The Most Popular Exotic Pet, Ranked

Choose the exotic pet you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 06:50
Having an exotic pet can be a fascinating and unique experience, yet deciding on the perfect one can be a daunting task due to the variety of unique species available. Each type of exotic pet comes with its own set of care requirements, behaviors, and interaction levels, making the choice highly subjective and depending on individual preferences and lifestyles. To assist prospective pet owners in making informed decisions, this site provides a dynamic ranking of popular exotic pets, as voted by users. By participating in the voting process, you contribute to a collective knowledge pool, helping others gauge which pets are currently favored and why. This interactive approach not only informs but also connects a community of like-minded enthusiasts.

What Is the Most Popular Exotic Pet?

  1. 1


    Small, spiny mammals that are popular for their cute appearance.
    • Diet: Insectivores
    • Self-anointing: When exposed to strong smells or tastes, they cover themselves in froth.
  2. 2


    Small rodents known for their soft, dense fur.
    • Diet: Herbivorous, mainly grasses and seeds
    • Fur density: Up to 60 hairs from a single follicle
  3. 3


    A type of salamander known for its regenerative abilities.
    • Regeneration: Can regenerate limbs, spinal cord, heart, and other organs
    • Origin: Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco in Mexico City
  4. 4


    Large, hairy spiders that are often kept as pets.
    • Diet: Carnivorous, primarily insects
    • Molting: Sheds its exoskeleton to grow
  5. 5
    Sugar Glider

    Sugar Glider

    Small, nocturnal marsupials known for their gliding capabilities.
    • Diet: Omnivorous, including sap and insects
    • Origin: Australia, Indonesia, and New Guinea
  6. 6
    Fennec Fox

    Fennec Fox

    The smallest species of fox, known for its large ears.
    • Diet: Omnivorous, mainly insects, small mammals, and plants
    • Adaptation: Ears dissipate heat and enhance hearing.
  7. 7
    Ball Python

    Ball Python

    A python species known for its docile temperament.
    • Lifespan: Can live up to 30 years in captivity
    • Size: Typically 4-5 feet in length
  8. 8
    Pygmy Goat

    Pygmy Goat

    A small breed of domestic goat.
    • Diet: Herbivorous, browsing on shrubs and weeds
    • Size: Under 58 cm in height at the withers
  9. 9
    Bearded Dragon

    Bearded Dragon

    A species of lizard native to Australia, known for its beard-like gular pouch.
    • Diet: Omnivorous, eating both insects and plants
    • Behavior: Known for arm-waving and head-bobbing displays
  10. 10


    A medium-sized African wild cat known for its effectiveness in hunting.
    • Diet: Carnivorous, primarily rodents
    • Jumping ability: Can leap vertically over 2 meters

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular exotic pet. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or exotic pet is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 72 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each exotic pet once every 24 hours. The rank of each exotic pet is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Exotic Pet

Rank #1 for the most popular exotic pet: Hedgehog (Source)
People have always loved animals. Some prefer pets that are a bit different. These pets are not the usual cats or dogs. They come from faraway places. They have unique needs and behaviors. They attract those who want something special.

These pets need special care. They often have specific diets. Some need live food. Others need fresh fruits or vegetables. Their habitats must mimic their natural environments. This might mean creating a warm, humid space or a dry, cool one. Owners must research and prepare for these needs.

Health care is also different for these pets. Not all vets know how to treat them. Owners must find specialists. Regular check-ups are important. These pets can hide signs of illness. By the time they show symptoms, it might be too late. Preventive care is key.

Behavior is another factor. These pets can be unpredictable. They might need more time to adjust to humans. Some are more active at night. This can be a surprise for new owners. Understanding their natural behavior helps. It can prevent stress for both the pet and the owner.

Legal issues can arise. Some places have strict laws about owning these pets. It is important to check local regulations. Some species are protected by law. Owning them might be illegal. Fines and penalties can be severe. Responsible ownership means knowing and following the rules.

These pets can live long lives. Some might outlive their owners. This is a big commitment. Potential owners must think long-term. They need to plan for the future. Who will care for the pet if something happens? This is a serious consideration.

Socialization is another challenge. These pets might not interact well with other animals. They might see other pets as threats. Introducing them to a household with other animals needs care. It can take time and patience.

Costs can add up. Special diets, habitats, and vet care are not cheap. Owners must budget for these expenses. Skimping on care can lead to problems. It is better to be prepared.

Education is crucial. Owners must learn as much as they can. Books, online resources, and experts can help. Joining groups of other owners can provide support. Sharing experiences can be valuable.

These pets can be rewarding. They offer a unique bond. Watching them thrive can be fulfilling. They can teach patience and responsibility. They remind us of the wonders of nature.

Choosing one of these pets is not a decision to take lightly. It requires thought and preparation. But for those who are ready, it can be a wonderful experience. They bring a bit of the wild into our homes. They remind us of the diversity of life. They challenge us to be better caretakers. In return, they offer a connection to the natural world that is truly special.

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