The Most Popular Rodent, Ranked

Choose the rodent you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:07
Understanding the preferences of a community can be both enlightening and essential, particularly when it involves something as surprisingly divisive as rodents. These creatures, often seen scurrying around in various environments, play significant roles in ecosystems around the world. Yet, public opinion about them varies widely, from admiration to aversion. By casting a vote for the most popular rodent, users contribute to a broader understanding of general preferences and perceptions. This dynamic list not only reflects current trends but also stimulates a broader dialogue about wildlife and conservation issues related to these often misunderstood animals. Your participation helps shape an authentic snapshot of collective opinion.

What Is the Most Popular Rodent?

  1. 1


    Small rodents belonging to the subfamily Cricetinae, which contains 19 species classified in seven genera.
    • Diet: Omnivores
    • Nocturnal: Yes
  2. 2


    Members of the family Sciuridae, a family that includes small or medium-size rodents.
    • Habitat: Forests, urban areas
    • Diet: Nuts, seeds
  3. 3


    Primarily nocturnal, large, semiaquatic rodents known for building dams, canals, and lodges.
    • Scientific Name: Castor
    • Lifespan: 10-15 years
  4. 4


    A crepuscular rodent, slightly larger and more robust than ground squirrels. Known for their luxurious fur.
    • Scientific Name: Chinchilla
    • Lifespan: 10-20 years
  5. 5


    The largest living rodent in the world, native to South America.
    • Scientific Name: Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris
    • Weight: 35-66 kg
  6. 6
    Black Rat

    Black Rat

    A common long-tailed rodent, known as the ship rat or roof rat.
    • Scientific Name: Rattus rattus
    • Lifespan: 12 months
  7. 7


    A small mammal of the subfamily Gerbillinae in the order Rodentia. Once known as desert rats.
    • Habitat: Deserts, arid environments
    • Diet: Omnivore
  8. 8
    Brown Rat

    Brown Rat

    Also known as the Norway rat, it is one of the best known and most common rats.
    • Scientific Name: Rattus norvegicus
    • Lifespan: 2 years
  9. 9
    House Mouse

    House Mouse

    A small mammal of the order Rodentia, commonly found in both wild and urban environments.
    • Scientific Name: Mus musculus
    • Lifespan: 1-3 years
  10. 10
    Guinea Pig

    Guinea Pig

    A popular pet and domesticated species of rodent, known for its friendly nature.
    • Scientific Name: Cavia porcellus
    • Lifespan: 4-8 years

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular rodent. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Rat is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 47 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Rat once every 24 hours. The rank of each Rat is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Rodent

Rank #1 for the most popular rodent: Hamster (Source)
Rodents are small mammals known for their sharp incisors. They use these teeth to gnaw on various materials. These creatures adapt well to different environments. They live in forests, grasslands, and even urban areas. Their ability to thrive in diverse habitats makes them a common sight worldwide.

Rodents have a high reproductive rate. They breed quickly and often. This helps them maintain their population despite predators. Their young grow fast and become independent within weeks. This rapid growth cycle ensures their survival.

These animals are omnivores. They eat both plants and animals. Their diet includes seeds, fruits, insects, and small animals. This varied diet allows them to find food in many places. They also store food for future use. This habit helps them survive in harsh conditions.

Rodents play a crucial role in ecosystems. They help in seed dispersal. By carrying seeds to different locations, they aid plant growth. They also serve as prey for many predators. This makes them an essential part of the food chain.

These creatures have keen senses. They rely on their sense of smell, hearing, and touch to navigate and find food. Their whiskers help them detect changes in their surroundings. This sensitivity helps them avoid danger.

Rodents are social animals. They live in groups and communicate through sounds and scents. These social structures help them protect each other from threats. They build complex burrows to live in. These burrows provide shelter and a place to raise their young.

In urban areas, rodents often come into conflict with humans. They invade homes in search of food and shelter. This can lead to property damage and health risks. They can carry diseases and contaminate food supplies. Effective pest control measures are essential to manage their populations in cities.

Despite these challenges, rodents have also benefited humans. They are used in scientific research. Their biological similarities to humans make them valuable for medical studies. Researchers use them to test new treatments and understand diseases. This has led to many medical advancements.

Rodents have a long history with humans. They appear in folklore and literature. They are symbols of resourcefulness and adaptability. These traits have earned them a place in various cultures.

In conclusion, rodents are fascinating creatures. Their adaptability, social behavior, and role in ecosystems make them unique. While they can pose challenges in urban settings, they also contribute to scientific progress. Understanding these animals helps us appreciate their place in the natural world.

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