The Most Difficult Animal to Hunt, Ranked

Choose the animal you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 20, 2024 06:28
Hunting in the wilderness can often be a challenging endeavor that requires skill, patience, and deep knowledge of the animal's behavior. Determining which animal presents the greatest challenge is a topic of ongoing debate among enthusiasts. By compiling and ranking difficult hunting prey, the community can share insights and experiences that might prove invaluable to both seasoned and novice hunters alike. This interactive listing offers a medium for hunters around the globe to voice their opinions and contribute to a collective understanding of hunting difficulty. As votes accumulate, the rankings adjust real-time, providing a dynamic gauge of community opinion. We invite all to participate, cast their votes, and even add contenders to the list, enriching this crowd-sourced guide and enhancing preparation for the hunting field.

What Is the Most Difficult Animal to Hunt?

  1. 1


    The largest species in the deer family, moose are powerful and can become aggressive when threatened.
    • Location: North America, Northern Europe, and Russia
    • Reason for Difficulty: Size and aggressiveness
  2. 2
    Mountain Goat

    Mountain Goat

    Known for their agility and ability to navigate steep, rocky terrain, mountain goats present a unique challenge for hunters.
    • Location: North America
    • Reason for Difficulty: Difficult terrain and agility
  3. 3
    Siberian Tiger

    Siberian Tiger

    The largest of all the living felids, it's a formidable predator with few natural enemies.
    • Location: Eastern Russia, North Korea, China
    • Reason for Difficulty: Powerful and stealthy predator
  4. 4
    Saltwater Crocodile

    Saltwater Crocodile

    The largest of all living reptiles, it is a highly successful predator capable of taking almost any animal that enters its territory.
    • Location: Southeast Asia and Northern Australia
    • Reason for Difficulty: Powerful bite and stealth in water
  5. 5
    Great White Shark

    Great White Shark

    The largest predatory fish in the world, hunting a great white shark is dangerous and requires specific techniques and equipment.
    • Location: Worldwide in cool, coastal waters
    • Reason for Difficulty: Dangerous nature and specialized hunting methods
  6. 6
    Polar Bear

    Polar Bear

    The world's largest land carnivore, polar bears are formidable predators and extremely difficult to hunt due to their habitat.
    • Location: Arctic Circle
    • Reason for Difficulty: Harsh environment and legal protection
  7. 7
    Cape Buffalo

    Cape Buffalo

    Known as 'The Black Death', the Cape Buffalo is extremely dangerous and unpredictable.
    • Location: Sub-Saharan Africa
    • Reason for Difficulty: Aggressiveness and tendency to charge
  8. 8


    With their thick skin and aggressive nature, rhinos are challenging to hunt and are heavily protected due to their endangered status.
    • Location: Africa, South Asia
    • Reason for Difficulty: Endangered status and legal protection
  9. 9


    One of the most elusive of the big cats, leopards are solitary, nocturnal, and extremely difficult to track.
    • Location: Sub-Saharan Africa, Northeast Africa, Central Asia, India, and China
    • Reason for Difficulty: Elusiveness and nocturnal nature
  10. 10


    The largest land animal, hunting an elephant poses ethical, legal, and physical challenges.
    • Location: Africa, South Asia
    • Reason for Difficulty: Size, intelligence, and legal protection

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult animal to hunt. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or animal is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 17 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each animal once every 24 hours. The rank of each animal is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Difficult Animal to Hunt

Rank #1 for the most difficult animal to hunt: Moose (Source)
Hunters often seek the thrill of pursuing the most elusive prey. The challenge lies in the animal's keen senses, agility, and intelligence. These creatures make the hunt a true test of skill and patience.

The most difficult animals to hunt often live in remote, dense habitats. Thick forests, high mountains, or vast plains provide natural cover. Hunters must navigate these terrains, often facing harsh weather and physical obstacles. The environment itself becomes part of the challenge.

These animals possess acute senses. Their hearing, sight, and smell are highly developed. They can detect a hunter from a great distance. Any slight noise, movement, or unfamiliar scent can alert them. Hunters must move silently, blend into their surroundings, and mask their scent. This requires careful planning and often specialized gear.

Speed and agility give these animals an edge. They can flee quickly, often disappearing into their environment. Hunters need quick reflexes and precise aim. They must also understand the animal's behavior. Knowing when and where the animal is likely to appear is crucial.

Intelligence makes these animals even harder to hunt. They learn from past encounters. If they sense danger, they change their patterns. This forces hunters to adapt and rethink their strategies. Patience becomes key. Sometimes, hunters must wait for hours or even days for the right moment.

Tracking these animals is an art. Hunters look for signs like footprints, droppings, and broken branches. These clues help them understand the animal's movements. Advanced tracking skills are necessary. Hunters must also interpret the signs correctly.

Conservation laws add another layer of difficulty. Many of these animals are protected. Hunters must ensure they follow legal guidelines. This often means limited hunting seasons and strict quotas. Ethical hunting practices are essential. Respect for the animal and its habitat is paramount.

Modern technology aids hunters but does not guarantee success. High-tech gear like night vision, trail cameras, and GPS can help. However, the animal's natural instincts often prevail. The hunt remains a game of wits.

Physical endurance is vital. Hunters may need to hike long distances, climb steep slopes, or endure extreme temperatures. Mental toughness is also crucial. The hunt can be frustrating and exhausting. Staying focused and determined is essential.

The reward for hunting these animals is not just the trophy. It is the sense of accomplishment. Hunters respect the animal's abilities. The hunt becomes a way to connect with nature and test personal limits.

Hunting the most difficult animals requires a blend of skill, knowledge, and respect. It is a pursuit that challenges even the most experienced hunters. The thrill lies in the chase, the strategy, and the deep connection with the wild.

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