The Most Popular Animal in Alberta, Ranked

Choose the animal you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 26, 2024 06:28
In the heart of Alberta, the lush landscapes and diverse habitats form a perfect backdrop for a rich tapestry of wildlife. Knowing the most popular animal among these varied species can provide insights into local biodiversity and help in raising awareness about conservation efforts. With your votes, a dynamic hierarchy of favorites is shaped, reflecting collective preferences and interests. This engaging activity not only deepens your connection with nature but also adds a fun, interactive layer to your appreciation of Alberta’s wildlife.

What Is the Most Popular Animal in Alberta?

  1. 1


    Elk is one of the most popular animals in Alberta for its majestic appearance and the fact that it is an important game animal in the province.
    The Elk, also known as the wapiti, is a majestic and captivating deer species found in various parts of North America and Eastern Asia. It is one of the largest deer species, characterized by its impressive size, striking antlers, and graceful appearance. The Elk's coat features a beautiful reddish-brown color in summer, which transforms into a darker brown or grayish shade during the colder months, adding to its charm. Its captivating presence in the wild and its incredible adaptability make it a true symbol of nature's beauty.
    • Habitat: Mountainous regions, forests, and grasslands
    • Scientific Name: Cervus canadensis
    • Size: Height at shoulder: 4.5 - 5 feet (1.4 - 1.5 meters)
    • Weight: 500 - 1,000 pounds (227 - 454 kilograms)
    • Antlers: Elaborate antlers with an average span of 4 - 5 feet (1.2 - 1.5 meters)
  2. 2
    Moose is another popular animal in Alberta, known for its massive size and impressive antlers.
    The Moose, scientifically known as Alces alces, is a majestic and fascinating deer species that inhabits various regions of the Northern Hemisphere. It is the largest extant species in the deer family.
    • Size: Adult males can reach heights up to 6.9 ft (2.1 m) at the shoulder, and can weigh between 1,200 to 1,600 lb (540 to 720 kg).
    • Antlers: Males possess impressive antlers, which can span up to 6 ft (1.8 m) across, showcasing a unique and intricate pattern.
    • Habitat: They inhabit boreal and mixed deciduous forests in the Northern Hemisphere, mainly found in North America, Europe, and Asia.
    • Diet: Moose primarily feed on vegetation, including twigs, leaves, bark, aquatic plants, and woody shrubs.
    • Behavior: Moose are generally solitary animals and are known for their calm and gentle demeanor. However, during the mating season, males can become territorial and engage in fierce competition.
  3. 3
    Grizzly bear is a popular animal in Alberta for its fierce reputation and the fact that it is an important apex predator in the ecosystem.
    The Grizzly bear is a large and formidable species of bear primarily found in North America. It is well-known for its size, strength, and aggressive nature. It is considered one of the most difficult animals to hunt due to its physical abilities and sharp senses.
    • Size: Adult males typically weigh between 400-1,000 kg (880-2,200 lbs) and measure 1.8-3 meters (6-10 ft) in length.
    • Strength: Grizzly bears are incredibly strong, capable of lifting objects weighing over 500 kg (1,100 lbs).
    • Aggression: When provoked or feeling threatened, Grizzly bears can display highly aggressive behavior.
    • Speed: Grizzlies can reach speeds of up to 56 km/h (35 mph) in short bursts.
    • Diet: Their diet consists mainly of vegetation, berries, nuts, fish, and occasionally larger mammals, making them highly adaptable predators.
    Grizzly bear in other rankings
  4. 4
    Black bear is another popular animal in Alberta, known for its adaptability and the fact that it is a common sight in the wilderness.
    The Black bear is a large mammal found in South Dakota, characterized by its thick fur which can range in color from black to dark brown. It has a robust body with a hump on its shoulders, a rounded head, and small eyes. It also has sharp claws that enable it to climb trees and dig for food.
    • Size: Adult males usually weigh between 150-400 pounds (68-181 kg) and measure around 4-7 feet (1.2-2.1 meters) in length. Females are smaller, weighing between 100-300 pounds (45-136 kg) and measuring around 4-6 feet (1.2-1.8 meters) in length.
    • Habitat: Black bears are adaptable and can be found in various habitats including forests, woodlands, and mountainous regions of South Dakota.
    • Diet: Their diet is omnivorous, consisting of berries, nuts, fruits, insects, fish, small mammals, and occasionally carrion.
    • Behavior: Black bears are generally solitary creatures, except during the mating season and when rearing their young. They are excellent climbers and swimmers.
    • Reproduction: Breeding occurs in late spring or early summer, with cubs being born during the winter denning period. A litter typically consists of 1-4 cubs.
    Black bear in other rankings
  5. 5
    Cougars are also popular animals in Alberta, known for their stealth and agility.
    The Cougars is a popular high school mascot that symbolizes strength, agility, and power. It is often associated with schools known for their athletic prowess. The mascot portrays a fierce and majestic cougar, a large predatory feline native to the Americas.
    • Type: Animal mascot
    • Symbolism: Strength, agility, power
    • Popularity: High
    • Appearance: Fierce and majestic cougar
    • Native Habitat: Americas
  6. 6
    Wolves are popular animals in Alberta, known for their pack behavior and their important role in the ecosystem.
    Wolves are a popular companion animal in Minecraft. They are tamable mobs that can be found in forest, taiga, and snowy taiga biomes. Wolves are known for their loyalty and protective nature, making them a beloved pet for players.
    • Spawn Biomes: Forest, Taiga, Snowy Taiga
    • Tameable: Yes
    • Food: Any type of raw meat or rotten flesh
    • Health: 8 (4 hearts)
    • Attack Damage: 4 (2 hearts)
  7. 7
    Lynx are also popular animals in Alberta, known for their distinctive appearance and the fact that they are an important predator in the ecosystem.
    Lynx is an epic female outfit in Fortnite featuring a sleek and modern design. With a feline-inspired theme, Lynx is adorned with black and white fur patterns and glowing blue eyes. She wears a black tactical suit with blue accents and bulky armor pieces. The outfit also includes a feline-shaped helmet and a pair of flexible gloves.
    • Rarity: Epic
    • Set: Feline
    • Gender: Female
    • Release Date: December 6, 2018
    • Back Bling: Cuff Case
  8. 8
    Bison are popular animals in Alberta, known for their historical significance and the fact that they are an important part of the province's culture.
    Bison is a flavorful and lean meat that comes from the North American bison (Bison bison), also known as the American buffalo. It is often considered one of the most delicious meats on Earth due to its rich taste and tender texture.
    • Flavor: Bison meat offers a robust and slightly sweet flavor.
    • Lean and Healthier: Bison is leaner than beef, with less fat and calories, making it a healthier choice for meat lovers.
    • High Protein Content: Bison is a great source of lean protein, essential for building and repairing tissues.
    • Rich in Iron: Bison meat is a good source of iron, an essential mineral for maintaining healthy blood and energy levels.
    • Lower in Cholesterol: Compared to beef, bison meat has lower cholesterol levels, making it suitable for those on a heart-healthy diet.
  9. 9
    Coyotes are popular animals in Alberta, known for their adaptability and the fact that they are a common sight in the wilderness.
    The coyote is a canid species found primarily in North and Central America. It is a medium-sized animal with a slender, dog-like appearance. Coyotes typically have a gray or brown fur coat, with a bushy tail and pointed ears. They are known for their adaptability and can be found in various habitats, including forests, deserts, and urban areas. Coyotes are highly intelligent and have a diverse diet, feeding on small mammals, birds, insects, and even plants. They are known for their distinctive howling vocalizations, which serve various purposes in communication and territorial defense. Coyotes play an important role in ecosystems as predators, helping to control populations of rodents and other small mammals.
    • Scientific Name: Canis latrans
    • Average Size: 75 - 100 cm in length, 45 - 53 cm in height
    • Weight: 7 - 21 kg
    • Fur Color: Gray, brown, or reddish
    • Lifespan: Average 6 - 8 years in the wild
  10. 10
    Bald eagles are popular animals in Alberta, known for their impressive wingspan and the fact that they are an important symbol of freedom and national pride.
    The bald eagle is a majestic bird of prey that is native to North America. It is known for its striking appearance and dramatic behavior, making it one of the most iconic and dramatic animals in nature.
    • Scientific Name: Haliaeetus leucocephalus
    • Size: Height: 70-102 cm, Wingspan: 1.8-2.3 m
    • Weight: 3-6.3 kg
    • Plumage: Adults: Dark brown body, white head and tail; Juveniles: Mottled brown and white
    • Beak: Large, hooked beak for tearing apart prey
    Bald eagle in other rankings

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Ranking factors for popular animal

  1. Population size
    The number of individuals of a particular species present in Alberta can be a key factor in determining popularity, as a larger population makes the animal more visible and potentially more familiar to people.
  2. Cultural significance
    Animals that have a strong cultural or historical connection with Alberta, such as being a symbol for the province or being featured in local stories and legends, can contribute to their popularity.
  3. Unique attributes
    Animals with unique or interesting physical attributes or behaviors might become more popular due to their distinctiveness, such as the wild horses or the bighorn sheep.
  4. Role in the ecosystem
    Some animals play a significant role in Alberta's ecosystems, like keystone species or top predators, garnering interest and admiration from the public.
  5. Recreational opportunities
    Animals that are popular for hunting, fishing, or wildlife watching can be considered popular. For instance, the moose is a popular game animal while the mountain bluebird is a popular bird for birdwatchers.
  6. Endangered or threatened status
    The public may take a heightened interest in species that are at risk of extinction, making these animals more popular due to conservation efforts.
  7. Media representation
    Animals that are featured in popular media, such as documentaries, films, or TV series might gain more attention from the public.
  8. Educational programs and initiatives
    Animals that are frequently used in educational programs or conservation campaigns can become more popular as people learn about them and their importance to the ecosystem.
  9. Tourism and attractions
    Wildlife-based tourism, such as guided tours or sanctuaries, might increase an animal's visibility and popularity among tourists and locals.
  10. Aesthetic appeal
    Attractive or visually striking animals might draw more attention and become more popular among the public, particularly if they are easily spotted in the wild.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular animal in Alberta. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or animal is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 159 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each animal once every 24 hours. The rank of each animal is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular animal in alberta

Alberta is a province in western Canada that is known for its diverse wildlife and natural beauty. With vast forests, rugged mountains, and rolling prairies, it's no wonder that Alberta is home to a wealth of different animal species. From majestic elk to playful river otters, the province is home to a wide variety of creatures, each with their own unique characteristics and traits. So, what is the most popular animal in Alberta? That's a question that's open to debate, as different people have different opinions on what makes an animal popular. Some might argue that the grizzly bear, with its fearsome reputation and imposing size, is the most popular animal in the province. Others might say that the wild horse, which roams free in the rugged foothills, is the most beloved creature. Regardless of which animal you think is the most popular, there's no denying that Alberta is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. With countless opportunities for hiking, camping, and wildlife watching, the province is the perfect place to get up close and personal with some of Canada's most fascinating creatures. So why not take a trip to Alberta and see for yourself which animal is the most popular? You might just be surprised by what you find!

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