The Most Popular Animal in Quebec, Ranked

Choose the animal you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 20, 2024 06:47
In the heart of Quebec, the love for animals transcends the picturesque landscapes, weaving into the fabric of daily life and culture. Knowing which animal stands as a favorite among the locals can deepen our appreciation of the region's natural charm and influence communal and conservation efforts. By participating in this ranking, you contribute to a broader understanding of regional preferences and help highlight the animals that need more attention and protection. Each vote cast is a step toward not only recognizing the beloved creatures of Quebec but also toward impactful environmental stewardship.

What Is the Most Popular Animal in Quebec?

  1. 1
    Moose are commonly found in Quebec, and they are a popular game animal for hunting. They are also an important part of Quebecois culture and folklore.
    The Moose, scientifically known as Alces alces, is a majestic and fascinating deer species that inhabits various regions of the Northern Hemisphere. It is the largest extant species in the deer family.
    • Size: Adult males can reach heights up to 6.9 ft (2.1 m) at the shoulder, and can weigh between 1,200 to 1,600 lb (540 to 720 kg).
    • Antlers: Males possess impressive antlers, which can span up to 6 ft (1.8 m) across, showcasing a unique and intricate pattern.
    • Habitat: They inhabit boreal and mixed deciduous forests in the Northern Hemisphere, mainly found in North America, Europe, and Asia.
    • Diet: Moose primarily feed on vegetation, including twigs, leaves, bark, aquatic plants, and woody shrubs.
    • Behavior: Moose are generally solitary animals and are known for their calm and gentle demeanor. However, during the mating season, males can become territorial and engage in fierce competition.
  2. 2
    The beaver is a national symbol of Canada and is commonly found in Quebec. They are known for their industriousness and are an important part of Quebecois history and culture.
    The beaver is a semi-aquatic mammal found in Canada. It is well-known for its distinctive appearance and unique behaviors.
    • Species: Castor canadensis
    • Size: Weight: 16-32 kg, Length: 74-90 cm
    • Appearance: Stocky body, large paddle-shaped tail, dark brown fur
    • Habitat: Lakes, ponds, rivers, wetlands
    • Diet: Mainly herbivorous, feeds on tree bark, twigs, and aquatic plants
  3. 3
    Black bears are common in Quebec, and they are also a game animal for hunting. They are an important part of the ecosystem and play a role in the region's cultural heritage.
    The Black Bear is a medium-sized mammal native to North Dakota. It is a species of bear known for its distinctive black fur, which gives it its name. Black Bears have a stocky build and can weigh anywhere between 200 to 600 pounds. They have a rounded head and small, rounded ears, as well as a short tail. The Black Bear is an omnivore, with its diet consisting of both plants and meat.
    • Average Weight: 200-600 pounds
    • Average Height: 2-3 feet at the shoulder
    • Fur Color: Black
    • Habitat: Forests, mountains, and wetlands
    • Life Span: Up to 30 years in the wild
    Black Bear in other rankings
  4. 4
    Caribou are native to Quebec and are an important part of the region's ecosystem. They are also a game animal for hunting and are an important part of Quebecois culture.
    The Caribou is a large deer native to the North American continent, including Canada. It is known for its majestic antlers, which are primarily found in males. The Caribou is well-adapted to harsh arctic and subarctic environments, making it an iconic symbol of the Canadian wilderness.
    • Scientific Name: Rangifer tarandus
    • Animal Class: Mammalia
    • Family: Cervidae
    • Habitat: Mainly in northern and Arctic regions, including forests, tundra, and alpine meadows.
    • Size: Adult males: 180-210 cm (71-83 in) in length, 174-242 cm (69-95 in) in height, and weighs around 159-182 kg (351-401 lb). Adult females are slightly smaller.
  5. 5
    The lynx is a wildcat that is native to Quebec. They are a rare animal that is difficult to spot, but they are an important part of the region's ecosystem.
    Lynx is an epic female outfit in Fortnite featuring a sleek and modern design. With a feline-inspired theme, Lynx is adorned with black and white fur patterns and glowing blue eyes. She wears a black tactical suit with blue accents and bulky armor pieces. The outfit also includes a feline-shaped helmet and a pair of flexible gloves.
    • Rarity: Epic
    • Set: Feline
    • Gender: Female
    • Release Date: December 6, 2018
    • Back Bling: Cuff Case
  6. 6
    The snowshoe hare is a small mammal that is commonly found in Quebec. They are an important prey animal for many predators in the region, including lynx and coyotes.
    The Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus) is a small mammal native to Quebec, Canada. It is widely recognized for its distinct appearance and unique adaptation to its snowy habitat.
    • Size: Medium-sized, with a length of around 40-52 cm (16-21 inches)
    • Weight: Weighs between 1.4-1.8 kg (3-4 pounds)
    • Coloration: Usually brown in summer with a white belly, but turns almost completely white in winter for camouflage
    • Fur: Thick, dense fur with long guard hairs to provide insulation in cold weather
    • Ears: Large and furry, aiding in hearing and heat retention
  7. 7
    The grey wolf is a large predator that is native to Quebec. They are an important part of the region's ecosystem and are also a game animal for hunting.
    The Grey Wolf, also known as the Eastern Canadian Wolf, is a highly adaptable and social species that is native to Quebec. It is a subspecies of the gray wolf and is known for its distinct appearance and behaviors.
    • Scientific name: Canis lupus lycaon
    • Average size: Height: 26-32 inches, Length: 40-60 inches (excluding tail), Weight: 40-100 lbs
    • Appearance: Fur color can range from gray to brown, with a mix of lighter shades on the underbelly. Coarse and dense fur. Prominent ears and a bushy tail.
    • Habitat: Varied habitats including forests, tundra, and mountainous regions.
    • Diet: Carnivorous - primarily preys on ungulates such as deer and moose. Also feeds on smaller mammals.
    Grey Wolf in other rankings
  8. 8
    The raccoon is an invasive species in Quebec, but they are commonly found in urban areas. They are known for their mischievousness and are sometimes kept as pets.
    The raccoon is a medium-sized mammal found in North Dakota and many other parts of North America. Known for its distinctive masked face and ringed tail, the raccoon is easily recognized and often seen in urban and suburban areas. It has a compact and robust built, with short limbs and sharp claws, making it skilled at climbing trees and navigating various terrains.
    • Scientific Name: Procyon lotor
    • Average Size: Between 16 to 28 inches long (40-70 cm)
    • Average Weight: 8 to 20 pounds (3.5-9 kg)
    • Lifespan: 2 to 3 years in the wild, up to 20 years in captivity
    • Diet: Omnivorous (eats both plant matter and animals)
  9. 9
    The bald eagle is a bird of prey that is found in Quebec. They are an important part of the region's ecosystem and are also a national symbol of the United States.
    The Bald Eagle is a majestic bird of prey known for its striking appearance and impressive abilities. It is a large raptor with a white head and tail contrasting against a dark brown body. The beak and feet are bright yellow. This iconic bird is native to North America and holds significant cultural and symbolic value in the United States.
    • Species: Haliaeetus leucocephalus
    • Wingspan: 1.8 to 2.3 meters
    • Body Length: 70 to 102 centimeters
    • Weight: 4 to 7 kilograms
    • Plumage: Dark brown body, white head and tail
    Bald Eagle in other rankings
  10. 10
    The beluga whale is a marine mammal that is found in the St. Lawrence River in Quebec. They are an important part of the region's ecosystem and are also a popular attraction for tourists.
    The Beluga whale, also known as the white whale, is a highly social and distinctive marine mammal. It belongs to the cetacean family and is easily recognizable by its pure white coloration, stout body, and bulbous forehead.
    • Scientific name: Delphinapterus leucas
    • Size: Adults can grow up to 15 feet long and weigh around 3,000 pounds
    • Coloration: Pure white, with a small dorsal ridge
    • Lifespan: Average lifespan of 35 to 50 years
    • Teeth: Belugas have up to 40 teeth, specially adapted for catching fish and squid
    Beluga Whale in other rankings

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Ranking factors for popular animal

  1. Pet ownership statistics
    Collect data on the number of pet owners in Quebec and the types of animals they own. This can help you understand the popularity of different animals in the region.
  2. Native species
    Take into account the native species found in Quebec's ecosystems, such as the Canadian lynx or moose. People may have a special affinity for these animals.
  3. Cultural significance
    Consider animals that hold cultural importance to Quebec and its people. This could include provincial symbols like the snowy owl or the eastern white pine.
  4. Social media trends
    Analyze popular animals that are frequently mentioned or shared on social media platforms by users in Quebec. This can give insight into current trends and popular animals.
  5. Tourism attractions
    Many tourists are drawn to Quebec for its wildlife and nature attractions. Look at the popularity of wildlife attractions like zoos, nature reserves, and wildlife centers to see which animals are drawing people to the area.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular animal in Quebec. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or animal is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 173 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each animal once every 24 hours. The rank of each animal is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular animal in quebec

Quebec is a province in Canada known for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and diverse wildlife. From the majestic moose to the elusive lynx, Quebec is home to a wide variety of animals. But which one is the most popular among Quebecois? To answer this question, we conducted a poll among our users and the results might surprise you! Read on to find out which animal takes the crown as the most beloved creature in Quebec.

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