The Most Famous Person in Dublin, Ranked

Choose the person you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 12, 2024 07:46
Knowing who the most recognized personalities in Dublin are helps both locals and visitors get a sense of who shapes the cultural and social landscapes of the city. It can guide tourists in choosing whose performances to attend or whose books might be worth reading while they're in town. For residents, it offers a glimpse into potentially influential figures within their community that they might not yet be aware of. By participating in this ranking, you contribute to a community-sourced snapshot of notable figures in Dublin, helping to spotlight those who make a profound impact. Each vote enhances the accuracy and relevance of the list, offering a real-time reflection of public opinion on who stands out in the city today.

Who Is the Most Famous Person in Dublin?

  1. 2
    James Joyce

    James Joyce

    Renowned Irish novelist and poet, best known for his avant-garde novel Ulysses.
    • Born: February 2, 1882
    • Died: January 13, 1941
  2. 4
    Bram Stoker

    Bram Stoker

    Author best known for his 1897 Gothic novel Dracula.
    • Born: November 8, 1847
    • Died: April 20, 1912
  3. 5
    Samuel Beckett

    Samuel Beckett

    Nobel Prize-winning playwright, novelist, and poet, known for his existentialist works.
    • Born: April 13, 1906
    • Died: December 22, 1989
  4. 6
    The Edge

    The Edge

    Musician and guitarist of the rock band U2, known for his distinctive sound and style.
    • Born: August 8, 1961
  5. 7
    Jonathan Swift

    Jonathan Swift

    Satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer, and cleric best known for Gulliver's Travels.
    • Born: November 30, 1667
    • Died: October 19, 1745
  6. 8
    W.B. Yeats

    W.B. Yeats

    One of the foremost figures of 20th-century literature, a pillar of the Irish literary establishment.
    • Born: June 13, 1865
    • Died: January 28, 1939
  7. 9
    Maureen O'Hara

    Maureen O'Hara

    Iconic actress known for her roles in classic Hollywood films.
    • Born: August 17, 1920
    • Died: October 24, 2015
  8. 10

    George Bernard Shaw

    Irish playwright, critic, and polemicist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.
    • Born: July 26, 1856
    • Died: November 2, 1950

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous person in Dublin. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or person is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 170 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each person once every 24 hours. The rank of each person is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Person in Dublin

Rank #1 for the most famous person in Dublin: Bono (Source)
Dublin, the capital of Ireland, has a rich history filled with notable figures. The city has produced many influential people who have left their mark on the world. These individuals come from various fields, including literature, politics, music, and sports.

In literature, Dublin has a deep connection. Many great writers were born or lived here. Their works often reflect the city's unique character and its people's spirit. These writers have won numerous awards and have been celebrated globally. Their books are studied in schools and universities around the world.

Politics is another area where Dublin has made significant contributions. Leaders from this city have played crucial roles in shaping the country's future. They have been involved in important decisions and movements that have had lasting impacts. Their speeches and policies are still discussed and analyzed today.

Music is also a vital part of Dublin's cultural heritage. The city has produced many famous musicians and bands. Their songs are loved by fans worldwide. These artists have sold millions of albums and have performed in front of large audiences. Their music often reflects the city's vibrant and diverse culture.

In sports, Dublin has a proud tradition. Athletes from this city have competed at the highest levels. They have won medals and trophies in various competitions. Their achievements have inspired many young people to pursue their dreams in sports.

Dublin's famous figures often share common traits. They are usually passionate about their work and dedicated to their craft. They often draw inspiration from their surroundings and experiences in the city. This connection to Dublin is evident in their work and achievements.

The city's rich history and culture provide a fertile ground for creativity and innovation. Dublin's educational institutions also play a significant role in nurturing talent. Many of the city's famous figures have studied at its schools and universities. These institutions provide the knowledge and skills needed to excel in various fields.

Dublin's vibrant arts scene is another factor that contributes to the success of its famous figures. The city has numerous theaters, galleries, and music venues. These spaces provide opportunities for artists to showcase their work and connect with audiences. They also help to foster a sense of community and support among artists.

The city's famous figures often give back to the community. They support various causes and charities. They also mentor young people and help them to develop their talents. This sense of giving back is an important part of Dublin's culture.

Dublin's famous figures are a source of pride for the city. They help to put Dublin on the map and attract visitors from around the world. Their achievements are celebrated by the city's residents and inspire future generations.

In conclusion, Dublin has produced many famous figures who have made significant contributions to literature, politics, music, and sports. These individuals often share a deep connection to the city and its culture. Their passion, dedication, and talent have helped to shape Dublin's rich history and vibrant present.

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