The Most Popular Exercise in India, Ranked

Choose the exercise you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:50
Staying fit and healthy is a common goal shared by many, and in a nation as culturally and geographically diverse as India, the range of exercises practiced widely varies. Understanding which types of exercise are most popular can not only reflect cultural preferences but also guide newcomers looking for the best fit for their fitness regime. By ranking these exercises, individuals can gain insight into trending fitness activities and make informed choices for their personal health journeys. This site allows everyone to participate by voting for their preferred exercises, contributing to a dynamic, community-driven ranking. As each vote is cast, the rankings update in real time, providing a clear picture of what workouts are currently favored across the country. By engaging with this list, voters not only learn about the diverse exercise options but also help shape the fitness landscape, making it a useful resource for both seasoned fitness enthusiasts and beginners.

What Is the Most Popular Exercise in India?

  1. 1


    An ancient practice that involves physical poses, concentration, and deep breathing.
    • Origin: India
    • Popularity: Widely practiced across all age groups
  2. 2


    A bat-and-ball game that is especially popular in India as a recreational activity.
    • Popularity: Played by millions across the country
    • Type: Team sport
  3. 3


    A sport and recreational activity that involves moving through water using one's body.
    • Benefit: Excellent for overall body fitness
    • Popularity: Popular as a summer activity
  4. 4


    A contact team sport that is very popular in India, originating from the Indian subcontinent.
    • Origin: Indian subcontinent
    • Popularity: Highly popular in rural and urban areas
  5. 5


    Riding bicycles for fitness, recreation, or transportation is gaining popularity in India.
    • Benefit: Eco-friendly mode of transport
    • Popularity: Increasing among urban populations
  6. 6


    A fundamental form of aerobic exercise that is widely practiced for fitness and health.
    • Benefit: Improves cardiovascular health
    • Accessibility: Can be done anywhere
  7. 7


    Although not as popular as cricket, football has a significant following in India.
    • Popularity: Growing among the youth
    • Type: Team sport
  8. 8


    A racket sport that is highly popular in India, played both competitively and recreationally.
    • Popularity: One of the top sports in India
    • Type: Racket sport
  9. 9

    Gym Workouts

    Includes a variety of exercises done at a gym to improve strength, fitness, and health.
    • Variety: Includes weightlifting, cardio, and more
    • Popularity: Growing among the young population
  10. 10


    Exploring nature through walking and hiking, popular in the various mountainous regions of India.
    • Popularity: Popular in regions like the Himalayas
    • Benefit: Connects with nature

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular exercise in India. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or exercise is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 158 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each exercise once every 24 hours. The rank of each exercise is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Exercise in India

Rank #1 for the most popular exercise in India: Yoga (Source)
Exercise holds a significant place in the daily lives of many in India. The country's rich history and diverse culture shape its approach to physical fitness. People of all ages engage in various forms of exercise to stay fit and healthy.

Traditionally, exercise in India has deep roots in ancient practices. These practices focus on harmonizing the body, mind, and spirit. They emphasize balance, flexibility, and strength. Over centuries, these methods have evolved, yet they still retain their core principles.

In urban areas, modern lifestyles influence how people exercise. Busy schedules and limited space lead many to seek convenient options. Gyms and fitness centers have become popular spots. These places offer structured routines and professional guidance. They cater to different fitness levels and goals, making them accessible to a broad audience.

In rural areas, the approach to fitness can differ. Here, daily activities often serve as a form of exercise. Farming, walking long distances, and manual labor keep people active. These tasks build strength and endurance naturally. Though less formal, this way of staying fit is deeply ingrained in the rural lifestyle.

Group activities also play a key role in India's exercise culture. People often come together to work out. This fosters a sense of community and motivation. Parks and open spaces in cities host such gatherings. These sessions are usually free and open to all, promoting inclusivity.

Technology has also made its mark on how people exercise. Online platforms and apps provide easy access to fitness routines. These tools offer flexibility, allowing users to exercise at their own pace and convenience. They also provide a wide range of options, from beginner to advanced levels.

Despite the variety of methods, the goal remains the same: to improve health and well-being. Regular exercise helps manage weight, reduce stress, and boost mental health. It also lowers the risk of chronic diseases. Awareness of these benefits is growing, encouraging more people to adopt active lifestyles.

Schools and workplaces are also recognizing the importance of exercise. Many institutions now include fitness programs in their schedules. This helps instill healthy habits from a young age and promotes a balanced work-life routine.

The government and various organizations support these efforts. They run campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of physical activity. They also provide facilities and resources to make exercise accessible to all.

Cultural festivals and events often feature physical activities. These occasions celebrate fitness and bring communities together. They highlight the joy and benefits of staying active.

In summary, exercise in India is a blend of traditional and modern practices. It adapts to the needs and lifestyles of its diverse population. Whether through ancient methods, modern gyms, or daily activities, the focus is on maintaining health and harmony. As awareness continues to grow, more people are embracing the importance of staying active. This trend is likely to continue, contributing to a healthier, more vibrant society.

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