The Most Beautiful Animal in Australia, Ranked

Choose the animal you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 06:18
Australia is renowned for its diverse and unique wildlife, featuring creatures that are as stunning as they are rare. Visitors and natives alike are often captivated by the beauty of these species, which embody the rich natural heritage of the continent. Devising a list to rank the most beautiful animal in Australia aids in highlighting the ecological wonders and promoting conservation awareness among the public. By participating in ranking these animals, individuals play a role in raising awareness about the distinct species that inhabit Australia. This not only enriches their appreciation of nature but also empowers them to contribute to the ongoing discussions about wildlife preservation. Each vote brings attention to the beauty and importance of preserving Australia's unique fauna.

What Is the Most Beautiful Animal in Australia?

  1. 1


    A burrowing marsupial with a short, stubby tail and legs.
    • Diet: Herbivore
    • Unique feature: Produces cube-shaped feces
  2. 2


    An iconic Australian marsupial known for its cuddly appearance and eucalyptus diet.
    • Sleeping habits: Sleeps up to 20 hours a day
    • Conservation status: Vulnerable
  3. 3
    Tasmanian Devil

    Tasmanian Devil

    A carnivorous marsupial known for its strong bite and loud, disturbing screeches.
    • Conservation status: Endangered
    • Habitat: Native to Tasmania
  4. 4


    A unique mammal with a duck-bill, webbed feet, and the ability to lay eggs.
    • Habitat: Freshwater rivers and lakes
    • Electrolocation: Uses electrolocation to find prey underwater
  5. 5


    Australia's largest native bird, known for its long legs and ability to run at high speeds.
    • Height: Up to 1.9 meters
    • Speed: Can reach speeds up to 50 km/h
  6. 6
    Rainbow Lorikeet

    Rainbow Lorikeet

    A brightly colored parrot known for its vibrant plumage.
    • Diet: Nectar and fruit
    • Social behavior: Highly social and often seen in flocks
  7. 7


    A small wallaby famous for its friendly nature and smile-like expression.
    • Location: Rottnest Island and small areas of the Western Australian mainland
    • Social media fame: Often called the 'world's happiest animal'
  8. 8
    Great Barrier Reef Marine Life

    Great Barrier Reef Marine Life

    Home to a diverse range of beautiful marine species including fish, corals, and turtles.
    • Location: Off the coast of Queensland, Australia
    • Biodiversity: One of the most diverse ecosystems in the world
  9. 9
    Superb Lyrebird

    Superb Lyrebird

    Known for its exceptional ability to mimic natural and artificial sounds from its environment.
    • Habitat: Forests of southeastern Australia
    • Notable feature: Long, decorative tail feathers
  10. 10


    A large, flightless bird with a striking blue and black coloration and a helmet-like casque.
    • Diet: Omnivore, mainly fruits
    • Dangerous: Considered one of the most dangerous birds in the world

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful animal in Australia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or animal is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 115 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each animal once every 24 hours. The rank of each animal is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Animal in Australia

Rank #1 for the most beautiful animal in Australia: Wombat (Source)
Australia is home to many beautiful animals. This vast continent offers a range of habitats. From rainforests to deserts, each environment supports unique wildlife. These animals often have striking features that capture the eye.

In the rainforests, creatures with vibrant colors thrive. Bright feathers and scales help them blend into the lush surroundings. This camouflage protects them from predators. Some animals use their colors to attract mates. The dense foliage provides shelter and food, allowing these animals to flourish.

Moving to the coastal regions, the beauty of marine life stands out. The clear waters reveal a world of wonder. Creatures with intricate patterns and shapes swim gracefully. Their movements seem almost choreographed. Coral reefs, with their vivid hues, house many of these stunning species. The interplay of light and water enhances their appearance.

In the arid deserts, beauty takes on a different form. Here, animals have adapted to harsh conditions. Their beauty lies in their resilience. They often have muted tones that reflect the landscape. Despite the tough environment, they find ways to survive and even thrive. Their unique adaptations make them fascinating to observe.

The grasslands and forests also host a variety of beautiful creatures. These animals often have sleek fur or feathers. Their movements are agile and swift. They blend into the tall grasses or dense trees, making them hard to spot. When seen, their elegance is undeniable.

Many of these animals have strong cultural significance. Indigenous Australians have deep connections with the wildlife. They feature in stories, art, and traditions. This cultural link adds another layer to their beauty. It shows the respect and value placed on these creatures.

Conservation efforts aim to protect these beautiful animals. Habitat loss and climate change pose threats. Many organizations work to preserve the natural environments. They focus on sustainable practices and education. Protecting these habitats ensures that future generations can enjoy the same beauty.

Tourism also plays a role in conservation. Visitors come from around the world to see these animals. Eco-tourism promotes awareness and respect for nature. It encourages people to support conservation efforts. Responsible tourism ensures minimal impact on the environment.

Australia's beautiful animals are a treasure. They represent the diversity and wonder of nature. Each habitat offers a unique glimpse into this beauty. From rainforests to deserts, these creatures captivate and inspire. Protecting them is crucial for maintaining the natural balance. It allows us to continue marveling at their splendor.

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