The Most Popular Hobby in Australia, Ranked

Choose the hobby you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 06:55
Many people in Australia engage in a variety of hobbies that shape their leisure time and cultural identity. Understanding which hobby tops the list is not just a matter of curiosity but can foster community connections and promote activities that bring joy and relaxation. This dynamic ranking invites individuals to actively participate by voting for their preferred hobbies. By casting your vote, you contribute to a clearer picture of what captivates the interest of Australians today, influencing future trends and potential market opportunities.

What Is the Most Popular Hobby in Australia?

  1. 1


    Gardening is a widely popular hobby among Australians, involving the cultivation of plants and maintenance of gardens.
    • Popularity: High among all age groups
    • Benefits: Improves mental health, physical health, and environmental sustainability
  2. 2


    Australia's extensive coastlines make surfing one of the most popular water sports in the country.
    • Popularity: Highly popular in coastal regions
    • Famous Locations: Gold Coast, Bells Beach, and Margaret River
  3. 3


    Fishing is a favorite pastime in Australia, with the country's vast coastlines and numerous inland waterways offering ample opportunities.
    • Popularity: Very popular among Australians of all ages
    • Variety: Saltwater and freshwater fishing
  4. 4


    Photography is a popular hobby in Australia, with diverse landscapes providing ample subjects for enthusiasts.
    • Popularity: Popular across various demographics
    • Subjects: Landscapes, wildlife, urban scenes
  5. 5


    Reading remains a popular pastime in Australia, with many libraries and bookshops supporting the habit.
    • Popularity: Widely popular across all demographics
    • Resources: Numerous libraries and bookshops
  6. 6


    Barbecuing is a social hobby in Australia, with many parks and homes equipped with public and private BBQ facilities.
    • Popularity: A staple in Australian culture
    • Social Aspect: Associated with social gatherings and celebrations
  7. 7


    Swimming is a popular activity in Australia, with its warm climate and numerous beaches and public pools.
    • Popularity: Extremely popular, especially in summer
    • Venues: Beaches, public pools, and swim clubs
  8. 8


    Exploring Australia's natural landscapes through bushwalking is a favorite activity among Australians.
    • Popularity: Popular across various age groups
    • Benefits: Connects with nature, physical exercise
  9. 9


    Cycling is both a form of transportation and a leisure activity in Australia, with many dedicated cycling paths and trails.
    • Popularity: Increasingly popular
    • Infrastructure: Well-developed cycling paths and trails
  10. 10
    Bird Watching

    Bird Watching

    Bird watching is a peaceful and educational hobby in Australia, home to a vast array of bird species.
    • Popularity: Growing interest among nature lovers
    • Diversity: Australia has a rich diversity of bird life

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular hobby in Australia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or hobby is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 83 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each hobby once every 24 hours. The rank of each hobby is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Hobby in Australia

Rank #1 for the most popular hobby in Australia: Gardening (Source)
Australia has a diverse and vibrant culture. People from different backgrounds live together in harmony. They enjoy many activities in their free time. One hobby stands out as the most popular. This hobby connects people of all ages and walks of life. It brings joy, relaxation, and a sense of community.

The history of this hobby in Australia dates back many years. It began as a simple pastime. Over time, it grew to become a national favorite. Australians embraced it with enthusiasm. Today, it is a part of their daily lives. It is common to see people engaging in this hobby everywhere. Parks, homes, and public spaces are often filled with enthusiasts.

This hobby requires minimal equipment. This makes it accessible to many people. It does not matter if you are young or old, rich or poor. Everyone can participate. This inclusivity is one reason for its popularity. It allows people to connect and share experiences. It creates bonds and friendships.

The benefits of this hobby are numerous. It helps people stay active and healthy. It also provides mental relaxation. Many find it a great way to relieve stress. It offers a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Engaging in this hobby can improve one’s mood and overall well-being.

Families often engage in this hobby together. It provides quality time and strengthens family bonds. Parents pass it down to their children. It becomes a tradition that spans generations. This shared activity fosters a sense of belonging and continuity.

Communities also benefit from this hobby. It brings people together in public spaces. Events and gatherings are common. These events create a sense of community spirit. They provide opportunities for social interaction. People meet, share, and enjoy each other’s company. This strengthens the fabric of society.

The hobby has also influenced Australian culture. It appears in literature, art, and media. It reflects the values and lifestyle of the people. It is a source of inspiration for many. Artists and writers often draw from it. It shapes the cultural landscape of the nation.

Schools and educational institutions recognize the value of this hobby. They encourage students to participate. It is a part of many school programs. It helps in the holistic development of children. They learn important life skills through it. It teaches teamwork, patience, and perseverance.

Businesses have also tapped into the popularity of this hobby. Many products and services cater to enthusiasts. This has created a thriving industry. It provides jobs and boosts the economy. The industry continues to grow, driven by demand and innovation.

In conclusion, this hobby holds a special place in the hearts of Australians. It is more than just a pastime. It is a way of life. It brings joy, health, and a sense of community. It bridges gaps and connects people. It is a testament to the vibrant and inclusive nature of Australian society. The love for this hobby will likely continue for generations to come.

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