the comfort found in familiar behaviors. Even if the behavior is harmful, it can offer a sense of security. Changing it requires stepping out of this comfort zone. This can be scary and uncomfortable. Many people prefer to stay in their known patterns rather than face the unknown.

The environment also plays a role. Friends, family, and society can influence behavior. If the environment supports the flaw, changing becomes even harder. People may face resistance when they try to change. This resistance can come from those who benefit from the status quo. It can make the person feel isolated and unsupported.

Habits tied to the flaw can be strong and automatic. Breaking these habits requires constant effort and vigilance. One slip can lead to a feeling of failure, making it easy to give up. Consistency is key, but maintaining it is challenging.

Change often requires a shift in mindset. This shift involves seeing the flaw for what it is and understanding its impact. It also involves believing that change is possible. Without this shift, efforts to change may be half-hearted and ineffective.

Support systems can help but are not always available. Trusted friends, mentors, or counselors can offer guidance and encouragement. They can provide a different perspective and help keep the person accountable. However, not everyone has access to such support. This lack can make the journey even more difficult.

Patience is essential. Change does not happen overnight. It requires time, effort, and persistence. Small steps can lead to big changes, but the process can be slow. Impatience can lead to frustration and giving up.

Self-compassion is also important. People often judge themselves harshly for their flaws. This judgment can create a cycle of shame and guilt, making change harder. Being kind to oneself can break this cycle and create a more positive environment for change.

In summary, overcoming the most difficult personal flaw involves many factors. Awareness, comfort zones, environment, habits, mindset, support, patience, and self-compassion all play roles. Addressing each factor can help in the journey toward improvement. The path is not easy, but it is possible with effort and determination.

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