The Most Popular Letter, Ranked

Choose the letter you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 06:59
Determining which letter stands out among the alphabet can be quite informative, reflecting cultural preferences and the frequency of usage in communication. By ranking letters based on popularity, we gain insights into linguistic patterns and societal trends. Such data can be useful for educators, linguists, and anyone curious about language dynamics. This site allows you to contribute to the ongoing tally of preferences. Each vote helps to paint a clearer picture of how certain letters are perceived across different communities. Your participation not only informs current standings but also influences future analyses and discussions around the significance of our alphabetic characters.

What Is the Most Popular Letter?

  1. 1


    R is widely used in many languages, with a significant presence in English.
    • Frequency in English: 6.0%
  2. 2


    I is a commonly used vowel in many languages and ranks high in usage in English.
    • Frequency in English: 7.0%
  3. 3


    T is the second most common letter in English and has a high frequency in other languages as well.
    • Frequency in English: 9.1%
  4. 4


    O ranks high among the most used letters, being a key vowel in numerous languages.
    • Frequency in English: 7.5%
  5. 5


    S is a frequently used consonant in English and many other languages.
    • Frequency in English: 6.3%
  6. 6


    N is one of the most common consonants in the English language and many others.
    • Frequency in English: 6.7%
  7. 7


    H is a common letter in English, known for its use in articles and pronouns.
    • Frequency in English: 6.1%
  8. 8


    A is the most common vowel after E and is frequently used in many languages around the world.
    • Frequency in English: 8.2%
  9. 9


    D is a common consonant in English and ranks as one of the most used letters.
    • Frequency in English: 4.3%
  10. 10


    E is the most commonly used letter in many languages, including English, French, and German.
    • Frequency in English: 12.7%

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular letter. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or letter is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 7 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each letter once every 24 hours. The rank of each letter is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Letter

Rank #1 for the most popular letter: R (Source)
The most popular letter in the English language appears often in texts. It plays a crucial role in forming words. Writers and speakers rely on it heavily. This letter is a vowel, which means it helps in creating the sounds of many words. It connects consonants and makes speech smooth.

In the alphabet, this letter holds a prominent position. It is one of the first letters children learn. Its frequent use makes it easy to recognize. Many common words contain this letter. It appears in basic verbs, nouns, and adjectives. Without it, communication would be difficult.

The history of this letter dates back to ancient times. It evolved from early alphabets. Ancient scripts show its early forms. Over time, it became more defined. Its shape changed, but its importance remained. Many languages use a similar letter. This shows its universal value.

In literature, this letter is indispensable. Authors use it in every genre. Poetry, prose, and drama all depend on it. It helps create rhythm and flow. Famous works feature it prominently. Without this letter, many classic texts would lose their essence.

In modern communication, this letter is still vital. It appears in emails, texts, and social media posts. People use it in everyday conversation. It is part of our daily lives. Its simplicity makes it easy to type and write. This is why it is so common.

In word games, this letter is a favorite. Players seek it out for its versatility. It helps form many words. Its presence can change the outcome of a game. Scrabble and crossword puzzles often feature it. Its high frequency makes it a valuable asset.

This letter also appears in names. Many people have it in their first or last names. It adds a melodic quality to names. This makes them pleasant to pronounce. It is also common in place names. Cities and countries often include it.

In science, this letter is significant. It appears in terms and formulas. Scientists use it to denote variables and constants. Its presence in scientific language is crucial. It helps convey complex ideas simply. This makes it a key part of scientific communication.

In technology, this letter is everywhere. It appears in programming languages. Coders use it to write instructions. It helps create software and applications. Its role in tech is undeniable. Without it, many programs would not function.

In education, this letter is a building block. Teachers use it to teach reading and writing. Students learn to recognize and use it early. It is part of the foundation of literacy. Its importance in education cannot be overstated.

In summary, the most popular letter is essential in many areas. It connects words and ideas. Its frequent use shows its value. From ancient scripts to modern tech, it remains crucial. This letter is a cornerstone of communication. Its presence enriches our language and lives.

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