The Most Popular Animal in Papua New Guinea, Ranked

Choose the animal you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 06:37
Understanding the popularity of animals in Papua New Guinea can offer profound insights into the biodiversity and cultural connections of this unique area. By ranking the animals, researchers and enthusiasts alike can gather valuable data on native species preferences and conservation priorities. This helps in strategizing efforts to preserve the diverse wildlife that is integral to the local ecosystem. When visitors cast their votes for their favorite animals, they contribute to a clearer, crowd-sourced picture of animal admiration in the region. This not only engages the community and visitors in a fun activity but also serves educational purposes. It encourages a deeper appreciation of the richness and variety of life in Papua New Guinea and promotes the protection of these creatures through greater awareness.

What Is the Most Popular Animal in Papua New Guinea?

  1. 1


    Cassowaries are large, flightless birds with a reputation for being dangerous due to their powerful legs and sharp claws. They are found in the tropical forests of Papua New Guinea and play a vital role in seed dispersal.
    • Diet: Omnivore
    • Habitat: Tropical forests
  2. 2
    Bird of Paradise

    Bird of Paradise

    The Bird of Paradise is revered in Papua New Guinea and is even featured on the country's flag. Known for their extraordinary plumage and elaborate courtship dances, these birds are a symbol of beauty and diversity.
    • Habitat: Tropical forests
    • Conservation status: Varies by species
  3. 3


    Dugongs are marine mammals that graze on underwater grasses day and night. They are found in the warm coastal waters of Papua New Guinea and are known for their gentle nature.
    • Diet: Herbivore
    • Habitat: Marine
  4. 4
    Papuan Black Snake

    Papuan Black Snake

    The Papuan black snake is a highly venomous snake found in the grasslands and forests of Papua New Guinea. Despite its danger, it plays a crucial role in controlling rodent populations.
    • Diet: Carnivore
    • Venom: Highly venomous
  5. 5
    Papuan Hornbill

    Papuan Hornbill

    The Papuan Hornbill is known for its impressive casque on the top of its bill. These birds are important to the ecosystem as they help in seed dispersal. They are commonly found in forests across Papua New Guinea.
    • Diet: Frugivore
    • Habitat: Tropical forests
  6. 6

    Papuan Taipan

    The Papuan taipan is another highly venomous snake endemic to Papua New Guinea. Known for its potent venom, it is a significant species within its habitat.
    • Diet: Carnivore
    • Venom: Highly venomous
  7. 7
    Raggiana Bird of Paradise

    Raggiana Bird of Paradise

    The Raggiana Bird of Paradise, also known as Kumul, is one of the most well-known species of Bird of Paradise, famous for its vivid and colorful plumage. It is native to Papua New Guinea.
    • Diet: Frugivore
    • Habitat: Tropical forests
  8. 8
    Tree Kangaroo

    Tree Kangaroo

    Unique to the rainforests of Australia, West Papua, and Papua New Guinea, the tree kangaroo adapts to life in the trees with strong limbs and tails. Their rarity and distinctive appearance make them a fascinating species.
    • Diet: Herbivore
    • Conservation status: Threatened
  9. 9
    Saltwater Crocodile

    Saltwater Crocodile

    The saltwater crocodile is the largest of all living reptiles and is found in suitable habitats throughout Papua New Guinea. They are apex predators and play a significant role in maintaining the health of their ecosystems.
    • Diet: Carnivore
    • Habitat: Freshwater and saltwater
  10. 10


    Cuscuses are marsupials that can be found in the tropical forests of Papua New Guinea. They are nocturnal and spend most of their time in trees, feeding on leaves, fruits, and flowers.
    • Diet: Omnivore
    • Habitat: Tropical forests

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular animal in Papua New Guinea. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or animal is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 44 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each animal once every 24 hours. The rank of each animal is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Animal in Papua New Guinea

Rank #1 for the most popular animal in Papua New Guinea: Cassowary (Source)
Papua New Guinea, a country in the southwestern Pacific, boasts a rich array of wildlife. This island nation, known for its dense rainforests and rugged mountains, provides a perfect habitat for many unique creatures. The diverse ecosystems range from coastal mangroves to alpine grasslands, each supporting different species.

The most popular animal in Papua New Guinea has captured the hearts of locals and visitors alike. It thrives in various habitats, adapting well to the changing environment. This animal plays a crucial role in the culture and traditions of the indigenous people. Many local tribes revere it, often depicting it in their art and folklore. Its presence is a symbol of nature's beauty and resilience in this remote part of the world.

This animal has distinctive features that make it stand out. It has a striking appearance, which allows it to blend into its surroundings. Its behavior is fascinating, often drawing the attention of researchers and wildlife enthusiasts. It is known for its unique calls and intricate social structures. Observing this animal in its natural habitat offers a glimpse into the complex web of life in Papua New Guinea.

The diet of this animal is varied, reflecting the rich biodiversity of its environment. It feeds on a mix of plants and small creatures, ensuring its survival in the wild. This diet helps maintain the ecological balance, as the animal plays a role in seed dispersal and pest control. Its foraging habits also contribute to the health of the forest, promoting growth and regeneration.

Conservation efforts are vital to protect this beloved animal. Papua New Guinea faces threats from deforestation, mining, and climate change. These activities can disrupt the delicate balance of the ecosystems, putting the animal at risk. Local and international organizations work together to create protected areas and promote sustainable practices. Education and awareness campaigns help communities understand the importance of preserving their natural heritage.

Tourism also plays a part in conservation. Visitors come to Papua New Guinea to experience its unique wildlife, providing economic incentives to protect these creatures. Responsible tourism ensures that the natural habitats remain intact, allowing future generations to enjoy the wonders of this island nation.

The connection between the people and this animal runs deep. Traditional knowledge and modern science combine to ensure its survival. Elders pass down stories and practices that help protect the animal, while researchers study its behavior and needs. This collaboration fosters a greater understanding and appreciation of the natural world.

In conclusion, the most popular animal in Papua New Guinea is a symbol of the country's rich biodiversity and cultural heritage. Its presence highlights the importance of conservation and sustainable living. By protecting this animal, we also safeguard the intricate ecosystems it inhabits. The efforts to preserve its habitat benefit not only the wildlife but also the people who depend on these natural resources. Papua New Guinea stands as a testament to the beauty and complexity of life on our planet.

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