The Most Popular Leisure Activity in France, Ranked

Choose the leisure activity you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 21, 2024 06:59
Many people seek to maximize enjoyment during their leisure time. In France, a broad range of activities beckons locals and tourists alike, each offering its unique charm and entertainment. Therefore, understanding which activities are favored by the majority can enhance one's own leisure experience, helping to choose an activity that has been broadly validated by public opinion. This interactive voting site allows individuals to actively participate by casting their votes for the leisure activities they love most. As votes accumulate, a dynamic ranking emerges. This not only informs newcomers about where to find satisfaction but also gives enthusiasts a voice in shaping current trends. Your participation is invited to help refine this ongoing assessment of popular leisure pursuits.

What Is the Most Popular Leisure Activity in France?

  1. 1


    Participating in and watching sports, especially football, cycling, and rugby, are common leisure activities.
    • Popular Sports: Football, Cycling, Rugby
  2. 2


    Reading remains a cherished pastime in France, with literature and comics being particularly popular.
    • Popular Genres: Literature, Comics
  3. 3


    Shopping, whether for fashion, food, or antiques, is a popular leisure activity, particularly in cities like Paris.
    • Popular Cities for Shopping: Paris, Lyon, Marseille
  4. 5

    Watching Television

    Watching television is a popular leisure activity in France, with many dedicating several hours a day to it.
    • Average Daily Viewing Time: 3.5 hours
  5. 6


    Going to the movies is a favored activity, with France having a rich history in film.
    • Historical Significance: Birthplace of cinema
  6. 7
    Hiking and Walking

    Hiking and Walking

    With diverse landscapes, hiking and walking are popular, especially in regions like the Alps and Pyrenees.
    • Popular Regions: Alps, Pyrenees
  7. 8
    Dining Out

    Dining Out

    Eating out is a beloved activity in France, known worldwide for its cuisine and dining culture.
    • Known For: Cuisine and dining culture
  8. 9
    Social Networking

    Social Networking

    Social networking sites are increasingly popular in France, especially among younger demographics.
    • Popular Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat
  9. 10

    Video Games

    Playing video games is increasingly popular among all age groups, with France having a vibrant gaming community.
    • Community Aspect: Vibrant gaming community

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular leisure activity in France. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or activity is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 42 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each activity once every 24 hours. The rank of each activity is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Leisure Activity in France

Rank #1 for the most popular leisure activity in France: Sports (Source)
France has a rich cultural history. People in France enjoy many activities in their free time. These pastimes often reflect the country's love for art, food, and social interaction. Leisure activities in France can be both relaxing and engaging. They often bring people together, fostering a sense of community.

One popular way to spend free time in France involves being outdoors. The French countryside, with its rolling hills and scenic views, offers a perfect backdrop. Many people take advantage of this natural beauty. They enjoy the fresh air and the chance to relax away from the hustle of city life. This outdoor activity is not just about physical exercise; it is also a way to connect with nature and unwind.

Another common pastime in France centers around food. The French take their cuisine seriously. Meals are not just about eating; they are a social event. People gather to share good food, talk, and enjoy each other's company. This activity often involves multiple courses and can last for hours. It is a time to slow down and savor both the food and the moment.

Art and culture also play a big role in French leisure activities. Many people spend their free time exploring museums, galleries, and historical sites. France has a rich artistic heritage, and its cities are filled with cultural treasures. This pastime allows people to appreciate the country's history and artistic achievements. It is both an educational and enjoyable way to spend time.

Socializing is another key aspect of leisure in France. People often meet friends or family to spend time together. This can happen in various settings, from quiet cafes to bustling markets. The French value these social connections and make time for them in their busy lives. This activity helps to strengthen relationships and build a sense of community.

In addition to these activities, many people in France enjoy various forms of entertainment. This can include attending live performances, watching films, or listening to music. France has a vibrant entertainment scene, with many options to choose from. This allows people to relax and enjoy themselves in different ways.

Overall, leisure activities in France are diverse and reflect the country's rich culture. They often involve social interaction, a love for the arts, and an appreciation for good food and nature. These pastimes help people to relax, connect with others, and enjoy life.

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