The Most Difficult Skateboard Trick, Ranked

Choose the skateboard trick you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 21, 2024 06:32
Skateboarding pushes the boundaries of physical skill and creativity, often leaving enthusiasts debating which trick holds the title of most challenging. Such discussions are not only common in skate parks but also in online forums and competitions. By ranking these tricks based on real-time votes from the community, clarity emerges, offering a clearer understanding of where each trick stands in terms of difficulty. This dynamic ranking serves as a guide for both new and experienced skateboarders. It provides an informative snapshot of what the community views as peak challenges, perhaps influencing learning priorities and goals. As you participate in voting, you contribute to a collective knowledge base that helps define the sport's benchmarks.

What Is the Most Difficult Skateboard Trick?

  1. 1

    Laser Flip

    A trick that combines a 360 flip with a varial heelflip.
    • Popularity: Moderate
    • Invented by: Unknown
  2. 2

    360 Hardflip

    A hardflip combined with a 360-degree spin.
    • Popularity: Low
    • Invented by: Unknown
  3. 3

    Nightmare Flip

    A double varial kickflip (a varial kickflip with two spins).
    • Popularity: Low
    • Invented by: Unknown
  4. 4

    Sal Flip

    A complex flip trick named after Sal Barbier, involving a half kickflip to a backside 180.
    • Popularity: Low
    • Invented by: Sal Barbier
  5. 5
    Ollie 720

    Ollie 720

    An extremely difficult variation of the Ollie, involving a 720-degree spin in the air.
    • Popularity: Low due to difficulty
    • Invented by: Rodney Mullen
  6. 6

    Gazelle Flip

    A 540-degree flip combined with a 360-degree body rotation.
    • Popularity: Low
    • Invented by: Unknown
  7. 7

    Fakie Beta Flip

    A rare and complex trick involving a fakie ollie with a 360 flip and body rotation.
    • Popularity: Extremely Low
    • Invented by: Unknown
  8. 8

    Hardflip Rewind

    A hardflip followed by a reverse rotation in the opposite direction.
    • Popularity: Very Low
    • Invented by: Unknown
  9. 9

    Dragon Flip

    A flip trick that combines a 360 flip with a body varial in the opposite direction.
    • Popularity: Extremely Low
    • Invented by: Unknown
  10. 10

    Nollie 360 Flip Underflip

    A nollie 360 flip with an added underflip.
    • Popularity: Very Low
    • Invented by: Unknown

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult skateboard trick. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Trick is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 7 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Trick once every 24 hours. The rank of each Trick is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Difficult Skateboard Trick

Skateboarding demands skill, practice, and creativity. The sport has evolved over decades, pushing the limits of what is possible on a board. Among the many tricks, some stand out for their difficulty. These tricks require precision, balance, and timing. They often combine several movements into one fluid motion.

Skateboarders spend years perfecting their craft. They start with basic moves and gradually work up to more complex ones. The most difficult tricks often involve flipping the board in multiple directions. This requires the skater to control the board's spin and their own body movement.

Timing is crucial. The skater must know when to jump, when to flip the board, and when to land. A slight mistake can lead to a fall. Many skaters practice the same trick hundreds of times before they get it right. This dedication is part of what makes skateboarding so challenging.

Balance is another key factor. The skater must stay centered over the board while it flips and spins. This can be hard, especially when the trick involves multiple rotations. The skater's feet must land back on the board at the right moment. This requires a deep understanding of their own body and the board's movement.

Skateboarding also involves creativity. Skaters often invent new tricks by combining elements of existing ones. This keeps the sport fresh and exciting. It also means that the most difficult trick today might not be the most difficult trick tomorrow. The sport is always evolving.

Skateboarders often share their tricks through videos. This allows others to learn and try new moves. It also creates a sense of community. Skaters support each other, offering tips and encouragement. This helps everyone improve and push the sport forward.

The most difficult tricks are often performed by professionals. These skaters have spent years honing their skills. They often have access to better equipment and training facilities. This gives them an edge, but it also means they set the bar higher for everyone else.

Injuries are common in skateboarding. The most difficult tricks carry the highest risk. Skaters wear protective gear, but falls are inevitable. Many skaters accept this risk as part of the sport. They see each fall as a learning experience.

The most difficult tricks are a testament to the skill and dedication of skateboarders. They push the boundaries of what is possible on a skateboard. They inspire others to practice, learn, and innovate. Skateboarding continues to grow and evolve, thanks to the efforts of these dedicated athletes.

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