The Most Popular Hobby in Kazakhstan, Ranked

Choose the hobby you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 16, 2024 06:56
Determining the most cherished hobby in Kazakhstan offers a unique insight into the cultural and recreational landscape of the country. By establishing a ranking of these hobbies, not only can we see which activities resonate most with the people, but we also gain an understanding of local trends and community interests. This serves practical purposes for both residents and visitors alike, aiding in choosing activities that align with the most common leisure pursuits. On this site, each person has the opportunity to cast their vote for the hobby they believe is the most engaging in Kazakhstan. Your participation helps to ensure the accuracy of our rankings and reflects the current preferences across diverse regions and demographics. By contributing to this live census, you play a part in painting a vivid picture of today’s recreational landscape and perhaps even find a new hobby to enjoy.

What Is the Most Popular Hobby in Kazakhstan?

  1. 1


    Fishing is a popular pastime in Kazakhstan, given its vast lakes and rivers, offering ample opportunities for freshwater fishing.
    • Popular Locations: Caspian Sea, Balkhash Lake, Ili River
  2. 2


    Hunting is a traditional hobby in Kazakhstan, with enthusiasts pursuing various game in its extensive wilderness areas.
    • Common Game: Deer, wild boar, and birds
  3. 3


    Chess is a highly respected and widely played game in Kazakhstan, with the country producing several internationally recognized players.
    • Notable Player: Dinara Saduakassova
  4. 4


    Skiing is a favored winter activity in Kazakhstan, with the country's mountainous terrain providing excellent conditions for both alpine and cross-country skiing.
    • Popular Resorts: Shymbulak, Akbulak
  5. 5


    With its diverse landscapes, including mountains and forests, hiking is a popular way for Kazakhs to explore their country's natural beauty.
    • Popular Destinations: Tian Shan Mountains, Altai Mountains
  6. 6


    Soccer is a widely played and followed sport in Kazakhstan, with both local leagues and international matches being popular.
    • National Team: Kazakhstan national football team
  7. 7


    Photography is a growing hobby in Kazakhstan, with enthusiasts capturing the country's vast landscapes, diverse wildlife, and cultural moments.
    • Popular Subjects: Nature, architecture, people
  8. 8
    Ice Hockey

    Ice Hockey

    Ice hockey is popular in Kazakhstan, especially in the colder months, with several local teams and leagues.
    • Notable Team: Barys Nur-Sultan
  9. 9

    Horse Riding

    Horse riding is deeply ingrained in Kazakh culture, with both traditional equestrian sports and casual riding being popular.
    • Traditional Sport: Kokpar
  10. 10


    Cycling has grown in popularity in Kazakhstan, with both urban and rural areas offering scenic routes for enthusiasts.
    • Notable Event: Tour of Almaty

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular hobby in Kazakhstan. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or hobby is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 71 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each hobby once every 24 hours. The rank of each hobby is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Hobby in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan, a vast country in Central Asia, boasts a rich tapestry of cultures and traditions. Among its people, a particular hobby stands out as the most popular. This hobby has deep roots in the nation's history and reflects its unique blend of influences. It brings together families and friends, fostering a sense of community and shared experience.

The origins of this hobby can be traced back centuries. It evolved from practices that were essential for survival and social cohesion. Over time, it transformed into a beloved pastime, enjoyed by people of all ages. Its enduring appeal lies in its ability to connect individuals with their heritage while providing a source of entertainment and relaxation.

In modern Kazakhstan, this hobby is more than just a way to pass the time. It is a means of preserving cultural identity and passing down traditions from one generation to the next. Many Kazakhs take pride in their proficiency and knowledge in this area, often learning the skills and techniques from their elders. This intergenerational transmission ensures that the hobby remains vibrant and relevant.

The hobby involves a combination of skill, patience, and creativity. It can be both solitary and social, offering opportunities for personal reflection as well as communal engagement. Participants often gather in groups, sharing tips, stories, and experiences. These gatherings strengthen bonds and create lasting memories.

In urban areas, the hobby has adapted to modern lifestyles. Workshops, clubs, and online communities have sprung up, providing platforms for enthusiasts to connect and share their passion. These spaces offer support, resources, and a sense of belonging. They also help to keep the hobby accessible and appealing to younger generations.

In rural regions, the hobby retains a more traditional flavor. Here, it is often practiced in its original form, with minimal influence from contemporary trends. This preservation of authenticity is highly valued, as it maintains a direct link to the past. Rural practitioners are often seen as custodians of the tradition, and their expertise is respected and sought after.

The materials and tools used in this hobby are diverse, reflecting the varied landscapes and resources of Kazakhstan. From the steppes to the mountains, each region contributes its own unique elements. This diversity adds richness and depth to the practice, allowing for endless variation and innovation.

Despite its widespread popularity, the hobby faces challenges. Modernization and globalization have introduced new forms of entertainment that compete for attention. Additionally, economic pressures can limit the time and resources people can devote to leisure activities. Nonetheless, the resilience and adaptability of this hobby ensure its continued relevance.

Efforts to promote and preserve the hobby are ongoing. Cultural organizations, educational institutions, and government bodies all play a role in supporting its practice. Initiatives such as festivals, exhibitions, and competitions help to raise awareness and celebrate the hobby's significance. These events draw participants and spectators alike, showcasing the skill and dedication of those involved.

In conclusion, the most popular hobby in Kazakhstan is a cherished tradition that embodies the nation's cultural heritage. It brings people together, bridging the past and present. Its enduring appeal lies in its ability to adapt and thrive in changing times, ensuring that it remains a vibrant part of Kazakh life for generations to come.

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