The Most Popular EVO, Ranked

Choose the EVO you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 10, 2024 06:50
Deciding on the most beloved EVO often boils down to personal preference, influenced by various factors ranging from performance to design aesthetics. Yet, by aggregating individual tastes and opinions, a clearer picture of broader preferences emerges. This process not only helps highlight the most cherished models but also assists new enthusiasts in making informed decisions. By participating in this ranking, users contribute to a dynamic tally of popularity that continuously adjusts to reflect the latest sentiment. Each vote is a valuable part of this interactive experience, offering a pulse on what is currently trending in the community. This collective effort ensures the list remains reflective and engaging for all users.

What Is the Most Popular EVO?

  1. 1
    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X

    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X

    The final model in the Lancer Evolution lineup, known for its advanced technology and performance.
    • Engine: 2.0L Turbocharged I4 MIVEC
    • Power: 291 hp
    • Year: 2007-2016
  2. 2
    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX

    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX

    The Evo IX is a favorite among enthusiasts for its balance of power and handling.
    • Engine: 2.0L Turbocharged I4 MIVEC
    • Power: 286 hp
    • Year: 2005-2007
  3. 3
    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI

    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI

    The Evo VI is renowned for its success in rally racing and its robustness.
    • Engine: 2.0L Turbocharged I4
    • Power: 276 hp
    • Year: 1999-2001
  4. 4
    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII

    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII

    The Evo VIII brought the Lancer Evolution to many markets worldwide, making it a global icon.
    • Engine: 2.0L Turbocharged I4
    • Power: 261-276 hp
    • Year: 2003-2005
  5. 5
    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution V

    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution V

    The Evo V was the first to feature the aggressive front bumper and wider track for improved performance.
    • Engine: 2.0L Turbocharged I4
    • Power: 276 hp
    • Year: 1998-1999
  6. 6
    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution I

    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution I

    The original Lancer Evolution where it all began, introduced to compete in the World Rally Championship.
    • Engine: 2.0L Turbocharged I4
    • Power: 244 hp
    • Year: 1992-1994
  7. 7
    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution III

    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution III

    The Evo III saw improvements in power and aerodynamics over its predecessor.
    • Engine: 2.0L Turbocharged I4
    • Power: 270 hp
    • Year: 1995-1996
  8. 8
    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII

    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII

    The Evo VII featured significant improvements in terms of aerodynamics and cooling.
    • Engine: 2.0L Turbocharged I4
    • Power: 276 hp
    • Year: 2001-2003
  9. 9
    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution II

    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution II

    The Evo II featured minor upgrades over the original, focusing on handling and power increases.
    • Engine: 2.0L Turbocharged I4
    • Power: 256 hp
    • Year: 1994-1995
  10. 10
    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV

    Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV

    The Evo IV was a turning point, introducing the Active Yaw Control system for better handling.
    • Engine: 2.0L Turbocharged I4
    • Power: 276 hp
    • Year: 1996-1998

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular EVO. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or EVO is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 190 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each EVO once every 24 hours. The rank of each EVO is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular EVO

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X
Rank #1 for the most popular EVO: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X (Source)
The Evolution Championship Series, known as EVO, stands as the pinnacle of fighting game tournaments. It began in 1996 as a small gathering of enthusiasts. Over time, it grew into the largest and most prestigious event in the fighting game community. Players from around the world come to compete and showcase their skills.

EVO features a wide range of fighting games. The selection changes over the years, reflecting the evolving tastes of the community. Some games have become staples, appearing year after year due to their popularity and competitive depth. Others rotate in and out, offering fresh challenges to participants.

The event takes place annually, usually in Las Vegas. Thousands of fans and competitors attend. The atmosphere is electric, filled with the sounds of intense battles and cheering crowds. The main stage hosts the finals, where the best players face off in front of a live audience. These matches are also streamed online, attracting millions of viewers worldwide.

EVO is more than just a tournament. It is a celebration of the fighting game genre. The event includes panels, exhibitions, and casual play areas. Attendees can meet their favorite players, learn from experts, and try out new games. The sense of community is strong, with people of all ages and backgrounds coming together to share their passion.

The competition at EVO is fierce. Players spend months, even years, practicing for their chance to shine. The tournament format is double elimination, meaning a player must lose twice to be out of the running. This structure ensures that only the best reach the final stages. Matches are often close, with comebacks and upsets adding to the excitement.

Winning at EVO is a significant achievement. It brings recognition, respect, and often sponsorship opportunities. Champions become legends in the community, their names remembered for years. The prize pools vary, but the prestige of winning EVO often outweighs the monetary rewards.

EVO also serves as a platform for game developers. They use the event to announce updates, new characters, and upcoming titles. These announcements generate buzz and keep the community engaged. The presence of developers and their involvement in the event highlight the close relationship between the creators and the players.

The impact of EVO extends beyond the tournament itself. It inspires new players to pick up fighting games and motivates existing players to improve. The strategies and techniques displayed at EVO influence the broader competitive scene. Tutorials, analysis, and discussions follow each event, contributing to the growth of knowledge within the community.

EVO's legacy is one of passion, competition, and community. It started small but grew into a global phenomenon. Each year, it brings together the best players and the most dedicated fans. It showcases the skill and dedication required to excel in fighting games. For many, attending or watching EVO is a highlight of the year, a chance to be part of something special.

In conclusion, EVO represents the heart of the fighting game community. It combines intense competition with a celebratory atmosphere. It honors the past, embraces the present, and looks forward to the future. Whether you are a player or a fan, EVO offers an experience like no other.

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